Hey, Vsauce


Heyyyy Vsauce, Michael here

Meme magic... is it realllly magic or just a collective thought manifesting itself into reality...

but what IS reality.

Are we even living in the same universe we once were? And if not....where are we

In 2001 we had a major change in the world, that being 9/11...

Since then when have had some... differences if you will, things that some notive while others....do not

For example in 1962 A book was published.. a childrens book. Written by Stan and Jan Berenstein..... or was it?

After the attacks on the world trade center and somewhere before or after the supposed end of the world 2012, something was off..... that being Stan and Jan Berenstein did NOT actually write that book, however Stan and Jan Berenstain did. STAIN. But how could this be, i did a little research a discovered that there are no traces of the name STEIN. Incidentally im not the only one. Somewhere between 2001 and 2012 we split into what is called a Tangent universe. A split relaity if you will. Much like how in back to the future two, when Biff changed the timeline.

Since then we started swinging in a different direction. Needless to say the left and right spectrums of politics have increase in radical beliefs.

With the increase of use of technology and the internet our collective thoughts have been manifesting, a direct collection of ideals. ...

but the question is why?

Other urls found in this thread:



The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and most powerful particle collider, the largest, most complex experimental facility ever built, and the largest single machine in the world.

It was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) between 1998 and 2008 in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries... as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories.

Its first research run took place from 30 March 2010 to 13 February 2013 at an initial energy of 3.5 teraelectronvolts

On 13 February 2013 the LHC's first run officially ended, and it was shut down for planned upgrades.

Did this cause a rip in the timeline?

Sadly there is no REAL proof we are from another time line, although i rememebr having more hair..

Since then the internet has been creating memes, memes that seem to be almost....coming to life..manifesting into our real world.

Pepe the frog for example is a frog, and kek being a korean laugh out loud being some of the top memes to date. That coupled with that pale emotional gentlemen a discovery was made.

There is a Kek, a frog god. now i know what youre thinking... so what?

Well its not that simple to pass over. Kek was an ancient frog god depicted as a man with a frog head or a pale white man with a frog over his head.... strange

strange because without any connection images of the white feels man was depicted with pepe as his hood or covering his head... now this is where it gets interesting.

KEK ... is... depicted in stone ,as a man sitting in front of a computer screen....

Just...like the ones...making....these memes

A little research shows

The Egyptians believed that before the earth was created, there was nothing but a dark, directionless, chaotic watery mass. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), the four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These beings were Nu and Naunet (water), Amen and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness).

Nu.. as in nu..male

now this all could be a coincidence...right?

I mean a bunch of individuals couldnt actually be ressurecting a frog god from ancient times....r..right?


post more vsauce tunes

further research shows that digits are a powerful way to convey a message, a message to the masses.

Kek being a duality if you will, is an example of doubles. 4 frogs and 4 snakes make 8 and 88 being the holy number, we are starting to see that we are actually creating our own timeline.

4 frogs with their counter parts make 8

power ratio of 80/20 then 8/2


Pareto's 80 /20 Rule

Zimpfs law...but wait it gets weird here.

recent events with the American election might just prove kek is real and maybe we really are manifesting our realities.

Check this out

>Donald Trump Michael Pence

anagrams to

>Red pill meme toad can punch

>Donald Trump make america great again

anagrams to

>A meme magic toad and a partaking ruler

Donald Trump has been closely conencted to pepe the frog and kek. Endless gets and repeating numbers claiming he will win....

Now that he won, how can we deny keks will

We maybe living in another timeline, we may be living is a world full of confusion , doubt and even cognative dissonence, but let us not forget one thing

we can create our own universe through the will of kek , and rememeber to kek em

And as always thanks for watching

I'm enjoying this.

Post that harmonized singing one, I'm dumb and can't find it




Fucking glorious.

that is the statue and symbol of heqet not kek
she's a goddess of childbirth


You sir, are a major phaggot.
>pls die

hey.. it is meant for fun.
i know this aint science, sir.
but it still is fun.



That anagram's actually fucking real.

What are some good channels to binge on?

>this thread


Shadilay backwards is Ya Ledahs

sorry Ya Lidahs

Check'd and kek'd


>88 being the holy number

P..praise kek

Best vsauce tune


Is this Guilt Trip by Kanye West?

what if Sup Forums HAS stumbled across the universally infinite power that is kek?

people who look down on us would call us idiots or manchildren, but its already been shown that we can influence real world events with memes.

so as long as we keep shitposting we can influence reality? i mean, im one for skepticism and all, but imagine it, a secret society based on the internet, the true puppeteers of our reality, Sup Forums. and nobody believes us, because we are the basement dwelling deplorables. the shitposters in dark rooms, calling the shots behind closed doors.

i think that OP post ending in 88 helps support your statement


>Donald Trump Michael Pence
>anagrams to
>Red pill meme toad can punch