Anyone else here have a problem with Trump's climate change denial...

Anyone else here have a problem with Trump's climate change denial? I voted for my sweet prince to get into office and I'm excited for the next four years(and comfy as fuck since I have my liberal tears vats stocked fully), but there's still a part of me that's ultra butthurt that he fucking thinks climate change is a "myth by the Chinese".

This isn't about taxes, this isn't about China, this isn't about science organizations wanting funding. Climate change is not only undoubtedly real, but there is tons and tons of hard evidence that humans have been noticeably affecting it since the industrial revolution.

Now before you begin REEEing at me, please go look at some data.
I would be happy if he could at least admit he was wrong and that climate change is real and we're making it worse. I don't mind 4 years of whatever he wants to do as far as fucking over the EPA, but seriously, if anyone is denying climate change at this point, they're literally retarded to the point of not being able to read.

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Why is this on EVERY board now?
Definitely not a concerted effort by someone..

Climate change is fucking irrelevant. Whatever potential changes are coming are inevitable-even if they ARE man-driven, China will push us to them by themselves. There's literally no reason the west should be cucking our economies on the altar of The Right Thing



Fake, gay

It's going to be really hard for people to accept the truth of this shit being a hoax to shut our industry down.

No. It's just about the only things I believe Trump let spill out of his mouth during the course of the campaign that weren't empty rhetoric or lies to divert from his core beliefs. He's a business man, by trade, and hasn't been taken in by the AGW-Industrial-Complex's (by which I mean government-derived redistributionist's) Big Lie.

I am concerned. I live in one of those regions where climate change is really really visible and I have some nostalgia for how it used to be.

HOWEVER Clinton would not have been significantly better. Clinton would definitely perpetuated the US dependency on middle-eastern oil, and a bunch of other regulations you can project from the clinton foundation donations. Sure, she'd have put up the air of making some progress to clean energy, but she doesn't care.

FURTHERMORE Trump does care at least to a minimal degree. Trump doesn't want smog and microdust polluting the american air, poisoning the populace. Trump does care about innovation in and efficiency of american power production. Have you even listened to Trump about the environment or do you only listen to what fearmongerers tell you?

Yep CTR is still online. Can't wait until January and the FBI raids that place.

The fags in climate science used to be the ass end of academia. Climate change is the only reason they get relevance.

It's a scam.

Why do we even bother
> 1 post by this ID
every CTR thread

"Green" energy lobby shills.

They expect us to get on board and pay taxes to fund their scams.

will you let us nuke china and india?
if not, why does it fucking matter if climate change exists or not?

Are you suggesting that (((someone))) is behind this?

Why is this climate change bullcrap getting spammed on Sup Forums today?

AGW is a fucking meme, it's not real, and the MINUTE changes in WEATHER that MAY occur are less than a DAILY variation.

Boohoo the A/C has to be turned on. Fuck the poor, they should buy A/C units.

the only reaction would be to walk an all four. the UN keeps whining to the countries around the world to do something, and they will continue to drag it out. If the US sunk more money into renewables, nobody would notice or care. Thus, Trump's stance literally does not matter.

Two of the stupidest things about this board:
1) Religion
2) Global warming, global shmarming

Man Made Global Warming is real.
However it is not a catastrophe.
Doing absolutely nothing isn't ideal, but it's better than what a lot of alarmists want to do with "acting fast" to reduce CO2 emissions.
If alarmists were to be in power, they would crash our economy with no survivors.
So I'm honestly not worried.

It's real, but it definitely isn't as big a deal as liberals make it out to be. Or, at the very least, it's not the biggest problem we're facing right now.

If it makes you feel any more comfortable, coal would be dying even without Obama's environmental regulations.

Even Mitch McConnell admits that ending the war on coal won't bring jobs back to his state.

Hopefully the God Emperor can assist Kentucky and W. Virginia in some other way.

>mfw an increase in global mean temperature creates climate refugees worldwide

>still didn't get the memo that Sup Forums is just a contrarian board

>Man Made Global Warming is real
There's no evidence for that.
The data is skewed.

>look we made these models that cover pretty much every scenario, even nothing happening
>see the models are always right
>now let us be in charge of your economic policy

yeah no thanks bruh

The problem with all the environmentalist crybabies about trump is, china gives no fuck and is the main cause of it, while they get a shit load of money with that.

Just cause it happens in the US, it doenst mean the problem is solved.

If anything, shifting the heavy industry back to the US makes it easier to ensure the industries that are using all the filters and bullshit that helps in this situation that certainly arent used in china.

I am not denying global warming exists, i am not even denying it caused by people, but this shit is still happening, no one cares while it isnt being caused by the US and EU. If someone will have massive profits with this shit, i rather it be the US than the fucking chinks.

Not just here. I've been seeing their spam around the net since yesterday.

>Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaji

Also, aren't volcanoes one of the major sources of CO2? Why would they show observations from an area with volcanic activity?

>Anyone else here have a problem with Trump's climate change denial?
No. Get out.


Global warming isn't real.

There is no correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature.

You got brainwashed by the Al Gore meme.

>Anyone else here have a problem with Trump's climate change denial?


>if he could at least admit he was wrong and that climate change is real

Sure it's real, the climate changes all of the time.

Global warming is not real however. It's "caused" by abolishing measuring stations.