What's Rick's problem with isrsel?

What's Rick's problem with isrsel?
I'm already over how bad last season was but I can't get that scene out of my head
Wouldn't Rick just destroy Israel or mind control the president or something, that's what he always does in the show when something is bothering him
How does it make sense? During the first episode he gets so drunk he decides to nuke the planet and start over but now when he gets drunk he just rants about things instead of getting into his ship and doing something stupid
That doesn't sound like Rick at all, that's something Jerry would do
Why Israel? What the fuck was up with that?

>it was a joke


Please for the love of god nobody post in this bait thread

Why do Americans like Israel so much?

It doesn't seem like a joke, it has no set up and no payoff, it comes out of nowhere and it's completely random
When I was watching the episode my reaction was wait, did I hear that right? And then I watched the scene again, there is no context to it, I'm sure Israel was never even mentioned in the show before.
Was it an inside joke? Because it looks that way, maybe Harmon got drunk and told the writers guys, what if we mention Israel in an episode for no reason at all

Would anyone here fuck Carl?

Because it was prophesied that the Temple must be rebuilt before Jesus will return.

I'm not trying to bait either, I honestly can't get it out of my head, I wish I had some context or explanation so I could stop remembering it two or three times a week
It was so fucking confusing, like when Chris said the stone age thing

Evangelicals do.
God gave Israel to the Jews, so they support Israel. Also, it needs to exist to fulfill a prophecy during the apocalypse or something.

Doesn't it makes other Americans feel bad that a death cult dominates their country foreign policy?

Does it count as a death cult if they want everyone more or less to live until the game is called?

So do evangelicals want the world to end?

What did Rick mean by this?

I love how early Church people were like "get your shit together, he's coming back soon!"

Now it's like... hey man, 2000 years going strong

No, Jesus will win the war against the Anti-Christ in Israel.

A "prophecy" that was made up by some pastor named John Nelson Darby in the 19th century.

It's all about Jesus. I was raised hardcore Christian and constantly heard that the second America "turns its back" on Israel that America would literally end. You'd be surprised how many people feel the same way deep down.

It's the only country in the Middle East that even remotely functions like a western democracy

So?, Burgerland had zero problems with all dictatorships on LatinAmerica, or the Apparheint on South Africa...or the situation on Saudi Arabia

No border wall is illegal.

Literally this. It's the dirty little open secret that nobody's called the GOP or the military-industrial complex on.

According to Islam, Jesus will lead an army of Muslims against Christians and personally kill the leaders of Christianity with his own hands.

yes, but not before you donate several hundred dollars to various megachurches.

Are you... from Israel? There's no reason this should bother anyone who doesn't have a connection to Israel. It was just a joke.

don't you just love it when a creator blatantly talks through their character to spew their opinion

Outside the fundies the GOP, and lets be realistic the Dems too, support Israel because it's a largely US-aligned nation operating as a counter to Iran. The MI complex supports Israel because they buy their shit.