In dramatic scenes of diplomatic intrigue an American woman has announced 30 days of sex sanctions against her husband

>In dramatic scenes of diplomatic intrigue an American woman has announced 30 days of sex sanctions against her husband.

>Appealing to the global community on Reddit, the husband in question related the events since Tuesday but stopped short of calling them the actions of a rogue, or hostile spouse.

faggots mods on reddit removed the post

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muhhh women think their holes are gold mines

>thinks 30 days is a sanction
I guess mr. left is getting some action for the next few weeks.

Big fucking deal.

>local woman newly divorced

I would crawl over a hundred thousand perfectly good pussies and vote Trump. I will not betray my country over a vagina.

Then the new turboconservative Supreme Court sets a precedent that a wife unwilling to fulfill her duties to motherhood and marriage will have her marriage annulled,

It's as if it never happened, so she doesn't get half of his shit, child custody (if any), alimony (if it applies), and anything else.

>faggots mods on reddit removed the post


That was your first mistake.

porn, hookers, tinder(free hookers), or saying you converted to progressivism and accept the teaching of Hillary and the left and declare you are now in an open relationship free to fuck tinderwhores all you want. So Tolerant! Fuck Drumpf.

Really there are so many options... Women behave as if we lived in the XIX cent. when they benefited from a strict social mores keeping the vagina valie very high and a man leaving her/finding a mistress/even looking at porn was frowned upon. Luckily due to sexual liberation the price of pussy approaches the price of air. You did it girls!

death penalty

muuh bagina... that's really the only weapon womyns have

>A husband stopped giving his wife money to buy stupid shit because she voted for Hillary Clinton.

>can't get vagina elsewhere


I downsaged your post.

>A woman's value is only the hole between her legs and by denying access to it is the only power they have
That's quite sexist of her :^)

He should dump her a get a qt Easterner

If they live together why doesn't he just wait until she's asleep?
Or better yet, all liberal women are alcoholics, so he can just wait till she's drunk, engage her physically, get her so worked up that she renounces her sex ban.

He's just going to fuck women elsewhere. He doesn't need that whore.


And after those 30 days of sex sanctions, he announced his own sex sanctions with a smug smile on his face.

she might just find her job out sorced

Bullshit news story likely made up. Sources are so vague that it is funny.

If I was to guess, they saw a meme and made a story that was a bite size that any lefty could read.

Pic related.

I say we go biblical with this one.

Ephesians 5:22-24King James Version (KJV)

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

and if she won't. then we go further. Stone her dead and get a new wife.

In addition, This would last about 1 day at my house. The argument for me would not be about the sex, but just the childish nature of it. As often as my wife asks for money, A simple "Nope" would be the only response.

"Do you want to go out to eat"
"Yes, should I bring you back some french fries?"

Holy shit, "Lysistrata" has come true!

Aristophanes called it in 411 BC. Women still using same tactics today as they did in in ancient greece.

Time for Persian whores?

I'd bet a married man finds it far easier to go 30 days without sex than his wife will
In fact if it was me I'd extend it by another month or two

You need to be ultra beta to accept sex sanctions from a women.

Used to be in US law that didn't matter. Wasn't considered rape if you were married. Heck even the bible says women shouldn't refuse to put out for(unless shes on the rag) the husband lest he become unfaithful.

No lefty read the Lysistrada. Women want the aloha dick too much to make a sex strike work.

Wtf are they teaching in feminist studies?

Oh look 1963-1970's

And feminism marches on......

Any guy with powergul PC can save boards.Sup in

Both my pc and smartphone cant load the page properly and i cajt press "save again"

They're acting like children. Read this if you want a laugh.

>local woman shocked after finding out about her husband's prostitute addiction