Romanian Legislative Elections Thread Number III

On the 11th of December Romania is hosting it's Legislative Elections:

The system: Romania is a Semi Presidential Nation with a Bi-Cameral Parliment.
For a party to get in it requires 5% of the vote and for a coalition 8-10%

The parties:

PSD(Socialists, though less Europhile and less cucky, they do have some politicians that are at least pretending to be nationalists) 40% projected
PNL(Liberal EU puppets that should be hanged for treason, went so far to add the EU starts to their party symbol) 25-30% projected
ALDE(Libertarian and Conservative parties made a coalition and will coalition with PSD, they are nothing more than a party people make a coalition with to win) 5-8% projected
UDMR(Hungarian party that will coalition with PNL) 4% projected
PMP(Populist party led by a corrupt Politican that though has come out against the media and Soros) 5-7% projected
PRU(Nationalist Party, or so they say) 4-5% projected
USR(Bernie Sanders Socialists with ties to Soros) 5-8% projected

The situation in Romania:

Following a colored revolution an EU educated (((technocrat))) governament was installed. Which coincidenctly has a lot of PNL politicians, and considering our president is part of the PNL, they have it easy with rulling, so far.
But just because they hold the power it doesn't mean they know how to use it, the economy has stagnated and they have created a prison crissis and a healthcare crissis. Which they blame it all on the former governament though everything was fine before them and they have the power to change everything.

To add insult to injury the current governament has stopped the posibility of an anti faggot marriage referendum though the petition of 3 million meets the constitutional requirements.

So the romanian people are mad and are learning to be more euroskeptic, so much so that 2 nationalist parties(or so they claim) are going to get in by the looks of it, and the more pro EU party will get rekt.

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nice I've been waiting for this thread!
hopefully no bozgors will shit it up again


so far so good

god damn it

Hello, where are the prostitutes at

Bumping for interest

hello my fellow Dacian
how does it feel being hwhyte?

Feels great senpai.

feels great having 0% horsenigger genes also, unlike some of our neighbours

bozgors are people too


How fucked are we? Any chance to finally have something working right in this shit hole?



actually historcal transilvania included banat, crisana and maramures

the democratic process is a sham
no party deserves the support of our people
that's why there must be as many parties as possible, to ensure absolute chaos in the legislative body
this way, the faith in democracy will dwindle, and a Capitan will rise

who do you think will be the prime-minister if PSD wins?

that's why we must support the new nationalist parties that are a little below 5%, like PRU which has 4%
better than giving more power to the cucks in PNL or the niggers in PSD

Uei eu trebuie să fac shitposting mă insultă că ai număr dublu de posturi

ma scuzi dar cifrele sunt de partea mea

I'm still hoping for a new Iron Guard and a new Antonescu, a shame I don't know shit about politics to try and build something.

I rather have 5% horsefucker genes, than 20% gypsie
But anyway, what's gonna happen? EU puppet fags will get elected again?


Yo Romania. As an American how should I go about spreading support in your election? Are there any sites that Hungarians use heavily that need an influx of support?

situatia politica de azi seamana mult cu cea din 1924
cresterea economica va stagna si apoi brusc va colapsa, odata cu shemittah evreilor
sper ca iti faci rezerve de arme si amunitie


>As an American how should I go about spreading support in your election?
Tell USR and PNLshills to fuck off to reddit when you see them saying Ciolos/Iohannis is good.
>Are there any sites that Hungarians use heavily that need an influx of support?
Romanian szekelys?

Reddit, that's what they use if anything.

you have more gypsies than us per capita, you fugging moron :D:DD
PSD are a little more nationalist than PNL, but they are corrupt cunts who will suck erdogan's dick and build mosques for an extra buck

Haha, Oh fugg didn't realize I said Hungarian.


bump for being an Aryan

the eternal hun belongs to the cuckshed

What subreddits do they use tho?

Because sammler population, because everyone is migrating to the west
So, all the parties all shit tier basicly.. Nice

Hm, nu m-am gandit sa fac. Dar ai dreptate, ar trebui sa ma apuc pentru cel mai rau caz.

hungarians I assume mosltly use /r/pegging and /r/blacked

Never heard of Romanian subreddits, thank god for that. One less cancer in my life.


Kek I laughed.

Reminder that Constantinople is rightfully Romanian.

I meant Romanians

Time for unironic Danposting, Kek-willing...

Now, what was the post number?

r/Romania was terrified by Trump and his electorate.

Hmm, no...

A lot of idiots that "know" politics were terrified.

that place is full of USR cucks
fuck them

Not really, even on (((/r/Romania))) there were a fair bit of Trump supporters.

cam nimeni sa fiu sincer
sunt o gramada de neoliberali muisti

Test intru Zamolxis

sa te binecuvinteze cifrele

Uite putina speranta pentru voi, frati.

>Februarie 2016: Studiu CSCI: Vlad Ţepeş este conducătorul pe care l-ar vota românii în fruntea ţării

How it's going the situation in Romania now?

Scuze de rezolutia anterioara.

So sorry for the 900 years of oppression of the indigenous romanian people

Vlad Tepes was romanian and a great hero of christian liberty

Economically center, socially center-right (religious, not for going full on faggotry mode) is going to win elections.

pretty shit
a bunch of cucks who fag out to the EU and want to make us the land of poz and a bunch of corrupt faggots who do everything they can to stagnate our economy
a new rising party is a bernie-tier feminist/pro-refugee/pro-muslim/anti-christian cancerous tumour that deserves gas

veniti aici dacii mei

Spuneti-mi frati daci cum am putea sa facem Romania Great Again?

Sa te inviem pe tine, Doamne, cu dank gypsy magick - si prin dank gypsy magic inteleg sacrificiul a sute de mii de tigani.

ca sa FRGA (FACEM ROMANIA GREATER AGAIN) e nevoie sa diluam puterea partidele, alegand cele care abia iau 4-5%, gen Alianta Noastra si PRU

Eu propun sa infiltram PRM (care si asa e o batjocura nationala din cauza lui Vadim care a fost opozitie controlata) si PRU - le unim si facem Frontul Patriei Romane sau ceva de genul.

P.S. Ne adunam pe Discord:

de infiltrat nu mai infiltram (salut SRI)
doar shillam pe site-urile media si dam upvote-uri etc

Just curious, are there any parties in Romania that want Ceaușescu-style communism back? How powerful are they?

sunteti labagii ba, toti iubim god emperor-ul dar ati votat un imigrant care abia stie romana ca presedinte

I can't be the only one.

incornoratul ala trebuie sa pleaca inapoi la cuckshed

detin o pagina de facebook cu 25 de likes, cui sa fac shilling si cum?

So how's Romania anyway? I know people like to compare the Eastern Bloc countries and often claim that Hungary, Poland and Romania have supposedly highest standards of living among those.

I've been to Cluj about 7 years ago and drove across Romania on my trip to Varna and honestly it seemed in far worse state than Poland in general (and yes I know some places in Upper Silesia tend to look like the war ended 5 years ago).

Did your country develop much in this decade? Has it changed a lot? I gotta tell you, Poland has barely had any decent roads before 2012 but now this country really resembles a Western one, if a Western country had no muslims and halved wages, that is. I really see the cities change a lot with particularly high amount of constructions getting erected in the past 2 years or so.



that's too bad :^)
our most prosperous cities are poz central: Timisoara, Cluj
we are in booming times but it depends on whether or not the kikes will pull the plug and kvetch

fucking normies are out partying