Trump's Fearmongering

I'm just so sick of it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Those posts

That's just bait and trolls though.

I'm not,its fucking hilarious


Americans are fucking TERRIFIED of anything out of the ordinary government structure and they see powerful men and dictators even worse than how Romans saw kings.

My dudes, this is what it looks like when there is a cultural reformation. There is resistance from the cancerous parts of culture that is then squashed by the newly dominant force. Trump just needs to continue to be himself and keep eliciting reactions so the country can finally awaken from its PC slumber.

My Gay friend attempted suicide when I told him that Trump was going to put all gay married couples into concentration camps. He is spreading so much hate.

>Implying any of the screencaps posted in this thread are real, and not made by trolls



my eight year old compiled this after lecturing me on the nature of free will and how the Election of Donald Trump is eerily similar to the rise of Adolf Hitler


>I'm going to terrorize a child with a statement that is nowhere close to reality, then blame it on Trump

I'd rather they ramp it up even more to be honest. The more people see how utterly insane these people are, the sooner people will take them seriously.

>not a gif or webm

I didn't believe in my heart that so many inbred retarded tiny dick white racist homophobes existed. Now, people like me will be beaten to death in the street by right wing death squads. I don't even fucking know what to tell my wife's 3 year old son. Literally shaking right now. Thanks Drumpftards

I hope he decides to roll out the RWDS so I'll have a reason to go to america

it's team Soros with this shit, typical Democratic rhetoric

remember the Democrats were the party of the KKK and lynchings

getting pretty sick of you guys shilling this crap here,

anonymous needs to dox these fucks, take down their internet service

if they don't stop burn down their buildings

time for a Boston tea fire


It's a fun game. You should try it.

lolling hard

I told my grandma I'd kick her in the fucking throat if Trump won, and he fucking did and I caved that bitch's esophagus in.
How the fuck can Trump keep getting away with these acts of violence?

my eight year old warned me that globalization is the only possible outcome and our futile attempts at nationalism will be crushed by the shadow government

This totally happened

In the wake of Trump's win, most the anti-white hatred has been real and most of the monstrous behaviour of Trump supporters, fabricated.

And had Clinton won, it would have been the same.

my trans dimensional gay mexican husbands muslim son broke down and suicide bombed himself when I told him he would be ground down into paste to provide mortar for the wall across the mexican border and forced to pay for it out of his own allowance.

I've had it up to here with memes

anonymous is working with them now, the group that claimed the last big mirai attack was threatening trump supporters on election night

bottom right is believable, my friend in primary school started doing that after 9/11.

It's like the left thinks we're the all moonman in the flesh.

Don't let us become the monsters that they say we are.

These have to be trolls.

I'm getting really fucking fed up with how SJWs act. I'm one of the few people who agrees with them on a lot of stuff but because I'm white & blonde they keep saying my opinion means nothing. Oh, sorry I can't change my fucking skin color you idiot. They don't realize how detrimental this is to their cause. I would consider myself an ally to pos, women and the disabled but they are making it very FUCKING DIFFICULT. Yesterday I said "If you say fuck white people don't expect them to listen to your struggles after that" and then got death threats all day. And now all this obviously fake bullshit. It's getting old. I actually had my life threatened multiple times yesterday but you won't see the media talking about it because it wasn't a white male who did it. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK

Are liberals so lacking in self-awareness that they don't realize their kids are just parroting what they say?

>Trump can't be as bad as Caesar

Do 8 year olds understand the implications of Caesar these days?

agreed. some of this stuff is way too hyperbolic.

nobody is THAT stupid


Cato plz go.

I had no idea 3rd graders knew so much about politics they educate adults

Does children's aid have a twitter you can forward to?

>events that never occured

Sick of this shit the most desu, seems like every one of these cunts have a sob story about how a fucking white male strode into their safe space waving a confederate flag while slapping his dick across their faces and how purely, utterly terrifying it was when he brandished his duel H&K Ingram Glock AR-15 .50 Caliber Assault Bullpup Sniper Shotgun Anti-Take Rifle with 3650 round capacity assault clips and began mowing the entire artisan coffee shop down while screaming pro-trump idioms.

I'm getting real fucking sick of liberals

Your trans friend "broke down" a long time ago.

You sound like a histrionic bitch.

Where did you migrate here from, Reddit or tumblr?

What kind of shit are they teaching them at school

Fuck off you ageist peice of shit third graders are literally just as smart as adults how fucking dare you suggest otherwise they are wise beyond their years and also they have no HATE in their souls because they are pure and beautiful like black people

...which is why an Aussie should never be in the world's, driver seat.

Projection is a very popular thing with these nutcases, use that and dig on anyone who says X is Y.

When people can't control their emotions they resort to controlling other peoples behavior

PC and Lib culture

Meanwhile my coworker's 8 year old wanted trump to win because his dad is a police officer and shillary wanted to take away the police's weapons

So I just popped down to the corner shop I did to get myself a packet of chocolate globbernaughts and some pandewaffe snazzies when I spotted a group of Trump supporters.

They spotted me leaving the building and before I could even activate my rape alarm there was all sixteen of them approaching me - they slapped it out of my hand - leaving me defenseless and alone on that cold autumn morning.

They began beating me with their fists until I fell to the floor - they were screaming that "THE WORLD BELONGS TO AMERICA NOW SLIMEY LIMEY" - and they pulled the flatcap right off my head and stomped my walking cane into the mud.

After they had knocked most of my teeth down my throat they threatened that if I showed my face around here again they'd send me to America so they can deport me.

I am scared, I am literally shaking - there are Trump supporters everywhere - they practically rule the streets.

Please send help.

>That filthy Catoite child

Fictional 8-year olds are precocious little buggers.

I am LITERALLY shaking with terror right now.

Last night, I imagined that Trump was actually a reptilian overlord from the planet Reptilia. I wrote a fan-fiction about it on the Internet, and the more I wrote, the more terrified I became. I was shocked to write that Trump devoured babies and transsexuals. I discovered that Trump was in fact building a wall - a DEATH WALL! I also created a sub-plot in which he had a torrid love affair with Vladimir Putin, thus PROVING his traitorous ways.

This is what Trump - a LITERAL FUCKING WHITE MALE - is doing to our country. If Hillary was President, I wouldn't be inventing these terrifying things right now.

Are they?

lol if your 8 year old has any opinions on politics you've failed as an adult and should kill yourself. kids are kids. let them enjoy childhood. fuck liberals

This, they should be deleted, by Twitter. Just report them.

luv trumps hayt

My wife's son got scared for life when I slapped him so hard he broke his jaw.
"That's what you get now that Trump is elected!".
How can America be so dumb and elect Trump? Look at what he done to my wife's son!



Been called that a lot lately.

Are you literally shaking?

>genocided the Gauls
>started a hugely destructive civil war because he didn't want to go into exile for a few years
>completely destroyed any hope of the Republic surviving
Caesar was a piece of shit.

>telling someone's kid their parents will be killed
fucking hell

give me mour

>Trumps fear mongering

I've seen this posted around, I really think the fear of minorities is not "imagined" in any way.

My wife's son broke down sobbing when I explained that President Trump will make cuckoldry punishable by death.

We need to stand up to Trump's fearmongering!

>All that falseflagging, actually relayed in masse as proven facts by the mainstream medias
>Nobody talks about supposed Trump voters getting beat up and robbed by progressive Hillary supporters
Come the fuck on, even I can be more creative with racial slurs even though my English sucks fucking balls.

I actually really want to push this narrative so that I can see it in the history books in twenty years.

The Dark Army of Kek, a cult of insidious nazis in service to James Bond villain Vladimir Putin, who infiltrated every level of the political apparatus of this country to elect LITERALLY HITLER.

I hope they illustrate it as guys in SS uniforms with Pepe instead of a swastika typing furiously on computers in dark bunkers in Russia, with these big graphs on the wall that say HATE LEVELS and PRAISE KEK and alters of frogs next to portraits of Hitler and Putin shaking hands.

I want it to be a legend, like when we hear about how the KKK was a huge deal back in the 50s but now they basically don't exist. Kids will read about the Trumpstaffel, and whisper in fear.


It was breakfast, they were talking about Caesar Salad


My little brother woke up in cold sweats after I told him I was going to molest him now that Trump is president. This is how he impacts our kids, people.

>they threatened that if I showed my face around here again they'd send me to America so they can deport me.
Fucking lost

Definitely bait. That second post is great though.

>8 year olds, dude
wtf I hate pederasts now

here's hoping for a giant sjw exodus from the US to canada.
then canada will be like some kind of zoo that i can take my kids to...

kkkkkkk this is the fkng funniest one I've seen of these

I think the whole world is.

i just relayed this info to my eight year old (hes transenglish) and hes locked himself in the dryer (i told him hes safe in the dryer) trump needs to stop this madness

What's funny is that plenty of normies on my Facebook have commented on his plan for the first 100 days, and most have been saying it all sounds pretty good. Most of them say his agenda sounds too good to be true, and are scared of Mike Pence murdering gays. Not exactly the reaction you'd expect to hear after reading American Hitlers plan to shoah the US.

Seriously, as long as he doesn't fuck up royally everyone in the US except for SJWs are gonna love him before too long

It's honestly hard to tell

Hahahahhahahaha, yeah Trump HATES the hearing impaired, especially the white ones. He just can't shut up about them.


yes this is perfect

now that we won, we can push the msm to construct sillier and more orwellian narratives that get published in the history books just for shits and giggles

some guy tells someone who isn't mentally all their that she'll be imprisoned now. some girl tells a little boy there is a man out there thats going to murder his mom and dad.

trump is to blame!


>I told my grandma I'd kick her in the fucking throat if Trump won, and he fucking did and I caved that bitch's esophagus in.

Poe strikes again.

But seriously, my muslim friends refuse to leave their houses after I told them that Trump was going to execute all the muslims and use their bones to make concrete for the Syrian Freedom Centre. His hate is just ruining lives.


This is exactly the kind of counter memery that Sup Forums should be doing.

These tweets are suggesting that it is the Leftists who are fear mongering. That they are responsible for these minorities fearing for their lives, not Donald Trump himself.

Bonus points for tweets like "I told my [minority] friend that I saw on [CNN] that Donald Trump is going to [discriminate] against them."

Quick! Think of a catchy hashtag and spread it to the Alt Right, the New Right, the /r/the_Donald, and the normies.

those tweets are hilarious. its obviously ironic humor.

Did you ACTUALLY just assume that he locked himself in a *dryer*?!?!?! What if that dryer happens to self-identify as a washing machine, you fucking LITERAL white male?!

Healthy young child goes to mom, gets pumped with massive shot of many politics, doesn't feel good and changes - SOCIAL JUSTICE. Many such cases!

My wifes sons couldnt sleep tonight because i told them that Trump is going to deport them.

How can you not see the satire? They make it pretty obvious

People haven't realized that this is the new "Thanks Obama" but the thing is, unlike that phrase and the people that use it, these people are serious.

The republic was so corrupt it didn't matter. If it wasn't Caesar it would have been some other general. And he actually did help the people of Rome by giving them the spoils of war, sparing his enemies, and ending a corrupt system.

I was having a debate with my 3 year old wife's son about the flaws of Keynesian economics just the other day and he interrupted me and said "daddy since Trump is president elect now does that mean there will never be an African economics?" He was so upset he didn't even finish his grits literally shaking atm

I was just at the supermarket when French Trump supporters came at me and started to beat me with baseball bat. All the white racist French people around were cheering. I told them it was racist, I may be white but I identify as a black jewish lesbian woman and then they start taking a shit on me telling they would send me back to africa. They start shouting "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP" and then said once Le Pen is elected she will gas people like me. People were applauding and some started spitting on my naked body. Security threw me out calling me an "african lesbian jewish piece of trash" and kicked my wife's female-born son in the face. We're shaking right now and xe is having nightmare where he starts pissing and shitting xer bed uncontrollably. This is day only 3 of Trump presidency.

fucking gauls

>tell child that probably doesn't exist his parents will be murdered
>hypothetical child gets scared shitless

Do these people not fucking think? What is a kid going to know about the world amd or political figures?

These aren't liberals, they're regressive left.
