ITT: Tropes that aren't used anymore

Back in the day "the boss is coming for dinner, gotta make sure everything goes well or he might fire me" plots were common. Did people actually do this in real life? Because they presumably stopped because now nobody would ever invite their boss to dinner unless they were actually friends, at most we'll go out to dinner with the boss and other co-workers to a restaurant.

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Something you have to keep in mind is that a lot of Sup Forums sitcoms were meant to represent the ideal upper middle class family. This means being rich, a moral paragon and kissing the boss' ass. These tropes are exactly the thing the Simpsons challenged by instead focusing on a working class family and their struggles until season 4 drops that aspect entirely

They stopped doing it because they realized Steamed Hams could never be topped.

>Nobody knows how to program a VCR clock
>He returned a Videotape to the rental store without rewinding it
>Oh no, you missed your favorite show while it was on! Now you can't watch it!

One family member hogging the phone to the annoyance of the rest. Hell even using a phone as a phone for any extended time is a bit odd nowadays

>Group of kids doing volunteer work

>Oh no, you missed your favorite show while it was on! Now you can't watch it!
one of my favorite married with children episodes

crossdressing as comedy
character gets fat in an episode about healthy eating
Anime isn't localized anymore (thank god)

Usually it'd be the boss inviting themselves to dinner, but yes- it was a thing at one point.

Community service is graduation requirement in many high schools.

>Anime isn't localized anymore

Yokai Watch, Yu GI Oh, that failure of a Doraemon 2005 Americanization by disney,. Fucking Pokemon.

Every Kids mercy anime still gets the Saban / 4kids treatment.

and then there's FUNI going full SJW in their dubs.

I lived these things, can I get my 90s card back?

Boss coming to dinner.
People used to live very close to their employment places.
Now nearly everyone I work with commutes an hour+ to work. Nobody wants to do that just for an evening meal.
Restaurants are much more convenient.

Every high-school in Ontario that I know of requires 40+ hours of volunteer work.

My boss buys everyone Pizza one friday of each month. He brings it to the breakroom and eats with us.

Is it hard to program VCR clock?

I lived through VCR era, but it never occured to me they have clocks in them.

>then there's FUNI going full SJW in their dubs

How can a dub be SJW

They found a way.

as an Ontarioan.

can confirm.

kinda makes the whole "volunteer" thing a misnomer if it's required right?

Also I didn't know anyone who knew how to program their TV remote to their VCR remote. Had no idea you had to look up the VCR code and all that shit.

*I mean TV remote to their VCR. People just had multiple remotes laying around, one for TV, VCR and satellite.

California got rid of it a few years back, or the district I went to at least.

>tfw had a summer job
>they told the school i could use my "volunteer" work here
>still got paid because boss was cool

it's no different from setting the clocks on microwaves or ovens

Oh, geez.

Ours had no buttons physically on it for anything but playback and we lost the remote, so it was physically impossible to set the clock

Never again

My family lost power every few days, so it wasn't worth programming the clocks. Only reason we had the microwave programmed was due to the fact that it was at eyelevel and flashed the incorrect time after losing power.

I refuse to believe that any "take your child to work day" ever existed.

>for this class we're going to give you an inanimate object and you've got to pretend its a baby for a week
Do american schools actually do this shit?

Don't forget:

>accidentally taping over an important VHS with some unimportant shit

I just got out of high school a couple years ago. This still happens, albeit in an elective class rather than the main Health/Health Science class.

Is this a gag dub like Shin Chan or are they being completely serious with this?
There was a class in my high school where you did get an electronic baby that recorded everything.
That being said, I don’t get the whole flour sack/egg plot that cartoons do. How in fuck’s name is the teacher gonna know if anything bad happened to it?

Are soap operas/soap opera parodies still a thing?
Seems like they died out back in the mid-to-late 90's.

ok that filename got a giggle out of me

I want to say my middle school did, but I have no clue what class it could have been for since we lacked stuff like Home Ec, Shop, and Business. The Sex Ed class was one term and it wasn't that either.

Given that the whole idea of soap operas are that they go on indefinitely, yes.

The dub was played completely straight.