I don't deny jews being behind most bad things that happen but

I don't deny jews being behind most bad things that happen but.
How would jews profit from mass immigration and multiculturalism in Europe?
And why would anyone want europe to be mutlicultural and jewed?

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Gas yourself kike


Im just wondering, you fucking nigger
Answer the question or gtfo

It's not about profit; it's about dominance.

But WHY?

We get blamed for everything. No matter what the outcome or who benefits, rest assured, there's some mechanism by which a Jew caused and benefited from it, you just need to dig deeper to find it out. You can't slip over a banana peel without some kike being responsible, it's like some sick subservient mentality where nobody has personal responsibility over their life and big daddy Jew is the cause of everything.

They are intelligent gypsies, they are angry and hateful that less intelligent whites have a noble culture and civilization, yet they keep getting kicked out of countries. They want to export the middle east into the west and take more and more of that vacant land for kikes.

A subset of American Jews—a subset, a minority—suffer from a kind of psychological deformation that keeps them trapped in a particular, strangely atavistic type of paranoia, of victim mentality.

In this mentality, it’s always 1881 and we’re still in Russia. The Jews are cowering behind their doors in fear as the Cossacks rampage through the town, or Christian peasants with pitchforks and flaming brands march on the Jewish quarter.

One side effect of this mentality is an unblinking vigilance, a hyper-sensitivity, towards the slightest tendency of the Gentile majority to drift Cossack-wards. This easily and often slops over into — and I am speaking of a subset of a subset of American Jews — into a generalized dislike, a prejudice, against white Christians.

Another side effect is the feeling that, for an oppressed minority — we're still in 1881, remember: it's always 1881 — for an oppressed minority there is safety in courting and joining with other outsider groups for solidarity against the dangerous, dominant Goyim. The great dream of this mentality, in fact, is to get enough of a coalition of outsiders together to outnumber the Goyim, the white Christians. That's why so many Jews are so passionately committed to mass Third World immigration.

>check flag

Surprise, surprise

>gets kicked out of over 100 counties
>Oy Vey what is everyone's problem?!

muh 300k holyhoax victims, gonna make those goyim pay.

You sure are clever for connecting the dots, oy very, I'm revealed!
Has it occurred to you that I made no effort of hiding my flag you retard.

The difference between bad people and evil people, is that bad people sin to gain something whether it's money or pleasure, but evil people sin because they love the sin for it's inherent depravity and hatred of Christ's natural order.

We got kicked out because we rose to the top of every country we've been and the plebs got buttmad.

No multiculti = Jews stick out like sore thumbs in homogenous socities, get blamed for all things

Multiculti = Jews are just a group among many others, aren't the ones who cause most problems anymore

>Yes goy stop blaming me
>Also, don't forget the six gorillion! Else you'd be antisemite

the immigrant muds have vastly different cultrues that destroy social cohesion, a divided nation is easierto pander to
those same migranst also vote to have larger andmore socialist governments that keep the kikes' puppets in power

Why the fuck does everyone universally hate jews? Throughout history they never got a break.

>who is George Soros?

>How would jews profit from mass immigration and multiculturalism in Europe?

Open borders = cheaper labor = more $$$ saved

Someone post the screencap about debt.
Then there's also the divide and conquer factor.
Plus they can push some jew diaspora to migrate back to the holy land, which they need for the Greater Israel Lebensraum.

"His blood be upon us and our children"

There's a reason, read the Bible.

>we get blamed for everything
And with good reason

Has it ever occured to you that they may in fact actually believe the bullshit they're preaching? Could it possibly be that they believe they're doing what's best for humanity?

I'd say the jews are too smart. There's a reason why God assigned intelligence to conform to a bell curve. It's because 100 IQ points is where it's at, just enough, and not too much. Being too smart can destroy an individual, it can destroy communities and nations.

Jews are still butthurt about the holocaust (which didn't enter into the public lexicon until the 70's with jew made movies about it) They want to ruin any majority white nation with multiculturalism because they think that will prevent anudda shoa.

Holy shit this same question keeps coming back. FUCK OFF SHILL, WE'RE NOT BUYING IT.

Is George Soros the reason why Jews are the root of all evils? I thought it was more of a collective complaint than that, and that Jews are a genetically evil subspecies of human that can't peacefully coexist with the other subspecies due to our selfish and greedy disposition, as well as a cultural upbringing that promotes murdering and/or enslaving the goyim(the esoteric talmud that maybe 1% of jews has ever read).

>How would jews profit from mass immigration and multiculturalism in Europe?
This is institutional inertia. Immigration and multiculturalism previously mean right of Jews to settle in any state they desire. They continue to push for this agenda by habit even if it brings jews natural enemies (Islamist) and their future demise now. On the other hand make racial discrimination legal gain - jews are under threat to be kicked from white countries gain. You are damned if you do and you damned if you don't
>wait Jews have their own country now?

^don't listen to him. we want europe to be wiped out so it will be easier to occupy

Individual Jew's like everyone else are redeemable if they convert to Christianity. Jew's need Christ the most however

>makes immigrant workers sign a paper saying they will not have sex with israeli women and ethnically cleanses ethiopean jews
pick one

the goal of mass immigration is the destruction of white civilization

Whites are some of the only ones to counter and retaliate to jewish schemeing (ie, see hitler and almost every expulsion of jews from history)

without a united white populace, they will freely be capable of controlling the masses.


no you got kicked out because once you gained influence, you started subverting those around you, you started promoting degeneracy and pedophilia.

Your kind are snakes that slither around and usurp power to weaken the host nations you infest. time and time again, you do it like clockwork, you never learn and never try to change, your teaching poison your minds with the ideas that the goyim are below you, and that its okay to lie and cheat them.

When your entire race learns these things, its almost impossible to not have a nepotistic mindset to do this.

Your kind is a disgrace, and its a wonder why your kind persecutes people like Jesus that try to rise against you.

Just like you all demonize fellow jews that dont walk in line by calling them self hating jews.

Go gas yourself kike

we are just memeing here

People are actually falling for these quotes

Why the fuck would I gas myself when I could just shoot myself for a fraction of the cost? Do you think I have the money to build a gas chamber in this economy?

>jew religion preaches that is ok to cheat non jews
>what can go wrong?

as far as i know most people here hate gorge soros because hes the extreme left.
you people have to understand that most jews are secular, we dont give a fuck about the bible laws unlike muslims.

Jews get kicked out of homogenous white countries. They need brown people to !maintain influence

Many Jews are born psychopathic. They can't tell right from wrong due to this handicap and commit all manner of unthinkable crimes as a result. They also feel no qualms about lying, and will do so without feeling twinge of guilt .

>to build a gas chamber


>How would jews profit from mass immigration and multiculturalism in Europe?

Because muslims are fairly easy to brainwash and propagandize, and without the globalists backing them they are ineffective at military combat.

They are just being used as pawns to take out Europe, so that it can be easily conquered later.

>They also feel no qualms about lying, and will do so without feeling twinge of guilt .
Because this is what religion literally teaches them.

Nobody follows oral traditions written back during imperialistic times where religious wars were a reality. Religious Jews believe that many of Bible's commands are no longer applicable because the times have changed, and we have to think about how to best to serve God by figuring out what his Will is. If you know something about religion you'd know that this practice of reinterpretation of texts to fit the spirit of the times is universal to every religion.

This basically. They naturally destroy societies, as well as having a deep seated hatred of "Christians" (whites).

>and without the globalists backing them they are ineffective at military combat.
Genocide in Rwanda was made with machetes and sticks. Even niggers had capacity to do that.
>inb4 modern armies would stop them
What armies? You just subverted and dissolved them.

>Brief chuckle

A Jew being frugal in his suicide contemplations....

Mfw the only replies to this so far are from Jews.

i dont want you to gas yourself, just stop pushing that communist crap

Zionists are secular. So what? You still seek to dominate us.


>I don't deny jews being behind most bad things that happen but.
>How would jews profit from mass immigration and multiculturalism in Europe?
>And why would anyone want europe to be mutlicultural and jewed?

Thank goodness we elected Trump. He's fucking smart enough to look beyond religion. Kochs are Catholic, Soros and Adelson are Jews. Just shut the fuck up already.

If you want to Make America Great Again then follow the fucking president elect's example in this picture and embrace the Jews around you.

End of story. MAGA.

they support the saudis just as the saudis support them. both want the muslims to spread into the baltics for the western military to annex ex soviet territory

this in turn allows for there to be less resistance for the greater israel which requires the current isis controlled land in syria and iraq

the mulsims lose land in the middle east but pick up way more in europe. the problem is the muslims got greedy and went for germany and sweden and france and the uk instead of the baltics

Fuck off you reddit faggot. Trump is a means to an end. If he leaves office and whites have declined as a percentage of the population, he has failed.

Do you really think we care about the man himself? It's what he can do to reverse the demographic holocaust approaching.

Take your race blind civil nationalism and stick it up your arse.

>It's what he can do to reverse the demographic holocaust approaching.
>Take your race blind civil nationalism and stick it up your arse.

You're either for MAGA or against it.
See my pic? Trump is for MAGA and that's why he's working with one of the top Jews in the world to make it happen.

He is the means to an end. He's going to make sure this country is culturally enriched, but in a smarter way. No more illegal alien BS. Just people immigrating in a controlled vetting process.

Go back to your walk for Autism. My post is obviously triggering you.

You just know some absolute homo drew Iron Pill.

It's practically Tom of Finland.

I'm really curious about this greater israel scheme, how would it even work?

Historically we're constantly giving in to pressure and returning land we conquered in wars, there are more cameras in the poor """occupied"""" areas than in a porno shoot so if by some accident we kill a poor terrorist that just wanted to stab us and get his virgins we get crucified in the media, foreign reporters are lying in wait like snakes under a rock just waiting, praying that they could get that career-making close up shot of that poor freedom fighter bravely dying right as the bullet is entering his body and he's doing a 180 degree spin midair, we can't even build a hotel in monopoly without the whole world knowing about our ruthless settlements occupying the poor shithole desert land that nobody wants, so I really don't know how exactly are we going to go on this massive campaign of expansionism, and with what support, internally or worldwide.

What are you talking about?

>there are more cameras in the poor """occupied"""" areas than in a porno shoot so if by some accident we kill a poor terrorist that just wanted to stab us and get his virgins we get crucified in the media, foreign reporters are lying in wait like snakes under a rock just waiting, praying that they could get that career-making close up shot of that poor freedom fighter bravely dying right as the bullet is entering his body and he's doing a 180 degree spin midair, we can't even build a hotel in monopoly without the whole world knowing about our ruthless settlements occupying the poor shithole desert land that nobody wants, so I really don't know how exactly are we going to go on this massive campaign of expansionism, and with what support, internally or worldwide.

Lay off the krokodil Sergei.


>Genocide in Rwanda was made with machetes and sticks.

Vs unarmed people, sure.

>inb4 modern armies would stop them
What armies? You just subverted and dissolved them.


Europe doesn't have the only armies in the world, man.

There's like 200+ nations in the world... europe has a few dozen.

Pick one.

>April 1
It's just an April fool's prank bro.

It's also wrong. Crusader kingdoms in the middle east never lasted, neither will Israel.

Nothing lasts forever, we're all due for a hard reset when the inevitable nuclear war happens.

there is no way israel can avoid being flattened when the nukes drop

at least some parts of the world will still be habitable