Let's all say something nice about this woman. It's the least we can do

Let's all say something nice about this woman. It's the least we can do

She was pretty when she was younger, but beautiful women have destroyed the lives of many men.

She's aged more gracefully than most women. I'd still give her sweetie kisses if she asked me to.

She actually looks pretty good for her age, at 69 years old and having such a busy lifestyle, not bad...

We are happy for her retirement.

She stayed with Bill despite the fact he raped another woman as she was determined to stay in power

No wait that's a bad thing

I got nothing

She don't give up easily

The people who's lives she's destroyed or ordered murdered were mostly shitty people anyways.


She didn't whine when defeated.

She didn't whine and conceded unlike her supporters

She's devoted to her Satanism.

I cry and collapse and beg God to make it end every time I have runny wet diarrhea. Have to give her props for having it daily IN HER PANTS and in public and keeping it together.

She has good taste in lesbian mistresses.

orange will look great on her

I'm sure she is going to have special treatment in jail.

...Isn't it nice that Webb Hubbell got some tail? I mean, who else would spread their legs for someone like him? *^_^*

I don't blame her for being corrupted, I would have done the same if had a chance

I still want her arrested

She didn't gave up.
I mean, who spends billions of dollars into a campaign and rigs some elections in order to defeat the good guy?
Also, let's not forget CTR

she'll be a good prisoner

Smart, ruthless, and cunning.

And superhero levels of self-worth. Aside from avoiding FOIAs, another huge reason she used a private server was so she could keep using her blackberry when she became SoS. For senior-level execute branch, this is a huge no-no because they're notoriously insecure. However, Obama demanded one and the CIA/NSA made him a custom apparatus. She asked as well and they said no. So she decided to bypass them and used a private sever to reroute emails to her blackberry. The only people who deserve to be President of the greatest country are people with this level of self-worth, who see fate and the gods having conspired to place them into this position. Unfortunately for HRC, Trump also has that.

She's top at licking out Muzzie twat

She hasn't given me cancer. I appreciate that.

No she doesn't. Get your vision checked. wtf is wrong with you.

She's loyal to her cause and is a take no prisoners sociopath.

I'd be a fan if we weren't on opposite ends of the political spectrum.

Fought hard. I hate her but I have to give her she worked hard to keep on the genocide. Bitch.

I'd still smash. Hillary got booty.

She probably jerks well with her parkinson. I'd be grossed out by green slime on my dick though.


Rather you than me

I would've let her suck my dick when she was younger.

>I don't like Hillary therefore she is ugly

Hillary is much better looking than your average 70 year old grandma

she didn't win the election

She had her Parkinson's disease under enough control that she didn't fall going up the stairs unaided when she was going to give her concession speech.

you have very low standards

She didn't let getting cucked by Monica destroy her life and political career

She waited for Trump to do that

I don't think she smells bad like plenty other elderly people.


I hope they give her a nice prison cellmate.

She hopefully will die soon

Huma will be her cellmate and every night will be taco night.

She didnt whine about losing and conceded defeat gracefully.

She'll die before she can serve her full jail sentence at least

She''ll look good in a prison suit.

She won't start WWIII

I think she would have done a better job than Bernie

No she didn't.

She was shitfaced at 3 Am and refused to leave her hotel room and sent out Podesta to tell people to wait till the morning.

Then she was two hours late to her own concession.

There is a nice little snapshot of how her presidency would have run.

>your average BRITISH 70 year old grandma

I'd go back in time when she was a loli and rape her till her cunny bleeds.
Nice enough?

She.has a....uh....she.....looks...no, no...uh...um....

Well, at least she...uh....maybe, no....her voice is...no....

She managed to kill off the dab thing singlehandedly

I am surprised that they were able to sober her up and that they were able to provide satisfactory drugs to allow her to give her concession speech.

As she was going up the stairs unaided to deliver her concession speech, I kept hoping she would have some sort of seizure that would confirm that she kept telling lies about her health.

well i do think Rodham is a pretty badass surname


She's the first thing I've seen on TV since I saw jaws as a child that genuinely frightened me

Her suffering will be over soon.

She didn't whine and conceded unlike her supporters

Oh course, she rigged the election, if she whined, the rigging would've been discovered.

Anyways on topic, she got a thicc ass.

She's pretty good at avoiding jail, I have to give her that.


>Let's all say something nice about this woman. It's the least we can do

Who is she?

she caused the death of a lot of muslims, wich is a good thing.

She's not sitting here some little woman standing by her man like Tammy Wynette.

what did she mean by this?



After Trump claimed the election could be rigged, the democrats stated that it was not possible, including Obama.

Thus, in yet another multidimensional chess move, Trump barred them from contesting the election results without looking like fools.

I'm sure that's also why the protestors claim the popular vote and not election rigging. Due to multiple states falling to Trump it probably wasn't a viable plan anyway. Actually kind of surprised they denied rigging, I was worried for a bit that they would rig the election in Trump's favour and then reveal him as a cheater.

She kinda looks like my grandma, and I like my grandma

She is pro-NATO

She's got more drive than me.


Post your 69 year old grandma user

I'd fug her in the name of Moloch.

This wasnt even a good try

Imagine being Bill Clinton in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Hillary, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Bill and not only sit in that chair while Hillary flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, HILLARY LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Merica. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Bill Clinton. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

>Let's all say something nice about this woman. It's the least we can do
Your portrait looks lovely with prison bars on it. I am sure you would look lovely too. I eagerly await!

Madam President.

Not possible. Sorry.

She married an excellent president.

If she isn't doing her shit eating grin or her fake smug smile she looks like a kind elderly woman. Looks are deceiving tho.

She won the popular vote.

She would have been a kinder president to hard working immigrants who keep to themselves, who are for now lumped in with criminals and terrorists.

She's an eloquent speaker, intelligent, and her corruption speaks volumes about her talents as a career politician.

Like all humans, the process of her respiration takes in O2 and releases CO2, which benefits all plant life.

I guess that's about it.

>said the tender snowflake who is too young to remember what a total shitfest Slick Willie's administration was.

She lost very graciously


It would be nice to see her hanged

I am enjoying your liberal tears.

More plz

shes not a nigger

She killed anyone who opposed her so she's pretty tough I guess

during her concession speech she almost looked human.

>implying she's even human
She doesn't even exhale when she laughs... she wants the plants to die

She helped a rapist, so she can help you.

She clearly values marriage.


She gave us Trump


She looks good in a coffin?

Hey Bill, good to see ya. Hows Hilldawg doin'?

Not so good. Been fucking her bodydouble since she went back underground.