FUCK - only once and you never get to tell anyone

FUCK - only once and you never get to tell anyone
MARRY - the rest of your life with her for better or for worse
KILL - bury her body in the desert and nobody ever finds out

fuck marie, kill the other 2

In that exact order from left to right.

Why do you keep asking when the answer's always so obvious

Fuck Marie, Marry May, Kill Lee

Marry the bluehead
Kill the blonde
If I have to fuck the redhead but I wouldn't mind killing her too

F - May
M - Marie (I get to bang her unlimited times while married. You never specified otherwise.)
K - Lee

I'd fuck lee, marry marie

Fuck May, plump and blonde are winning combination.
Marry Marie, because she's likely a maiden in the sheets.
Kill Lee, cause she's ugly.


>putting a ring on marie
niggers stop thinking with your dicks, she's a good fuck, not a good lifepartner

Fuck May
Marry Lee
Kill Marie

Sure Marie is a good lay but she's one of the most manipulative and backstabby Kanker Sister. Just because she makes your weenie wiggle doesn't mean you should fuck it. Considering the trouble she'd do to you like poke holes in the condom to create drama or straight up giving you VD, you dodge that bullet like your life depended on it.

May is crude but innocent and even without OP's pic has had more curves than Marie. May is meh wife material sure but except for her emotional tirades (which all of them have with Marie's being the worst) she's honest and somewhat tame. Lee can be a bit of a hellion but considering that she's the oldest sister of the three and acts like a mom figure, that's expected. She'll knock some sense into you if you're luffing off but she'd do it because she knows you can do better. If she took that can do attitude then she'd be an excellent leader and could help herself and anyone stay on task for their goals. Also ever since Sara Bellum dressed like her in an OG Powerpuff Girls episode, I always felt Lee had the ability to become just as curvy and vivacious as Ms. Bellum with a little work.

>tfw I had a girl like Marie
>tfw it lasted less than two weeks

>the rest of your life with her for better or for worse
May is the sound choice

My Nigga

Marry May
Kill Lee
Fuck Maria


Marry Marie
Fuck May
Kill Lee

I find all of their obsessions cute though. Can't beat Marie though. The reason I'm such a sucker for short haired tom boys now, they suck in real life though.

Any girl can be Marie if they just cut their hair


I'd fuck all three but I'm pretty sure their fathers already did

why do you have to bring rape and incest into it?
that shits not funny user

>kill Lee
Worst taste.

marry, kill then fuck

theyre all trailer trash, i dont know if ANY of them would be good life partners.

meant for

While this is true, part of the fun of the FMK game is getting pushed outside of your comfort zone and seeing what your base priorities are. Same goes for spectating the game.

With that being said, at this point it's a game of reduction. While all three are undesirable due to their base and crass nature, I could safely say that May would be the go-to partner. Both Lee and Marie are more aggressive, spiteful, and violent than May on-screen (though the margin isn't that wide). From there, it's a showdown for who you'd like to fuck more (or rather, hate to fuck less).

For better or worse

Could be a loveless marriage where she sleeps with someone else and you sit at home jerking off and crying

Wonder if someone can shoop in grasses on this Guts Ed picture.