Why are jews happy about multiculturalism?

A question to jews:

People like Ann Schaffer, Barbara Lerner Spectre and Ben Wattenberg said that multi-culturalism and diversity in Europe and America is a great thing for jews, but now muslim immigrants with anti-jewish attacks like on the jewish supermarket in France are coming in. So you supported multiculturalism to get islamic invaders in so that you can choose being surrounded by muslims in the west which hate you, or going to Israel where you are constantly threatened by islamic terrorists.

How is this smart you guys? Seems pretty lame to me.

I fucking hate it

The mixing of races will create a coffee coloured race that will serve as the perfect goyim for the Jews.


fuck off kike

They like it for everyone that's not them

Because we know how much those coffee-colored Turks, Persians, Indos, North-Africans, and Kurds love Jews, right?

Yeah I just don't get it, I personally don't hate individual jews, but it looks almost like an elite consisting of jews does things which are only profitable for muslims and are bad for normal jewish citizens and native Europeans.


But this is bad for normal jewish citizens too, so they are surpressing them too.

Because those countries have to take islamic refugees too. And btw, your Tusk guy is leading the European Islam-invasion Union

Not really, if there's one thing Jew's are terrified of it's when goyim are nationalistic. The Jew's believe that they're the only people who have the right to be nationalistic and racist, they want to turn neuter the rest of the world and manage everyone else in their Jewish utopia's

So how does the jewish supermarket attack fit in that? Or denying fleeing jews access to Israel if they could get a boat with more jewish refugees pre-1948?

Keep dreaming Henk.

Jews love chaos because that's the environment in which they thrive.

Sup Forums being retarded as always, falling for russia/pooland is based meme

That still doesn't explain why they allow jews in Europe getting attacked by muslims which they welcomed getting in. How is that beneficient?

Why is Poland included in this shit?

nt banderenko

Excuse me, but why is my country included?

>Why are jews happy about multiculturalism?
Secularized, commie jews are. Zionists in Israel are much different

There are two Jewish survival strategies to not be destroyed by antisemites. The one is to create a society of "tolerance", where whites don't kill people for being of a different culture anymore and they hope for the protection of the liberal state so they aren't killed en masse by crazy people.

The other survival strategy is Zionism, making your own state and ending the "in-limbo" situation as a people without a state, ending the situation where they are at the mercy of a state and some "jew protector" like Poland in the middle ages to avoid being blamed for all kinds of random occurrences.

Extremely antizionist jews also think people hate Jews because they have been acting up and demanding independence. They deny Jews the right to a state or independence because they think that just motivates the antisemites even stronger to remove all Jews from earth, i.e. "if I act all nice and cute like Anne Frank, maybe they won't kill me"

Antisemitism, is, of course, the reality most Jews face in the world, so their thinking is highly influenced by it.

Fact is, that, Muslims are even more antisemitic than whites, so the efforts of antizionist (and even antisemitic themselves) Jews like Judith Butler to promote a multicultural tolerance liberal society that won't kill anyone will actually just bring their own doom in the form of mad ass Muslims that are on the level of German barbarism and butthurt about poverty and loserdom ca. 1938. Zionist Jews are doing it right, pls don't hate them.

Currently, the total number of Muslims in Poland is estimated at 31,000, of whom 5,000 are of Tatar extraction, plus 25,000 made up of immigrants and students, while another 1,000 are indigenous Polish people who had accepted Islam.

By the way, before modern times, Jews ,especially in Russia, became communist due to state-sanctioned antisemitism and pogroms and dreamed of the world republic to save them.

I personally, my thinking, is indeed highly influenced by the Frankfurt School, which, by theway, has nothing to do with people like Butler who push the white privilege shit. They are all called "critical theory", but Butler is in the tradition of Foucault, i.e. post-structuralism, not Adorno.

Pic related was a communist indeed, but he was a liberal communist that thought that western civilization was the greatest thing and best chance for emancipation, but was being destroyed from within (by Nazis) and turned into a Muslim horde that kills and rapes.

They hate white people in general because we're intelligent and beautiful in comparison to their hooked nosed, rat looking, weak-bone structured selves. Every joo I know has a shitty build small shoulders and big hips. Built like a little bitch. They mad and they have the power. But after all that pedo related shit I'm started to question my spirituality and they seem more and more satanic by the day

I think that whites are much less dangerous to jews than muslims, in fact nowadays, whites are their best friends, especially evangslist chrjstians, a multicultural society with mixed people might instead of leading to acceptance, lead to antisemitism, as islam and black suprematism etc. are embraced which jnherently contain anti-semitic elements like all slaveship owners being jewish.

And this is putting us in the same place as Netherlands, France, Germany etc. where significant portion of population is muslim?




Those Jews simply haven't realized that antisemitism is a result of society collapsing, of anti-civilization ressentiment, anti-modern ressentiment. From Muslims that dream of the epic caliphate, to black supremacists that think modern white society failed them - they all end up at the elusive "rootless" Jew that is civilizatory and capitalistic and not "naturalistic" and "hardworking" like them. It doesn't matter if, like in Russia, Jews are mostly poor fuckers living in their own villages far away from everyone else, not even being an urban population. The cultural idea of the jew as rootless cosmopolitan is still there, and thus Jews are killed.

Any Muslim or black supremacist or hardcore "muh natives" leftist or native american activist is more antisemitic as the average "fascist" Trump voter x10000.

Who is "they"? You understand that Jews aren't a monolithic group, right? There are various factions of Jews with competing and often contrary interests.

The Jews that I assume you're referring to are atheistic western Jews who are revolutionaries through and through. These people hate Christianity in particular, and want to see the West (i.e., Christendom without Christ) punished for its perceived transgressions against their people. The advocacy for multiculturalism, abortion, homosexuality, so on and so forth, are means to that end: strategies which serve fundamentally to erode morality and destabilise society. These people are such ideologues that massacres at Jewish supermarkets and the like are bitter-sweet for them; bitter by virtue of the fact that they most certainly place more value in the lives of Jews but sweet because such instances can be manipulated to serve the continued myth of Jewish persecution which is the source of their influence and the basis for their untouchable status as far as criticism is concerned.

There is no grand logic, here. That's what you're not understanding. They're not chiefly driven by some inherent desire to protect and perpetuate the Jewish people in the way that, say, Zionists are. They are driven by an irrational, anti-logical, anti-Logos hatred of Europe. Their entire purpose has been dedicated - for centuries at this point - to overthrowing the Christian social, moral, and divine order. They are not deterred by attacks on the average Jew who may or may not share their convictions. Such attacks only serve to steel them in their hatred.

Hmmm, I might have jewish grandgrandparents far away, not sure though, and I 'm not jewish as my grandparents weren't, but I can tell you that I disagree with multiculturalism, white genocide, jewish overrepresentation in media etc. too. I think that jewish people should be normal citizens and not try to influence everything with political correctness etc.

I have studied judaism etc. and I know what modern satanism as defined by LaVey is, pedophilia isn't part of it.

You know I am hardcore anti-antisemite Zionist and Jew supporter and I agree with this post 100%. It's actually true, they have an irrational and overblown hate for western civilization. They would love all Jews in Israel to be massacred by Muslims if it meant western society goes down with them.

(no I am not German, no self hate here)

Because only 2 races can defeat the Jews: the white race and the Chinese. The zionists can easily handle nigger, muslims and mix raced mulatos but white people have always been their number 1 enemy and threat.

So they let China become big? And Russia will be a big problem than as many Slavs don't accept multiculturalism, and they never colonized so the white guilt can't be used for Slavic people.

I don't get this at all. Isn't Israel what they love? And it would take incredibly long to get rid of all caucasian jews which look exactly like whites too.

So if they get rid of all whites what's next, putting all caucasian jews in labor camps to starve them?

Agreed here.

Real Answer here.

Every single one of those jews are secular and don't have any semblances of national identity.

I was talking to my uncle yesterday and he told me the orthodoxy were all praying at the wall, sending trump blessings and sending hillary curses.

Jews because of their long and involved history have an almost atavistic gene to be community and ethically oriented because of the teaching of the torah and the community. Jews in america, because they have no such ties to their ancestry devote their energies elsewhere towards what they perceive as the common utopian good. most charities and donations to charities are overwhelmingly jewish.

Across the board and history, communism, bernie sanders, sydney blumenthal, george soros, and many more of these jews all have one thing in common. They have no ties to their religion or ancestry. Even the jews in israel hate them, they're the ones undermining the state of israel calling it a palestinian oppressor.

But if Arabs are removed from their house and jewish settlers are put in them, what else do you call it? No oppression?

because multiculti jews are in real fucking retarded
almost all trans "people" are jews almost all commies are jews... so leftie jews really believe in these things

See multi-culturalism is supposed to work like such

Country XYZ
>Country is almost entirely Culture Group A
>Country is doing well for itself and is located in a temperate climate
>Culture Groups B-F want in on the prosperity
>Some of these Culture Groups are from real shitty areas and see Country XYZ as a way to better themselves and their families
>B-F get visas and citizenships and move into Country XYZ
>In order to more easily get by B-F try to assimilate, to varying degrees of success, to Culture Group A
>Despite assimilation they keep key aspects of their culture such as music, insight, articles of clothing, food, etc
>B-F first arrivals are crap at assimilating but are hard workers so Country XYZ benefits from them
>B-F children are a much more heavily mixed bag of their own culture and Culture A and fit in very well into Country XYZ
>Culture Group A gets the benefit of a new and diverse population in which to basically "trade" with and add their strengths to their own
>Culture Groups B-F get to become members of Country XYZ and participate on the prosperity and add Culture Group A's strengths to their own

How retards try to make it work
>A is dominant
>B-F are minority
>A is told that they will, by force if needed, be as super kind and respectful to B-F as possible and make no attempts to get them to assimilate
>A is told their culture is flawed and dangerous and needs B-F in order to save itself
>B-F are told they are special class citizens who don't have to assimilate in any way and any attempts to assimilate will be seen as mudding up their own culture
>B-F for many generations remain foreign in this land as most barely speak the language and have brought their old problems to new lands
>Any fuck up on B-F's part is blamed on A
>Over time A becomes self-hating and need of force is no longer needed

>Why are jews happy about multiculturalism?
all the nationalists are gone to Israel already ? only the commies still lives in the west...

Because Jews are parasitic people,nation wreckers.

Bringing Muslims in Europe they crying anti Semitism when Muslims attack them LOL

There is no removing arabs from houses. Jewish "settlers" houses are regularly demolished by the government so that they can not be scrutinized by the U.N.(as if that stops them lol) and these "settlers" are all on open un-utilized land where no arabs live.

It's hard to believe but the media lies, especially when it comes to israel. Arab and Bedouin residents also have special rights, kind of like gypsies in europe, they are almost free from prosecution (I know of one instance where a group of us had an all night vigil at a farmers land in tel aviv to keep the arabs from the neighboring village from stealing his livestock because he couldn't do shit about it).

Compared to gaza, the west bank is nicer than some jewish areas, why is this? because the west bank is under the israeli governments authority compared to hamas and again arabs living there get monumental incentives and tax deductions. there's a typical west bank suburb in the pic, but don't take my word for it, you can visit anytime.

Arabs are basically the niggers of europe, only slightly smarter because and run a pretty good PR campaign after they realized they would never win with force against jews.

The attacks on Jews are the outlier. How many Jewish girls have been pimped out by Muslim rape gangs? Plus, it gives them plausible deniability. "We're being attacked, so it can't possible have been us responsible for this mess."

So all the media which show Arab kids getting shot with rifles because they throw stones to a tank is propaganda?

>I don't get this at all. Isn't Israel what they love?
No, they despise us for not being liberal leftists, most of them consider us a blot on "their" culture.
Leftist jews around the world have for years been funding anti-right NGOs and parties in Israel - Soros himself funds BDS.

Plenty of them come here to protest and shit.

I know this must be a hard leap but consider for a moment that the jewish population spread throughout the world does not share the same opinion, some with blatantly contrasting ones.

Still doesn't make sense to me, how would that jewish girl want that? You say it is a jewish problem, while it is an elite consisting of jews which is the problem, their policies hurt jews too.

Yeah well, I have seen the surpression of Palestinian Arabs and if I see a colonist burning their olive tree or taking over their house, I understand their frustration.