So now that the Mexicans are gonna be gone who's going to be the next target for Trump and Sup Forums? Cubans, Chinese...

So now that the Mexicans are gonna be gone who's going to be the next target for Trump and Sup Forums? Cubans, Chinese, Puerto Ricans, Muslims?

Your mum.


all of the above.

Muslims, duh

Depends, did they get here legally?

Anybody here illegally needs to GO

We gotta keep the legal ones if we want Trump to win next election. The minority votes going yo trump help pushed things in his favor.

You have a legal niggers problem friendo

Mexico is a nation, not a race. There are black families in Mexico. There are white families in Mexico. There are Latino families, brazillian families. You literally cannot be racist against mexicans because mexican is a nationality. Mexico is a nation, not a race. The reason you think of race regarding the word Mexico is because of your own racist predisposition of mind. Not only are you ignorant, but also a bigot.

You obviously don't belong here, pol is a board of peace.

Well we can't do much about that.

Trump is getting rid of all illegals not just Mexicans, he even said he hates that gooks create anchor babies.

We have plenty of SPANISH people in the USA.

We do NOT need more of these indian inca looking fuckers here.


INCA indian squat necks = BAD

aren't Cuban-Americans bro-tier tho? they hate Castro and all forms of communism with a passion

some analysts are starting to say they're most likely the cause Trump won Florida


I agree with Luigi
Niggers are top priority.

But i dont want to see the girls in ops pic deported :(
Keep attractive young woman. Deport all the juans.

Cubans are red pilled user. Cubans voted for trump.

They can go be bro-tier in Cuba. Make Cuba great again. Ethnonationalism is a rising tide for all boats.

Illegal aliens and those who sympathize with terrorists.


Puerto Rico is a US territory. Why is it always an example of foreignness?

Gonna need sauce on this




Jews. They are the original and most grave problem Western civilisation is facing

Next target, same target.
SJW's, Radical Fems, and Niggers have all decided to attack white women (online and IRL) as everything is now their fault too. Continue Mission bro-bro's.
One account for fishing,
One backup for agreeing,
[Only a matter of time before the next 2 are blocked]
One account for sending stories of their hate crimes to local media outlets/ alt media/ police
One account for straight KYS response
We are not french, german, or swedish.
We will not let these evil filth attack our white women. We go on the attack, online only, for now...

Somali. It's already happening, in a rally Trump spoke out against legal immigrant Somali.