When are final elections results is going to be announced

Well? How long can you count those votes?

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Yeah what the fuck is taking so long?

and why just Michigan?

>first election babbies

I don't know. They're probably hoping to suddenly discover 200,000 extra votes that mysteriously turn up in support of hillary. Rather than just call the states.

Americans aren't very good at counting.

Michigan and NH fell with 0.5% of the vote so it triggers a recount iirc

also New Hampshire

it's because the vote tallies are so close that the provisional votes and the votes by mail, many of which haven't been counted yet, could still swing these states.

They don't want to finish counting the votes in the last states because then Trump will win the popular vote too.

So they're going to bitch and moan about it for as long as they can postpone the finalization. Its the whole reason they lost, normal people can see that their motto is now "the end justifies the means," and decided fuck you guys its time for the republicans to get a chance. Hopefully they'll clean up their act and clean house and get some sliver of respect back so I don't have to support the KKK again.

Also, the only reason Trump won is because people lied to the pollsters because of this. They knew if they told them the truth, they would have the correct number for the amounts of votes they needed to forge to win.

Trumps preemptive warning about rigged counties made them wary, and polls made them confident, so they didn't actually do much rigging and lost.

I never thought of it that way, it makes sense though

Jesus Christ that map is glorious. Fucking landslide. Will look even better with red Mich and NH.

Now I have an explanation for my Normie friends who wondered how she still managed to lose a rigged election

Common Core

Are you sure? Over 99% are in and Trump is behind by 600,000. And look at the counties unaccounted for. Every blue one in WA, including heavily populated King County, and one of 2 blue ones in Utah, SLC county which is their highest populated one.
How could he win the vote? here is a map theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2016/nov/08/us-election-2016-results-live-clinton-trump?view=map&type=presidential

It is kind of sad, but it should set things back to the way it should be. Conservatives who aren't batshit insane should control the government, and liberals who aren't batshit insane should control the media and call out the government when they do something wrong so the people can put the government in check.

I can't wait for the explosion of actual art this renaissance may produce, as people begin to leave their safe spaces and identity groups.

Michigan is officially red. Crimea river, CTR...

Might as well let a coin toss decide who gets them. What does it even fucking matter at this point?

Source: archive.is/xsTo5

Your right, I hadn't looked at it recently. Last I looked they were staying 200k away from each other for a large number of updates. But this says 2 things to me:

A. Only democratic counties in the country are still counting votes at this point.
B. They are somehow days after the election counting "new votes."

So I guess I was wrong about him winning the popular vote(though we'll never know if he did or not). They aren't just whining to try and get their way or at least have their idea mainstream. They're stalling so they can forge as many votes as possible to give their argument more credence.

I see nothing wrong with this. With this process of making at least one number end with a zero I can solve most equations life throws at me without paper in mere seconds. In fact I didn't even know they taught this, I've always just done that in my head automatically.

That's kinda how I do it. Wasn't taught it, just always done it cause it's easier and faster.
They way they're doing it there is dumb though.

The problem is, everyone does it different. that's why you teach basic math, and then help individual students learn how their brain works best and let them develop those rules internally.

For me it'd be:
26 +17

But that's only how MY Math works, trying to force that on another person, let alone a whole generation is going to lower their potential, and make it so they always get the same results, and make the same mistakes. That none of them can fix because they've all been taught to think the same way.

holy shit just shut the fuck up already trump won and nothing else is gonna happen after that.

Definitely agree, it is foolish to try and teach something so unorthodox as if it were a commonplace method. But yeah, that's how I do things.

26 + 17

6 + 7 = 13
13 + 20 + 10 = 43

Aren't there are more efficient ways to do this?
26 + 17
6 + 7 = 10+3 = 13
20 + 10 = 30
13 + 30 = 43

There are, the problem is it has built in "filler" on purpose. They've lost so much ability to follow through, that they've forgotten the basic reason they started it in the first place.

When it first came around, it was in order to help certain students do better in math, but now they've added it to math, and make dumb example problems to "help teach the material," which completely undermines the original intent. And are now testing to see how well they can do on common core, and not how much their actual math prowess is increasing.

If you understand how the decimal system works then ad+carry is the superior method to any power

This shit is plain retarded

This this and this!

26+7 = 33
33+10 =43

Thats weird to see written out, thats how i'll do addition when i don't have a piece of paper.


Waaay better than (((Common Core)))


What? Why not:
>20 + 10 = 30
>6 + 7 = 13
>30+13 = 43

What the fuck is this shit?

Anyone know how the military voted?

Most likely Trump. I mean come on.

They're stalling on the final tally. If Trump takes the popular vote, a good chunk of the protests will evaporate. That's bad for them, seeing as whipping up a civil war is their last shot to keep him out

i dunno, he probably won't get the popular vote but it'd be nice if he did for symbolic reasons

some people say the military vote could swing it to trump tho.

this is for retards or what ?
26 + 17 =
20 +10 + 6 +7 =
30 + 13 =

why the fuck do you need to go and look for a fucking 4 somewhere ?

That's literally how everyone thinks, but you don't have to fucking overcomplicate it. Young kids do not understand. That's something I developed over time.

You made a mistake.

30 + 13 =
30 + 10 + 3 =
40 + 3 = 43

3/5 for your answer.

What the fuck, why do you need to split 26 onto 20 and 6?

26+10+7, is that too fucking hard?

She's a loser baby.

I would literally go full autism rage in the school if they forced me to do that shit. I have higher IQ than >99% of people, can't imagine how painful it would be. Actually I already did some shit when I was a kid because I got frustrated by too easy math.

It was literally like what's 1+3 when I already knew multiplications before school age.

As long as they can announce: Hillary is still leading in the popular vote. So maybe forever.

It's like they are trying to manually increase their IQ

Think they voted for the bitch that would send them to fight Russia?

So why don't we kill her ;)

I just want the numbers. Wanna know if that could swing the popular vote in Trumps favor again.

>It's like they are trying to manually increase their IQ
Couldn't have said it better myself.

why not just 10+10+6+10+7? Why do you need to make 10 when there is no need for it?

Yeah, sorry. I don't know if those results are out yet or where I would find them. I'm not sure if "military vote" is actually collected. The data for it, I mean.

>I'm not sure if "military vote" is actually collected. The data for it, I mean.
I would think votes from abroad arent counted yet, I'm not sure though.
We just have to be patient.

Chiraq and the Barrios of LA are the twin Towers of Mordor

Men of the West have saved us

R a r e?

Voters from Mexico have been counted this time

Supreme Court in 2020 will require US Citizen verification to eliminate 12 million illegal voters

Common core makes my head hurt.
I swear you have to have an iq down in the double digits for it to work.
I can't lower my thought process enough for it to make any sense.

72% of Marines voted for Trump
64% of the Army voted for Trump
62% of the Navy voted for Trump

Not necessarily, the military has a greater proportion of minorities than the general population. Though then again, they all have jobs, and probably aren't exactly as feminist as university/college students for their age group.

meh i just add the tens then the singles after
20+10 = 30

fastest way to do it in my head

That's exactly the problem. They're teaching "head math" to be done on paper. And they're doing it at an age which can't understand the abstract process. So instead of rote memorizing a simple formula and repeating it until they're able to comprehend the abstract, they're rote memorizing multiple abstract processes.


gotta catchem all!

All the states in the US had a shitty education systems called "No Child Left Behind" that lowered the national standards and was widely agreed to be a failure. Obama then offered that states could drop No Child Left Behind if they accepted the new system they were developing.

Every state jumped at the chance to drop No Child Left Behind and a couple years later had that fucking turd you see there dropped on their lap and are forced to use it because of their previous agreement.

It's pure dogshit that they made up, they didn't analyze why Finland and Japan have great education systems, they just had some sociologist cunt who had sucked enough dicks in the Democratic Party make a system and threw money at it. Thankfully Trump vowed to abolish Common Core and let states educate students as they please.

Common Core is a communist agenda...

>rainbow flag

fuck you're a faggot by default

This is so retarded

Just add the tens 2+ 1 = 3
then add the ones and carry over the 10s of that number to the tens 6 + 7 = 13
26+17 = 43

You never have to add and two numbers over 10

On npr they said Arizona's votes won't be done till Wednesday or Thursday. The machines can only count a certain number of votes a day

why aren't I allowed to just do it in my head? If you honestly have to do some convoluted bullshit to know that answer, you're retarded.