Conservashits see no difference between this and a fully grown human being

>conservashits see no difference between this and a fully grown human being

You people are ruining this country, I swear. Why do you have such a problem with a woman making a decision about her own health?

Hey retard, look up what a partial birth abortion is, and ask why the fuck Hillary supported it.

Obvious bait. But I'll answer anyway. If abortion being illegal ruins a country, then why is it that U.S. and Canada were both better when abortion was illegal, but have been going downhill since it was made legal? (I'm not saying abortion is main factor, rather a symtom.)

>claims to care about biology
>says a fetus is equivalent to one cell


>Her own health

No the right of a entire human being to live. Her right now involves another's right to live.

Liberals give in to every base human emotional instinct but don't want to protect the smallest of humans. It's a tragedy if a baby dies, just not if they haven't been evicted yet and srill in the womb.

This is why if I ever have a miscarriage I will never invite my retarded sister in law who supports abourtion. I find it disgusting to be pandered to when they would see my lost child as not human.

A couple of cells =/= another human being

Who gives the fuck about a collection of aborted cells that didn't even know it was alive or have a concept of death in the first place?

You know parents don't fucking bother buying their kids anything meangingful for their birthday or Christmas until they're 4 because until then they're ultimately incapable of understanding anything at an intelligent basis?

Everyone knows how to make another fucking human being. It's not a fucking tragedy when they're aborted by the truckload each day.

>inb4 but wut if u was abortid argument

Well I'd be fucking dead, having never developed unique experiences or memories worth losing, and thus it wouldn't fucking matter.

>muh religious texts, muh doctrine that all life is sacred

Your very existence as a human today was earned through the blood of millions, and the destruction of countless animals and habitats. It's the way of life. The weak must fear the strong. Kill yourself. Deus fucking Vult.

Well said, post feet.

They form their own unique genetic code at conception.

First of all, pro-abortion people don't just want abortion when the child is a few dozen cells or whatever number you're imagining. So that seems a bit disingenuous, but whatever.

The question is: when does a human life begin? And the answer, from a scientific point of view can be done fairly precisely. If you trace your own history back, you will see a continual development going on, but always a simple to follow worldline tracing back. Your DNA traces back with the "cluster of cells" that is you. Both the worldline and the DNA traces back all the way to conception, at which point it traces back no further. Your DNA does not exist before that time, nor is there a single worldline to follow (it diverges and follows each of the two haploid cells from each parent.) The details of this are quite well known scientifically (centuries ago people had a better excuse for not knowing this), but hedonists and pro-abortion people seem inclined to manipulate the details to justify their desires.

This is the same as dindu nuffin. Think about it. You fuck, knowing a baby can be made. So you kill it so you can keep fucking free of responsibility.

I want bank robber abortions. I run in, knowing I could get shot. So I abort the police call so I can keep robbing without going to jail. Its my right as a man you bigot.

Fuck off

I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to abort an embryo, but to claim it isn't a human life is pretty silly.

there is an easy solution: don't get preggers and you won't have to murder you child.

>implying this is what they abort
nice meme

>Who gives the fuck about a collection of aborted cells that didn't even know it was alive or have a concept of death in the first place?
You know that the answer to that question is "a lot of people", and in fact that's why you're ticked off.

>It's the way of life. The weak must fear the strong.
And if the strong tell the weak they can't kill their even weaker children? Sounds pretty good, I guess I'll fight for that.

Sure, the strong tend to run the show, but that doesn't tell us anything about how to run the show when we're the strong guy. That's a useless piece of philosophy you're espousing.

CTR, you do realize that if you keep your shit up you're going to meme another Trump into the WH next term

Too fucking stupid to learn anything from the election this year. Parasites

Well seeing as that stage lasts for roughly 11 days and people aren't even aware they're pregnant at that time. You're full of shit.

>pro-abortion people don't just want abortion when the child is a few dozen cells or whatever number you're imagining. So that seems a bit disingenuous, but whatever.
Some do. But you people don't want it at any point for any reason. Defend your own beliefs, fag.

I'm not a conservative, i support abortion rights, and women's choice, but i do not support late term abortion unless it's a threat to the mother's life, or the child is so deformed there's no hope for a healthy life.

I believe that once the spinal cord fuses (yes, actual biology) is when the spark of "life", or consciousness forms. But life at that point can still be ended ethically. But 3 weeks until birth...nope. Not happy with that.

I'll kill a cow for a hamburger, and I'll kill a fetus if it's deformed or destined for a life of misery as a crack baby or worse. But I won't kill a cow for fun, and I don't support late term abortion as birth control. It's a kid at that point.

The election's over retard, time to go back to your shitty life

Haha. Shitty life...I smell projection. Your job is to shitpost on a computer

A woman has the right to choose whether she opens her legs or not. She should not have the right to choose whether or not to end the life growing inside of her.

Who would pay me to do that exactly?

This is already an absolutely perfectly determined human being, from eye color and finger prints to caffeine tolerance and some personality types. Anything physical except acquired alterations is predetermined. Only time divides these cells from being a full adult body.

>You people are ruining this country

You're projecting.

>libtards see no difference between this and a human being

Two can play at this game

I only support abortion for minorities