
Andy's wallet will never recover edition

I wonder when Didi is going to split off from Gogo, maybe an actual meal will be the catalyst for it. It's also nice to actually see a canonical beginning for Andy and Gogo's friendship right here on the page. They seem to be getting along nicely.

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You fucked up Andy.
When you feed animals you find on the streets they are only going to come back.

What is it about cheeseburgers in comics/cartoons that make me want them bad?
Like no other food does that.

This whole thing is a great guideline on what not to do when starting a comic.

How so?

And please do remember that Bomango has an actual, real-ass website now:

--Well Andy, I got here despite your instructions.
--Oh good, you're just in time for an unforgettable luncheon of stea–

It's almost all pacing, really.

>Absurdly long time to reach core conflict of comic without much inbetwee.
>Extremely thin writing stretched by often claustrophobic paneling.
>Characters who do very little internally or externally despite an abundance of page time.
>Dialogue dryer than the Sahara.

Van managed to combine the negative aspects of compression and decompression while missing the positives. The writing is paced for a decompressed, small panel count comic. The inherent strengths of that (atmosphere, timing, subtlty, level of detail) is undermined by uber simplistic dialogue and cramped composition, the latter of which exacerbates the drawn out nature of the writing.

So you end up with a comic that has the skeleton of a Golden Age book and The mind of a modern book, both sides pulling at each other. You end up with what should be page ten being page, I don't know, 120? You end up spending a page and six panels to say "Gogo eats like an animal" and nothing else really, because the writing is bereft of subtext and can't have this be a secondary piece of information, the writing style refuses to contain this into a single panel, and there's so MANY panels per page that it must drag was and be split up into 6+ panels, diminishing the whole thing. It's a perfect storm of poor design decisions. He's working hard, not smart, and the comic is worse for it.

>when Didi is going to split off from Gogo, maybe an actual meal will be the catalyst for it
>Gogo gorges on cheeseburgers
>excuses self to restroom
>shit covered Didi emerges

>The writing is paced for a decompressed, small panel count comic. The inherent strengths of that (atmosphere, timing, subtlty, level of detail) is undermined by uber simplistic dialogue and cramped composition, the latter of which exacerbates the drawn out nature of the writing.

He's spent 10 years drawing gag comics with occasional forays into exposition dump strips (like Gogo confessing that she's not a virgin to Andy) and now he has a cowriter who pretty clearly has ideas but little practical experience pacing them. I don't mind the concept slice of life but it IS at odds with a plot driven story where Gogo's mysterious origins and direction are competing with it for our limited attention spans.

It still has potential but as you noted it needs to rev up the pace considerably and not aim for dead tree reprint pacing. That, and VanHeist's decision to go with page-size strips where it will take him considerably longer to create them.

If I were talking to him, I'd say "consider the supporting cast introduced and from now on don't do a page where something hasn't changed by the end, moving the story forward." In the original continuity it took very little time to move Gogo from being a student to living with Andy's family as a house repairs person and no one complained about this.

Long form comics aren't an excuse to take forever to tell a story and this isn't Megatokyo or QuestionableContent where nothing fucking happens.

>Didi's half sister Doodoo

By its nature as a fetish comic, it's better suited to strips anyway. These characters are shallow and aren't going to hold up a narrative on their own. You can make it work, but that demands putting the (hopefully concise) story first and the characters second in this case. If the comic is just an excuse to play with the cast in perpetuity there's no point in a retool to begin with. Just Alley Oop that shit. People can get behind a lighthearted strip having genre shifts and continuity.

>Alley Oop
excellent example but I doubt VanHeist has read it to understand what you mean here

ultra giga burger

Did Van say if Didi was going to show up in the reboot?

Levi, we summon you


She will.

Are we getting off Namek any time soon?

She better eat some Cheese Curds.

You're in WI for pete's sake.

We're off Namek. We're in burger country now. The comic is now about Gogo and Andy interacting, and some other stuff too.

I'll remind Van. I love cheese curds.

>You're in WI for pete's sake.
So RLM will cameo and Andy's mom will say UFF DA

Are you underage or on crack-cocaine? Even the tiniest chance to dominate something like that in the bedroom, or living-room rug, is heaven. The mere idea of her bearing your children should make you erect enough to penetrate the moon.

nose to nose his toes were in it
toes to toes his nose was in it

>birthing fetish
I've been a regular on /d/ for years and you guys still creep me out.

for me its pizza. Damn does pizza in cartoons and comics look fucking delicious

I've only lived in the midwest for about a year and a half, but I've only met one person who actually says Uff Da. For them its an affectionate affectation. And then there's an old lady I know who has some kitchen towels that have Uff Da written on it.

>I'm unfamiliar with heterosexual urges
no shit sherlock, go back to your containment board

If its literally the biological imperative of people to find and mate with the best specimens capable of siring children, then how is it a fetish?

My desire to continue my genes with the strongest and most attractive woman should not confuse you, or her.

Evolution is not a fetish; though I worry about producing a second kid before those talons tear my back off.

This clarifies nothing.

That was more catchy than it should have been

>fulfilling your biological destiny is creepy
Some pure faggotry here.