Could this have worked?

Could this have worked?

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Sure, why not?

There is no such thing as a stupid idea, it all depends on how you handle it.

X-Men Evo was basically the same thing, and it lasted four seasons. This could have worked if they made the stories interesting, gave us more insight to the villains' personal life, and have Bane come out to Killer Croc and have them secretly date.

"Batman in highschool" can work fine as a concept, but not like how they present it in this concept art.

X-men's original concept was a bunch of teenagers going to school and having adventures. That's exactly what X-Men: Evolution was. The characters more naturally fit that set up.

I don't think this is a default failure but there's a lot of wonky stuff that's going to happen. So much of character's motivations come from the very, very different backgrounds they were raised in. Joker as a troubled youth is so removed from the character you're basically looking at an OC. Who is acting as the authority here, breaking up Batman and Joker's fight? Gordon as principal? Two-face? What position of power is Harvey giving up from his two-face event? If he's not giving up anything, if he's introduced as Bruce's peer, just another teenager who has tragedy strike, that's a huge compelling element of his character gone.

Bruce as an adult deciding to take on the mantle of street protector because the police are overworked and unable to do it has some degree of reason, Bruce as a teenager deciding to beat up his fellow students makes him unhinged and a bully himself. A responsible student would just report any issues they had to teachers. Are the teachers villains themselves?

It's just really strange to see these characters all gang-pressed into this setting, as social peers, and I feel like a lot of what makes them/the universe itself is lost.

High-School lesbianism between Harley and Ivy could be interesting

I'd rather watch it than Teen Titan go.

>Cancelled project
Wasn't this literally just fanart from deviantart?

I don't like highschool settings and thought X-Men Evolution sucked. So I say no.


X-Men: Evolution, Iron Man: Armored Adventures, DC Superhero Girls, the idea's been done plenty of times already, usually achieving some amount of success.

Teenage Bruce is an often glossed over aspect of the character. So it could have been interesting for at least that.

Who's the one on the far left supposed to be?


He was an art student instead of a drama one, for some reason.

I suppose that's because clay and stuff

>Bruce as a teenager deciding to beat up his fellow students makes him unhinged and a bully himself. A responsible student would just report any issues they had to teachers. Are the teachers villains themselves?
No, it doesn't. If these guys are supervillain teens that are causing serious trouble, then it makes total sense for him to take up the cowl and stop them. The teachers probably couldn't do shit either, unless they were villains themselves.

This image is very silly, but you could easily work a show with Teenage Batman in High School, having the villains also be teenagers. Harley, Bane, Catwoman, Twoface and Clayface could easily be just regular students until something changes with them, maybe some of the others. Obviously you could make Killer Croc a teenage monster but he doesn't really work in a high school environment. I don't know how you'd even do Freeze as a child, what, is it going to be his Girlfriend with the incurable disease instead of his Wife?

>All the people who legitimately thought this was going to be a serious prequel series and not a parody of high school shows with Batman characters

>Bruce Wayne going to a public school
Unless he's infiltrating one for the express purpose of learning more about juvenile delinquents, I don't see it happening.

Thomas: something something you need to understand how it is to be normal we dont want you spoiled

If it is anything like Iron Man then his father is still alive (forcing Bruce to have another reason to be Batman) and that is always the reason rich characters go to public school

dont give fox any ideas

I think it would be fun if it was something like Fillmore! but with Batman.

>I think it would be fun if it was something like Clone High but with Batman.

Seriously. This is obviously meant to be a comedy using the personalities and gimmicks of the Gotham rogues gallery to fill high school archetypes. That's why you have Dent running for school president, bullied Penguin, Barbara as the girl-next-door to Bruce, the rival school from Metropolis, etc.

If you have to change the most basic elements of a character to make your story work, then maybe it's time to just make an OC. It'd be like making Superman from Los Angeles.

The real question about the show is what would teenage CIA be like?


Hall monitor

High school version of any cartoon always works.

>no robin

>it's a boys vs girls episode
>all the boys become retarded
would gotham high avoid this trope?

>Big Dick Bruce
>Two Face

Whos the other 3 supposed to be ?


catwoman clayface and scarecrow?

I'm pretty sure it did, and it was called Batman Beyond

Would the series eventually have an episode about date rape?

>there will never be a VN set in this universe
>you will never be able to chose between Babs, Selina and Ivy routes and the Harley route where you start a love triangle and can cuck the Joker
>you will never fall asleep during Mr. al-Ghul's history class
>you will never help your best friend Dent in his student body president election
>you will never get into fights with Bane and Croc because Bruce is the only one who tries to stop the bullying

So my idea for edible prosthetics could take off?

Inevitably. It would also feature the Floronic Man...


>edible prosthetics
taking amputee porn to a whole new level

Could I get some examples? only one I can think of is X-men Evolution. And the cancelled Muppet High which shouldn't count for obvious reasons

That Ivy, the goth girl is catwoman?