Moral of Mulan: To be a successful woman just become a man

Moral of Mulan: To be a successful woman just become a man

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Moral of Mulan 2: marrying some guys you just met that you've totally fallen in love with is more important than your duty to maintaining peace in your country and protecting the lives of its citizens.

Nothing wrong with that.
I would like to see RoV getting Disney adaptation. Do you think it's possibie?

I’ve read the original poem the film was based on and it carried heavy Confucianist ideas, placing the woman in the household. Disney, on the other hand, turned into a “girls can be strong like men too” sort of film, which is not surprising, but mediocre.

Fun fact, Chinese don’t really like Disney’s Mulan because of how exaggerated and wrong the Chinese traditions were portrayed. They like Kung-fu Panda more.

Work as a woman; still held back in the stone age because fire is scary.

It's okay to feel in love with your cute companion because they are probably a girl

Doesn't the Movie more or less end similar to the Chinese version? Mulan returns home to her family and gets hitched.

I mean, yeah, I imagine in that time in China those were the options, if any.

Honestly morals in cartoons as an idea is kinda dumb. Children should be taught by their parents not media industries like Disney.

A lot of oldfags were taught morals on Sup Forums.

Except for the whole save the emperor ending, y’know

That was not the moral at all. And now some clickbait site will write up a 30 page thesis about this and it will be shitposted all over.

Is this long-game trolling?

So it changes some things to make the climax more climactic while still reducing the war Mulan was supposed to be a hero of to a single battle and a brawl in the palace

I mean...

Yeah, usually arranged marriages are shit, but in that particular situation it was literally the only thing keeping China safe from barbarian hordes.

We don't talk about direct to video sequels

>Search Mulan Bluray rips
>Always comes with 1 & 2

Remember kids, if you are unable to fit the mold societal norms allotted to you, it will be a long and winding path of hardship to reconcile yourself to society and society to yourself, and if we're being realistic here, rather than being better for the journey, you're more likely than not going to get your head lopped off for breaching taboo. So don't fuck around if you can at all avoid it. Good night.

Well that is half true. If you don't do what the men do (i.e. meet the same standards of preoductivity, same hours worked, same level of experience, with a highly competitive attitude), then in what sense can you claim to be doing equal work? You don't get a six-figure salary just for showing up.

>when your 25 cent discount results in less than half the sales you would have gotten if you didn't have it

That and less males buying from the bakesale. Though, why would you go to a feminist bakesale as a cis white male boggles the mind.

It's probably an RSO selling out of a student union or some other campus thoroughfare.

Unironically my favourite Disney movie and my favourite Disney girl.

They probably mixed their period blood into everything.
If that seems gross to you, it's because you hate women!

Aren't there multiple versions of it? Iirc one of the bigger ones was that she became a general or at least some important figure, revealed she's a woman when her military career ended, her troops didn't really give a fuck about that and then she wanted to just go home when asked about a reward? I'm pretty sure I fucked up the order of that, but the whole honor deal is far more of a Japanese thing and wasn't nearly as important in the original Chinese version.

It's supposed to be awareness thing. The fact that people who made it almost certainly followed the common misconception is another thing, but this is clearly a one time thing made to highlight the issue not people trying to force a change in prices everywhere.

yes there are. one ended with her committing suicide. fuck that edgy one.

Second moral: to be a victorious man just become a woman

>College guys giving even a single fuck about this
They were probably too busy getting laid.

couldn't a guy just claim to be a woman and get the 75c muffin?

Probably, what's your point? They're not trying to make more money off men, they're just trying to "spread awareness". They can be trying to legitimately educate people or just spreading the misinterpretation depending on whether they're the crazy SJW types or not, but either way you seem to be missing what their goal is.

>Moral of Mulan
is to be loyal to the nation that raised you. How is that not clear to you?

If I give a girl .90¢ to get me a cupcake and she can pocket the extra .15¢ , am I helping feminist equality or hindering it...
I ,mean I save .10¢ off the price of the cupcake and she makes .15¢.

You don't seem to know what a moral is.

Read are you really this stupid? If you want an answer, you're doing neither because their main goal isn't to make money. They want people to talk about it and you're doing just that right now.

Not like women were allow to join the army once Mulan saved the emperor

>This is unironicaly good advice

In modern times it's not an issue but then it made perfect sense, if you lost a significant portion of women you couldn't rebuild your empire as fast as the enemy. She didn't fight for equal rights, she fought for herself in the story and for her family and herself in the film.

I mean, there is the less pc answer in saying that women are just inferior to men in combat.

They were using peasants as meat fodder, the skill or strength aren't an issue when you were going for numbers, the issue was the ability to regain the population after. If you want a trained army there would be plenty of women good enough for it even if they wouldn't be the heaviest category, though less than men because women are smaller and weaker on average. Being pc has nothing to do with strategy and common sense.

Sure buddy, however you like to rationalize it.

>we will send those people none of whom can fight at all to distract the enemy, but we can't possibly send women because they're so weak they'll distract the enemy less

>so let's send women instead to show how progressive we are

But if you get people to actually talk about the "wage gap" then the whole argumant falls apart and people start to realise it's just an earning gap in reality because men just work harder, longer, and in more dangerous/high paying jobs on average, thus why men on average pull in more dosh.


go check a dictionary then come back to me.
Yeah thats true. But the story and poem state that sometimes you must defy societal norms to protect whats important to you. Be that family or Nation

Non crazy SJW feminists would promote women getting into those jobs more, sure some of require physical strength but not all of them. Since the cupcake sale had no information about which type it was I'm willing to give them benefit of the doubt, though I agree that it most likely is the other type of a campaign.
They send as many people as they can afford without endangering the stability of the empire, they leave people who are too weak to fight at all and people who will rebuild behind. You can't rebuild a society fast without women, so the additional army numbers aren't worth risking the future. People were a resource and using your resources in a wrong way meant you got wiped out. This has always been the main reason for leaving women out of large scale fighting, a lot of cultures had women who fought and while not common it wasn't particularly weird, but any actual armies were primarily men.

not the same user, but china doesn't enjoy the thought of sending their women to die. Especially since the wars are usually being fought to protect them.
Second using peasants as meat fodder is also something heavily frowned upon. A number of Generals quickly found out that numbers mean nothing next to skill and discipline. Once you reach a certain age you're more a liability then help and they'll send you back home if they feel so.

You need to stop playing rtss.

>usually arranged marriages are shit
That's a lie you made up to rationalize "finding true love" bullshit fed to you by the media. Arranged marriages report greater happiness because they have the mentality of make-it-work, and humans are very good at making things work.


It had several morals. Don't be dense.

I wasn't referring specifically to China, it was more of a general reasoning on why it's something so prevalent. The wars are always fought to protect territory and political goals, so whatever soldiers tell themselves they fight for isn't the reason for the war.

yeah this. Every character learned an important lesson from the peasant to the emperor

Charging men more for the same product is discrimination and anti-equality no-matter what the reason.

real time strategy

oh i thought we were talking about Mulans time because a number of generals wrote books on why using peasants as fodder was more liability then help.
Some of them were even fired for sending old peasants backed him because the emperor they were undermining the war.
He had to go on trial and explain that some old men couldn't march 10 miles a day. Something that was required to get the jump on the enemies

>old peasants backed him
old peasants back home

They're not selling a product, they're having an awareness campaign in a form of a selling a product. They're not a company making a statement. It's like trying to promote awareness about some places being hard to reach by people on wheelchairs by blocking access to some place for everyone else as a show, It's not meant to discriminate against others, just to illustrate the point. As I said I doubt this particular sale is done by reasonable people, but they're doing it with a specific goal of highlighting something they think is important with a public performance. It doesn't harm or inconvenience anyone, so you're just looking for reasons to be mad at them. Be mad at people who spew bullshit not people who might be doing it based on some vague poster.

You're literally defending promotional material meant to raise "awareness" of the "fact" that men make more money than women. It's a feminist bakesale spreading lies and should be shamed like the farce it is.

I'm telling you that it's not discrimination. And as I said while you're most likely right about them, you don't know for a fact that they're not informing people about how the "wage gap" is widely misunderstood. Getting mad at things that might not even be true is not a sign of a mentally healthy person.

Other examples aside of her a Joanne D'Arc?

Melody is mai waifu

I am not exited for the inevitable "Mulan was trans" think-pieces.
fuck people imposing Western values onto a Chinese story.

That sequel is bullshit

>in a form of selling a product

so they're selling a product

The goal of it is not to make money but rather to demonstrate something. They're not abusing how market works to profit more off certain people, they're showing something by setting different prices during one specific event which is the whole point of said event. It's a performance. Do you understand that concept?

TLK 2 was a'ight

I don't understand what you mean.

If I had self esteem, I would go to this bake sale.

They're right, too, any of the Kung-Fu Panda movies are superior to Mulan. Only thing Mulan does better is the music.