Killing off the SJW

To get rid of the SJW movement for good, we need to think like them, and use their own tactics against them.

3rd Wave feminism at it's peak, achieved such status due to the surge of one big thing:

The victim complex.

In order for us to make sure such a movement does not rise again, we must tap into this within common people.

We need to formulate a memetic discourse within the mainstream (the rioters across the US are indeed helping enforce this) that the SJW's are the oppressors; that they are anti-freedom and liberty.
When a blue pill thinks of a SJW, they need to feel uncomfortable and fearful of such a person.

Once this is achieved, they will become our generations Nazi's, nobody will want to become associated with them in the mainstream for a long time.

Other urls found in this thread:

this idea has potential


ty friend

We tried that, we have how much crap of trump supporters getting abused and soros making nogs going ape in the streets.
No one cares they just want to be fake and plastic.

>We need to formulate a memetic discourse within the mainstream (the rioters across the US are indeed helping enforce this) that the SJW's are the oppressors; that they are anti-freedom and liberty.


We can engineer a method to subvert and crack their fake sentiments and plastic feelings. We just use the Trump rage to our favor, the Sjws have the lime light for the next possible month, let's put on a play of sorts. We could fabricate attacks on Pro-Trump minorities and or homosexuals, this would be in direct contradiction to the Sjws known movement.

No. I disagree.
SJW 101 :
1 Gather low self steam, unemployed, society outcasts, students that did not fully developed their personality.
2 Fit them into some sort of minority described on a cultural marxist discourse. Try to create more and more of those patterns until you have enough people to do your bidding.
3 identify an enemy that should represent the enemy (nowadays its the white male heterosexual that works in a suit).
4 Make those minorities unite against such a foe, saying that their lives are miserable because the enemy make them into such situation.
5 Demand reparation from the state, and make the government pass laws to tell the people how to speak (and therefore how to think), how to adress those minorities (oh, the N word, the "they" the "gender neutral"), create more jobs oportunities (in brazil we have black quotas on universities and tv shows) based on the "wage gap" premiss. Most of them are old socialist ideas used for populist ends. But with a twist, they are used as mesures to save the minorities.

Conclusion. The SJW makes the premiss that they are weak and less capable to achieve because they were hurt by their common enemy that is strong and brutal. That makes me remember a book from a philosopher that Sup Forums hates. I will not say his name. But still his idea on this subject was this :
Compassion is chain. Compassion can turn you into a slave to weak people.Therefore compassion is a bad value.
Thats exacly what the SJW are, weak people trying to enslave people that go to work everyday and pay taxes to make them get free shit and "privilege". We dont need to use compassion against them. We need to show virtue. Show them what they are. Weak. We are already doing it. Im black by the way.

SJWs are openly racist and have full support of the media, and bully and destroy people's lives openly, and no one cares, the people are too cucked.

You want to end SJWs? You make them destroy themselves like

>3rd Wave feminism

3WF has already been defeated by Islamic immigration. 3WF helped create a world where the government cares more about Brown men than it young white girls and has helped create an ACTUAL rape culture in Europe.
That's because feminists always end up achieving the opposite of what they were aiming for

These are both good alternatives

As a non-white female, just wanted to point out that they are already doing this.


What kind of non-white?

Sup Forums hates nietzche?

Tomorrow night is a super moon!!! We have to use meme magic to enforce this and gain that extra power!!!

good part does. lots of christians here.

I agree that the next step is to undermine the ability of the Liberals/Progressives/SJWs to reorganize and control the Democrats.

IMHO, the best way is to undermine the DNC chair election. We need to "help" the Democrats choose the "best" candidate for their party. All of the candidates so far are terrible so I do not feel like their is any real threat of organization anytime soon but it is never too soon to start.

ATM, the DNC chair race consist of Keith Ellison ( a black "Muslim", Howard Dean ( a former DNC chair who lost his presidential run for yelling yahhhh!!!, and (((Steve Israel))) ( a white Jew who the DNC who be committing suicide to elect as the BLM and other minority groups hate Jews more than non-Jew whites.

Obviously, we would want a white and if possible Jewish DNC chairman like (((Steve Israel))) so as to fracture the Liberal groups even further.

We need to focus on keeping the Democratic party fractured until at least the midterms of 2018 so as to keep Dems from gaining seats on congress and giving Trump more cover to correct the damage the Libs have caused over the past 8 years.

You have your orders now get to work!!!

We all need to make our own Tumblr, use the same tags they do. Get shit trending on twitter, make them out to seem to be the intolerant ones and racist, oppressing us because of our beliefs or the color of our skin
We have to label every Hillary supporter as racist

No, we need to focus on self-improvement within our own ranks. My empirical observations tell that free sport schools and a scandinavian model of taxing alcohol out of existence create more right-wingers, victimology would make people lean to the left naturally.

thats not an alternative. thats just an explanation why taking their strategy is a bad thing to do. IT would make us as weak as them.

By all means, let us push for an extreme anti-islam course as well (although it's pretty much a given at this point lol)

> a fucking leaf

Why the fuck does it matter ? She's on Sup Forums and that says a lot.

#WhiteFeminism is the best meme and strategy, and it's already happening.

b u m p 4
a e s t h e t i c s

This would be ideal

The destruction of a solid left party would be a great end game goal for us

I am suggesting that we flip the tables and make people see the left as something *not* to aspire to be

noted, I admit, there is not a perfect solution yet, and will accept a superior model of removing them

>we need to think like them, and use their own tactics against them.
No, we're winning exactly BECAUSE we don't do that shit.

Part of the warfare against them is linguistic warfare

What we need are more kill words. Kill words like "cuckservative" or "regressive". Because in our lexicon we do not have these kinds of words, who were made by whites, who are in the same class.

This class is special, the leftists who have words in these class are "bigot", "racist", "*phobe"

Now these class of words are special words, their main advantage is that they can be used in a limited time frame, they can be shouted out easily by large groups.

Because while we may have the upper hand in truth, it takes a lot of time to unravel and to explain, race realism for example.

But a liberal can just shout out buzzwords at you.

So I am glad that we managed to get our own buzzword class assault words like cuckservative and regressive.

Because think of it like this: The jews created words like nazi, bigot, xenophobe etc. They are not white mans words, they are attachements to our own invention, leech words to the white mans language. They are foreign elements meant to disrupt us. Linguistic warfare words meant to shut us down mentally.

But once you become aware of these words, when you hear them you think of them like this: You go into the kitchen, turn on the light, and then hear "racist!" from a cockroach that scurries away into its hidey hole.

You learn to recognize jew words. But beyond this we of course need to create hostile anti jew words.

This is good. It has potential

what would really blow all forms of liberalism the fuck out for decades would be educating people on the sheer numbers of people communist russia and china got killed, the same way that nationalism got completely wrecked because of muh holocaust until literally just now, it'd take probably over a century for anyone to ever consider socialism again if we simply educated, via memeing to hell and back, the 80 million people stalin killed and the 100 million mao killed directly because of liberalism taken to its conclusion

Keep this thread alive


We're winning because we're smarter, we can take their tactics and improve upon them, it is proven that they work already.

By all means, this strategy could just be a small part of a bigger offensive.

I agree, we need our own doublespeak to trump them, regressive is a good term, but we need more, or maybe even turn their own words against them

To add to that, I asked at another place and they got the idea to ride on the coattails of the jewish invention.

With an assault word like "caucaphobe" (caucasian phobic)

Which could be used to shut down other races, and perhaps even some liberals, with just one shout.

Also thought of using the word "europhobe" but it didnt sound right.

We need more assault words.

You want to get rid of SJW's for good? You kill them.

Here my alternative :
Divide and conquer.
SJW are a bunch of minorities stuck toguether to a common goal. Elect someone. To do that the left have to raise their flags to fight a scarecrow.
The right thing to do :
1 - We show that the cisgender white male is a scarecrow.
2 - we show them they are weak, and dont like taking responsabilities for their lives.
3- we show them that the if the state start to give them free shit it will eventually colapse in debt because free shit programs are much more expensive than a private sector doing those services without the aid from the government.

The effective thing to do :
Exploit them :
Cultural marxist groups have a weakspot. Theyir currency is compassion. The more the person is opressed more compassion their can get from other people , and then they use this compassion to turn it into money. How can they do it you may ask :
History of success :
- Anita sarkesean (i dont fucking know how to write her name... sorry) : she created a kickstarter to raise awareness on how women were being portrayed on video games. She asked 6k for it she got 158,922. she made 6 videos on youtube with the money she got.

Those people are not SJW they are commiting crimes. They are what you guys call con artists. all of them. Some of them just dont know it.

So how to make this structure die ? Well a SJW feminist for exemple cant be only feminist, she have to sign a morla contract with marxism, lgbt rights, black rights and whatever tha fuck the left agenda is up to. So to make them actually stop backing each other we have to make them see that :
1 : black males rapes black and white women.
2 : not all woman actually are ok with trans women using the bathroom.
And so on. We need to show them that to be a feminist you dont need to give up capitalism, and hug transgender people, or give blow jobs to blacks. Or to be black you dont necessarily have to fuck traps. Those spheres of thought were all infested by socialist thinking.

ty friends

Yes this exactly, but this isn't a completely mainstream within the common people's discourse yet, that's the goal we want to achieve, a sort of Pavlovian disgust of the left

Call them what they are. Bigots and facists.

I like it.

Also, this guy said it all.

Better yet, make them realise they are wrong, and in turn create a sort of virus amongst their own

This is a valid strategy, albeit, it would be a bit harder to pull off, but by all means, if you can think of a way to further pull it off I will support it

I applaud you for your creative effort user. Good job.

No we don't just fucking murder them you fucking shill. That easy.

Simply put, yes that is ultimately what I mean, get the *common people* to associate SJW's with those words.

A seriously effective way to shut down 3rd wave feminism would be to compare it to the holocaust.

Jews love turning victimhood into currency, and they love it when others turn victimhood into currency.

The only time they hate it, they lash out against it, is when it could devalue their currency.

I think if we made a discord and secretly memed the unequal pay into "thing", we could start comparing jews who don't pay equal wages to nazis who over saw work camps, and women as jews in the work camp.

This would drive the jews up the fucking wall and effectively cause them to attack 3rd wave feminism.

You misunderstand SJWs.
Consider this: They don't give a flying fuck about arabian women getting stoned to death, having body parts cut off, etc, for daring to leave the house without an escort. Or perhaps for not wearing the mandatory clothing. Or just nagging their husband until he accuses her of being raped so he can honor kill her.

They don't give a shit about these people, even though they are victims on a much larger scale that dwarfs 'literally shaking' crybabies.

you are right .. they are con artists... they only give a fuck about themselves.

You are onto something

We need to turn the *loathing* of SJW's into a currency

also yeah good meme

You make a valid point, I think this should be capitalised on

so there is no way to fight them other than forcing people to educate themselves. The only way to fight them is playing dirty is lying to the masses with propaganda.

The idea of creating schisms between SJW based on petty things like race, creed, sexuality etc with divide and conquer tactics has been fruitful, but only because they're quite good at putting each other in groups already.

I agree
We should say
"The Trump administration is worse than the holocaust for menials, no one is coming to save us"

It's not the only way, we could redpill them en masse, but it's a very slow process.
Stay optimistic.

Yes. We need people to see them as the dividers of society, they're the one's responsible for societies problems.

To get rid of the SJW movement, a good start would be banning liberal art degrees and feminist studies in university's.

use the video of the homeless female trump supporter who got beaten up for defending trump's hollywood star.

Would be virtually impossible to achieve at this point. But, if we could somehow get people to think that those degree's would have a negative effect on society (being a burden etc) I could see the people thinking those doing these degree's have an opinion that just isn't worth listening to.

ahhh yes, we need to spread these words out

caucaphobe sounds good.

We could capitalise on the misandry aspect too.


Also find a ley line and use meme magic there while staring at the super moon. Ley lines are the earth's energy grid and some say it controls human thought. If we can tap into this along with our meme magic, we can change minds,globally.

We have to encourage rage-inducing sjw clickbait. We must become gawker.


Sounds like a nice plan

Why you absolute faggots haven't meme'd that "privilege" is literally just how white women are racist is beyond me.

They're trying to pass off the 'you're privileged' as a way to be derogatory, but that's not what it means. It's just another way to say 'you're better than other people'.

You think I'm fucking around with this?

>"I'm privileged because I'm white! Blacks are not privileged and therefore should be treated better!"

Translates into:

>"I'm white so I'm better than you! You have a darker skin tone than I do and therefore must be given special things to compensate the fact that you're beneath me."

And this,

>"You're a male! Check your privilege when around women!"

Translates into:

>"You've got a penis! You're automatically better than anyone who doesn't have a penis, and therefore anything without a penis should be given more rights to compensate! You're better than someone who doesn't have a penis!"

Or my favorite,

>"I'm privileged in society because I am not fat. Love your fat! Embrace who you are!"

Turns into,

>"I am better than you because I am not fat. But stay that way because I look hot when I stand next to you."

It's sincerely this. "Privilege" is white woman "racism". It's a way for them to say they're better than people like this without actually saying it. Source for this? I'm a white woman. This is how we think.

If you guys are going to really rip thee SJWs a new asshole, NOW is the time. They're already turning on each other since the stats for Trump voters came out. Which I don't understand why that's newsworthy, breaking fucking news: women hate each other... Whatever. Let's just take these cunts out.

The usual stuff has been working so far. Jews have created this golem partially through media, and promoting the opinions of a vocal, whiney minority. All you need to do is keep feeding the golem. So more feminist paintings with period blood, more bernouts shitting on flags, more whining about a lack of gender options, etc.


I'm so scared for the lives of my children. This morning I had to tell them that rioting in the streets was okay.

That type of shit

>we need to think like them
I am not prepared to subject myself to such mental torture.

make memes

Oo yes this is good

Yes, mockery does go a very long way into establishing an opinion within the mainstream

I don't think we can destory sjws with logic, we need to destroy them with violence. violence that they will inflict on themselfs kind of.

We need to pretend to be sjws and tell all the current protesters to attack people and mostly the police with weapons. The police will be forced to shoot.

Soon the whole sjw movement will be known as a violent one and it will become illigal.

Leaving us with some dead sjws and iligalising their movement.

This could work, we need to absolutely tarnish any semi-decent reputation they have left

Why is Hans holding a cupcake?

If someone is jumping on this bandwagon, then get a picture of the most "normal" SJW you can find. Something Lacy Green tier where they're a bitch but not a circus freak, and type some shit like, "Being white is a privilege, see how much better it makes me than you"? Or some fuckin bullshit, I dunno. I'm incredibly bad at making memes.

You need to make these people destroy themselves. They don't give a fuck about you, but if they start demonizing each other (which they're beginning to do) then they'll do the work for you.

Since half of Americans voted for Trump, I say you already got the common people covered. If you mean inside the bubble of safe space *common people*, simple attack words and labels is all they need. Let them draw further back inside their bubble.

Engage them in debate first, and as ad hominems start, call them bigots and facists. If the discussion comes to stop from both sides, that will deepen the divide and further push them back into their bubble. Then calling them bigots and facists becomes routine, as much as throwing -ism is for them.

If the public can raise the question that
>Are all Trump supporters racists and sexists?
then make them ask next if
>Are all liberals facists and bigots?

When children throw tantrum, you tell them No. You don't engage them, discuss or try to make a deal with them. You tell them No. If you teach people to not engage with these children and to not feel guilty about it, the SJW movement loses justification. Right now, as the election has proven, saying No to these children is not something to be ashamed about.

Something I learned from Sup Forums. If you don't give Attention Whore attention, they'll go away. But if the AW is inside a large bubble, it will keep growning if you don't name it. Just you not engaging with the AW is not enough. You need to make sure nobody engages with the AW. You need to attach name onto them that makes sure nobody engages them.

If you can sink it into everyones mind that they are facists and bigots, they will wither.

They tarnished it by themself a lot by now. Half of america sees them as whiny bitches that can't accept democraty and as violent idiots, that destroy everything.

We just need to make a smart move now to finish them all of now.

This really doesn't need an elaborate plan. SJW's only feel, they don't think.

They want:
To feel what they believe in is 'good' and right.
To feel that their opinions make them likeable, accepted.
To give the impression that they are intelligent, inclusive, progressive and kind.
To feel respected because of it.
To feel superior to others.

They won't change, they won't ever express an opinion that might land them singled out by their peers, so they will only parrot what their peers say, think and do.

Original and critical thinking poses too many risk to their simple, narcissistic needs.

>that the SJW's are the oppressors; that they are anti-freedom and liberty.
>they will become our generations Nazi's

But that's already true?

the best thing that is happening right now is that they're rioting in the streets, all you need to do is fan the flames, trigger them a bit more, get them to go to riot mode 2.0 where the military have to be called in and normies will see the left and hillary supporters as insane. movement should die out soon enough.

someone make a list of what we've got so far because I ain't reading all this shit

exactly what i meant here How do we do this? Fake twitter and facebook accounts accounts, pretending to be sjws and calling for more violence?

Leftism is intrinsically entropic.

Identity politics is the very definition of suicide.

Let them die on your own.

Why waste your time?

Grow yourself.

Duly noted

I think massively exposing them even further as a bunch of crybabies through some good memes will help a lot lol

It didn't work in the past.

>all this shit about muh jews and "race realism"
Don't you realize that believing stuff like that is what fuels SJWs in the first place?

the SJW is an attacker of free speech. they want to impose a totalitarian state where they decide what is allowed. this attack on free speech should be, and hopefully will be, the cause of the movement's demise.

hopefully 2015 turns out to be their 1917

I am not letting them win.

We need to create a viral violent campaign, that real sjw's will jump on, something like calling for *killing* all white women due to their privilege or something akin to that

What happened in 1917?

Show white women that facebook support that the minorities kill them.

You ignore them until they start eating one another.
like when they all went after Ellen Degeneres recently

>SJWs are anti-freedom and liberty.
>nobody will want to become associated with them in the mainstream for a long time.
This is already happening without our help. This is just the natural consequence of their increasing radicalization and being blind to their own excesses. And by the way, there's no better way to make certain opinions "cool" than to try and forbid them; the new American counter culture is right wing.


>But that's already true?
But the normies don't know
Also, they are nowhere near the naizes' level of based

But look at the riots in oregon and shit. More and more internet savvy teeangers are waking up the the fact that SJWs are the threat, not the right wing.

> killing all white woman

This wont do... They will never jump on that

If we want to succeed we need to sacrifce some of our own, because thats where all the sjw hate is right now.

We need to call for more aggressive violence against trump supporters and all white males.

After that the entire world will see them as violent crazy maniacs and the police will start shooting them.

Some of the good might die by this process, but thats sometimes what it takes to kill off a virus.

This is why your homeland is a 5th column. Stop being defeatists.

This is great, all we need is mass exposure

Regressive is perfect.
I agree with the other guy, we are winning because the larger amount of people CAN think critically, they just avoid thinking too much outside of daily life.

Point out that they are liars, that they make things up, that it's OK to just tell them outright "You're and idiot shut up" that's part of trumps appeal.
Show that they are hypocrites and that they are just man hating idiots who say one thing then do another, that they will say anything to play victim then make ridiculous demands.

take my bump, and my attention.

this is a good idea, don't let this die, I'll help how ever I can

I don't.
Zarathustra is my favourite book of all time.

You can start by, as we discussed before, making the SJW's (use that term specifically) appear violent and extreme, radical if you will.

We need people to see them like they would ISIS. This is the public was turned against Islam en masse.

>But look at the riots in oregon and shit. More and more internet savvy teeangers are waking up the the fact that SJWs are the threat, not the right wing.
Good. Let's keep pushing

Agreed, Gen Z and Alpha can be saved if we keep pushing heavily against SJW's

It would be better to try to convert them into normal, functioning adults. This people are accustomed to being shamed, it only makes them more vocal.

The fat pride people will die out soon, through educating our young about obesity can we mitigate some of the misinformation and damage they leave as their legacy.

The gender freaks will either grow up or kill themselves. We can use them as examples for our young to demonstrate why it's important not foster mental illness and to seeking mental health services.

The blacks are a bigger problem, and the best solution for them isn't an ethical one. I can't think of an ethical solution for this.

And I think the dykes and queers will settle down eventually. They need our acceptance before they can accept themselves. So that's what we need to give them.

I think education is key here, not intimidation, shaming and violence. We need to target the young and work to create a world where our own children don't have so much of this shit to deal with.

I would hate to think of my son having to come here when he's older just to remind himself that there are other people out there who can think for themselves and have the courage to voice those thoughts and challenge the norm.

Indeed. We need to work on consolidating our power now.

It seriously stretches the limits of my comprehension that broads are doing this to each other (essentially wishing rape on one another). Well to be specific, that non white women are wishing it on white women.

Wait, that actually doesn't surprise me at all, never mind.