Well, Sup Forums?


Day of the rake when?

Interesting, but I think THIS is the real question.

Don't make us do it again

forget the rake

use the ultimate anti canadian weapon

I don't know man, thats a lot of eels.

You know the Americans used militia as well right?

Also the Brits who invaded Washington DC were veterans of the Peninsular campaign.

The magma's heat would eventually dissipate before getting to the last eel

How much magma though?


They also came back to England.

>US army
pick one

Cant you read? One whole magma

I cant believe that picture left out the great chief Tecumseh who was instrumental in winning the war.

Typical white imperialist scum, leaving the natives contribution out of the history books. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Sorry my dude

Canada wasn't even a country in 1814

For fuck's sake man it says right there one, what the fuck is wrong with you?

But that's lava m80

>united states professional army

Remember when a bunch of illiterate ex-indentured servants kicked your asses so bad in the revolution that you had to have the british navy carry you away to the worthless frozen land to the north that we never even wanted anyway?

Implying this ain't the real question

>18 quintillion roaches
>18 quintillion

None, a black hole would be formed because of the mass of the eels and it would ruin both the magma and eels, forming iron and then collapsing.