Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19

>Wait! We didn't vote for president! We voted for electors!
>But how can we make Republican electors betray their party?
>I think I have an idea...


They are blatantly offering to bribe electors
They are not even asking for changes in laws, this only re-states the fact that millions of people would like to see Hillary president, but falling more than 50 million votes short of the last attempt
This is how their minds deal with loosing, it's sad

Other urls found in this thread:


>(((Elijah))) (((Berg))) started this petition

The electors are supposed to listen to the people of their own state not assholes from Cali or NYC.

make the same petition on change dot org saying "Make Trump President Forever"

achieve over 10 000 000 000 votes with proxies

>b-b-b-b-b-b online petitions dont mm-m-m-m-matter ;_;

Does this mean Trump might not become president?


Lefties just don't get it. Fucking crybabies.

There is no chance of that happening.

Only if for some reason Republicans don't want control of the Senate, Congress, and the Presidency at the same time.


Anyone pls

Why would they now pass up the chance to be on the winning team? kek

3.4 million crybaby signatures vs 60 million votes cast

This is just a bunch of losers putting their desperation on full display.

We knew something like this would come up. And they had the gall to criticize Trump supporters (and Trump himself) for saying maybe they wouldn't accept the result of the election.

There can be no appeal. The states they need to swing Electors from are WI and MI, and they have bound Electors, by which I mean they are required to, by state law, to cast their ballot for whomever won the popular vote in those states. The embarrassing thing is that nobody is even contesting Trump's popular vote in those states.

There is no chance of that happening

Faithless electors are extremely rare, and $hillary would need at least 21 of them (Trump is at 290 now, if he takes Michigan as well, that's 16 more)

This amount of faithless electors appeared only in 1836, when Virginia's 23 electors became faithless, but even that only meant that they switched their votes between the Pres and the VP nominee

Sad isn't it?

What are state rights.libtard

Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.

>citation needed

Why do you seem to think I want Trump to lose?

>even that only meant that they switched their votes between the Pres and the VP nominee

Then it's a good thing Pence believes in eletro-shocking gays.

>Then it's a good thing Pence believes in eletro-shocking gays.

Citation needed

For real
I'm incredibly happy with Trump's victory, but Pence is a shit

I did it mom


how about we start spreading this one around, it needs more votes


I bet over half the people that signed this didn't even vote.

>the House and Senate cant be switched no matter what, and they have already been claimed by the republicans
>even if the impossible happens and they put clinton in this way, theyll have 2 out of three branches repiblican, and all of those republicans aware of the disgusting flip flop and the shafting of the rightfully electrd candidate
>implying congress would let hillary do anything given the circumstances
>liberals think this is a good idea

No, this is the US version of the "Hold a second Brexit referendum" petition in the UK. Butthurt leftists showing they don't actually give a fuck about the results of the election despite projecting it onto us.

Bump for Mike "Gayoshock" Pence!

This is just like Brexit
It will take them time to adjust because it's the first time they've been told 'No! You can't have that' for a long time. Had to be done though

Help us out Sup Forums bros!


Hello Sup Forums.

It has come to my attention that many millions of Hillary supporters have gathered together and created a change.org page to gather votes to remove Donald Trump from office. However, this is extremely unconstitutional and goes against what a democracy is supposed to be. We have been trying to fight this in many different ways, but I have realized that in order to win, we need to fight fire with fire.

I have decided to create a change.org page with the goal of collecting votes to KEEP Donald Trump in the office.


If you have the time, spread this message to your peers and friends.


How many times does it need to be said? The popular vote has never been the deciding factor of who becomes president. The deciding factor is whoever achieves 270 electoral votes and that was Trump. Now fucking deal with it.

Do they want a civil war?
Because that's how you get a civil war...

The reason there is an electoral college is precisely to prevent the popular vote holding sway.
I know that and I'm a Brit

If this were to have any impact, the country would be dead. Thank god these children are out of power.


> Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.


No, the electoral college would NEVER be abolished or changed.

They change their votes if there are less than 5 electoral votes between the two candidates; Trump is over 50 votes ahead.

Also it would require a 75% majority senate vote and a bill passed by Congress to get the college abolished; something the Republican government would literally never do.

Mike "Wattage if you cottage" Pence

This will only prolong their suffering once they realize it won't work, which is fine by me.

Good point.
A kick in the balls followed by a poke in the eye, just to enforce the point being made

>"Our system of government under our Constitution says he wins"
>No. Our Constitution says the Electors choose
>"Too many states prohibit 'Faithless Electors'"
>24 states bind electors. If electors vote against their party, they usually pay a fine. And people get mad. But they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states

No, they can't vote however they want. In most states, they pledge their vote to assure a sincere election, and if they refuse to vote for their pledged candidate their vote is thrown out - in most states, they can't switch.

So at best, you can rob Trump of electoral votes - but other electors can refuse to vote and pay a fine, negating their rescinded vote.

Also, electors have already promised not to vote for Clinton;


So, she's only getting 10 electoral votes from WA this year anyway (Kek bless my state.) If electors start pulling votes from Trump, she already has less to loss than he does.

Don't let these liberals delude themselves or others that Clinton is any more acceptable - these electors were refusing Clinton before Trump was elected. That's how little faith WA has in her.

This was Clinton's campaign. She led her supporters into a ditch, and the cucks can't admit that this is what female leadership always looks like - they can't admit fault and failure. No one will tell a woman when she's killing us all to protect her feelz. MAGA.

>a small fine
>Clinton supporters will be glad to pay
They realise they are literally offering to buy the elections ?

... they care for it almost as hard as Sup Forums for jews

Saying that was all part of Trump's plan. Now liberals look like hypocrites.

But everyone else already conceded and Trump has already been briefed; who would be president?


Imma sign it with the name
"Cry Somemore"

Liberal detected.

Where is the anti-Pence sentiment coming from?

This a new angle CTR is using to attack Trump? I thought you fuckers were laid off...