How do you defend the fact that most Trump voters are uneducated?

I'm serious. How do you justify that? How do you justify that most of Trump's support comes from people who are not college graduates? Is that not even a little bit embarrassing?>

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Why do we need to defend it? Because you say so? Fuck off.

>he doesn't know that absolutely everyone going to college, even for the stupidest shit in the world, is an extremely recent phenomenon
>he can't even conceive of people becoming informed if they didn't happen to go to college

Having an education doesn't make you educated. Just like how a person can grow up without maturing.


> College
A vast majority of degrees are a scam. Trump is going to fix the broken system by making colleges pay for their failed degrees.

the liberals don't even know what a mob rule is, and they had a year to figure out they were listening to propaganda. For people that claim to be 'educated' they sure don't know much about history.

Yeah nigger! Trump!!!!!


Probably lots of Hillary supporters got college degrees in fucking art history and shit. Totally meaningless.

Meanwhile Trump supporters have real-life experience in building machines, farming, and raising livestock.



I thought liberals were the champions of the poor and uneducated?

Why is that suddenly bad when they don't do what liberals want?

They're not intolerant bigots, are they?

Sup Forums thinks "education" is a codeword for "liberal brainwashing". Hence why there's a large amount of NEETs here.

Good. He can start with his own "college".

Easy: There is nothing wrong with not being "college educated."

How do you defend the fact that niggers were emancipated and given the right to vote?

Suck a bag of docks

>4 year day care for job training and ideological subversion

free from jew marxist indoctrination

Go back to apefrica, monkey.

He's a champion for the poor. Most poor can't go to college.

That doesn't mean stupid. It means they didn't go get a piece of paper.

Fuck off.

Liberals and the left no longer have the uneducated vote.

That means the left in the united states is complete garbage because that is who they are supposed to represent.

Most Hillary voters.are.also uneducated. Most of the USA is uneducated.

They explicitly represent kike bankers, welfare queen niggers and illegal non-citizen spics. It's the cesspool party.

Trump won with college educated white males.

This is one of the smartest demographics.

How do you explain that?

They aren't uneducated though. Trump supporters are all legal citizens. We have law in place that demand our children to receive education (not college, but k-12).

A lot of Hillary supporters on the other hand were more than likely illegal aliens (who more than likely were not educated).

In all actuality, the educated voted for Trump and the uneducated voted for Hillary.


1) Modern """higher education""" is a joke and a scam. Any non-STEM degree doesn't make you intelligent in a meaningful way. Your gender studies degree doesn't mean you're smart, but it gets added to the statistics regardless.

2) Niggers and spics all voted for Hillary, they're arguably just as stupid as any white redneck, there's just less of them.

Because he got more votes by the ones that make more money.

Post the chart someone.

Deys racis.

Education ≠ Intelligence
How do you explain the fact that Liberal University students often fail to produce a cohesive argument about anything remotely political without resorting to petty name calling?

Just that they are not the ones that globalization and free trade deals benefited, and got their jobs replaced by outsourcing.
They wanted a chance they didn't see with Clinton.

Graduated top of my class woodworking technician

Making a scam college shows he's a brilliant businessman who can fuck people and make money.

Letting a scam college exist shows the government is shit at its job.

Two sides of a coin my brother.

What does that say about being racist?

"Uneducated." What does that even mean? The literacy rate in the US is staggering, and there is a disproportionate amount of illiteracy consistently and mindlessly voting gibs/Democrat every election to annihilate any claim that trump voters are "uneducated".

The left should be very careful about turning that stone over, because there is an inconvenient truth lurking underneath it.

If "uneducated" means lack of college degrees, then it suffices to say that higher education is a cult: You pay a shit ton to get in, you have to tow the line while you are there, you are given meaningless rituals and rites of passage, and handed a membership to the mediocrity club upon graduation. The amount of education that you get does not even remotely justify the price tag. (Usually.)

>having an education doesn't make you educated
That's kinda the definition of educated. Just because it isn't in science, doesn't mean a person isn't educated. Even a farmer, educated in farming, is educated. He/she might be politically inept, but that doesn't mean he/she is not educated.

That is why your feeble attempts at brainwashing does not work on us, we have no brains to wash...

I always wished they did a poll on something like GPA, uni ranking or SAT score with drumpf support. It would of been the best thing to trigger the drumpfsters in ages.

Oh no they were never indoctrinated by liberal propaganda! Obviously that means they're DUMB..

maybe there's something to be said for that. the educated (myself included) aren't always right about everything.

ok, here's the best argument look at those mindless unemployable in-debt zombie protesters or the mindless SJW on twitter

those are college educated, bet most of them got social degrees

do you think they are worth more than a blue collar white?

It's the only scientifically and logically tenable conclusion.


I'm probably whiter than you, leaf. But thanks for continuing to hurt the case of your God-Emperor's popularity being unrelated to racism.

Well, then it seems like he now has to make a choice. Does he stay a businessman and keep his scam college open, or is he the head of the government who has to shut it down? He can't have it both ways.

Facts don't need a defense.

Given that the voting intention polls were pure fabrication, is it unreasonable to believe that the education polls were also fabricated?

Romney only got 1% of the black vote

College is basically a brainwashing center. I say that as someone who has a college degree.

>implying the american education system is good
If anything "uneducated" voters have more life experience

>I'm serious

no you aren't

Nigger IQ is 85.

>Is that not even a little bit embarrassing?

Isn't the more pertinent question why is courting the "uneducated" vote enough to win an election?

i justify that because I've been to a top college and have seen that educated does not mean smart. at all. it's not even correlated because anyone can get into college. and it's so easy for minorities their degrees truly signal nothing to me.

I'm not even high school educated and I would still not vote for Trumpkin. There isn't any relation between level of education and political leaning faggot, stop fishing.

I'm in a phd program. College education is a joke. College students are a bunch of babies.

Education =/= Degree

> Implying two choices
That exists for normies, normie. God emperors create their own options.
> Make Trump U the best college in the nation

Trump won

Trump actually got about the same share of the college educated white vote as Romney.

Go by the election results, not Nate Copper's polls.

Educated? what does that mean? indoctrinated in an SJW university?

The majority of people in university are women. The majority of people in university are studying some complete bullshit useless degree like sociology or psychology.

The people that make up these two groups are usually brainwashed morons with no critical thinking skills.


Not the same thing...

I went to college, and my cousin who was born in another country, barely speaks English, illiterate in both languages, and in her country - a Muslim country she got no education. She's my fucking boss at work my men.

Luckily I make a good amount of money due to favoritism and me knowing my god damn Farsi.

>But thanks for continuing to hurt the case of your God-Emperor's popularity being unrelated to racism.
Go back to your safe space dummy. Nobody cares about your "racism" libel here. Niggers aren't human, dumb quadroon.

And you know what?

I respect a black with a degree far more than the average HS dropout poltard.

>Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin.

Eat shit OP.

But Trump won the white/white male college educated vote bigly.

Most Trump voters are white. He won the majority of all white voters, educated or otherwise.


Sadly USA education system is shit.

You can see college graduates become less tolerant of opposing ideas than before they were in college. See : 95% of college educated liberals

That is a huge part of education and knowledge but they miss it completely.

Liberal college graduates blindly follow each other around in the street in large herds angrily screaming things like "this is what democracy looks like" as they protest the result of a democratic election. On a personal level instead of arguments all they have is terms like "racist" "sexist"

No, American education is shit in terms of real education. In reality it's a commodity that people go into debt for, nothing else

>How do you justify that most of Trump's supporters were smart enough to make livings without going tens of thousands of dollars into debt for useless social-science degrees.

Fucking Turks.

>"And the majority of white uneducated men voted Trump."
>AHAHAHAHAHA OH WOOOOW, that's amaaaaazing!
>"Haha, yeah, and the... Oh, the majority of college educated white men also voted for trump...."
>Silence pierced only by the occasional muttering.

>playing the debtor's treadmill when literally ALL information is available online

For what purpose?

A broder understanding on how the world spins and what keeps it togther.

The ability to think for your self and get your information by your self.

Not like dumb turds being cuckt.

Maybe we'll care when they're not in debt to the country.

A nigger with a degree got his degree through affirmative action. All niggers have to do is show up.

A college degree says nothing more than "I sat down and shut up for ___ years for this piece of paper". Fuck, I'm in college right now and I'm fully aware I'm effectively just wasting my fucking time when I could be out there getting real experience or contemplating deep shit. The moment I get that degree, which I'm only going to finish because of all the time and money I've already invested, it's time for trade school. College as a legitimate tool of learning is absolutely worthless for well over 75% of the people attending.

cute bait senpai

it's amazing that leftists actually believe that shit but then "everything is relative" to those fuckwits so in their eyes if you don't have a degree like they do you're basically illiterate

Education is not education. It's indoctrination. People who go to college are actually terrible people, who think they're smarter than everyone else because they were indoctrinated into communism. Oooh, look at me and my gender studies degree, I'm so smart. They wasted a ton of time and money, and then they look down upon those who don't do the same. 99% of people who go to college are a huge fucking joke.

According to SJWs, if you have a 140+ IQ and you drop out of high school and start working and saving up money at a young age, that makes you a stupid person, because you didn't go to college.

I think you mean 'edJEWcated'

You mean gender studies, don't you?

Brainwashing 101

"college educated" lol "experts" lol wtf is seriously going on with these people?

I'm a moderate. This shit does piss me off. I have multiple degrees, but I've learned more through work experience than I ever did in school. I'm sure there are plenty of people without a college education who are masters of their craft.

I was saying for weeks before the election, all the liberal media is doing is allienating swing votes by being insulting.

That being said, I still voted for Hilary. Maybe I was wrong. I'm open minded enough to see who this term goes and we'll see what happens next time around in 2020.

I am fearful though. I appreciate putting Americans first. But the harsh racial rhetoric, the misogyny, etc. that Trump alluded to and his worst followers fucking worship does not bode well.

And I know we praise Trump for not being a career politician, but does his lack of experience not scare anyone? Even a little?

Honestly, I felt like Bernie would have made more sense.

Would love for a logical Trump supporter to talk me down from my fears. I have voted both Republican and Democratic in the past and am truly open minded.

uneducated != unintelligent

oh. OH! Sorry. Burger schools don't teach those things. Hell it doesn't even exist in our culture. Like at all.

We used to have something to help our voter pool be more educated. Liberals didn't like it very much for some reason.

I don't think they were the ones who rioted.

Because mechanics and electricians are more skilled than a 23 year old with a Chicano studies degree.
Only about 1/3 of Americans have a college degree. The Democratic Party alienated the other 2/3 by being the party of the city elite.

I go to a top tier D.O. (equiv to MD) program and can attest that there exist both extremely competent and borderline retarded black med students - but I see this spectrum across students of all backgrounds.

There's nothing to do defend because a college diploma doesn't mean shit nowadays. 80% of people graduating do so in useless fields that have no use on the job market and they effectively went in a shitload of debt to waste 4 years of their lives.


The information you get from Sup Forums far surpasses what passes for a degree nowadays anyway.

See : gender studies

The same pollsters sayimg Trump was down 11+ are saying this even though every other election college grads were overwhelmingly Conservative.

Yes, #notall, but blacks are disproportionately retarded.

What you are doing can't possibly succeed. No more than armed resistance could establish fascism in our country, in fact much less so. The checks and balances inherent to our system of federal law and order were put in place long before you signed up for this. And actually, it was expecting you. So harass people here if you must though that is really the full extent of it, impotent harassment that exploits the anonymous nature of this website. You are only the tools of corporate interest here, take that knowledge with you when you finally leave. And you will leave, too late to spread the tide of change that has already reached Europe: It's over for you and your masters. We have already won. We know this better than you though the sooner you can accept it, the easier your life will be

Getting an "education" in Feminist Dance Therapy isn't an education. All they do is pump you full of Marxist bullshit.

There is a paradox among Trump voters. On one hand, most college educated voters lean Democratic. On the other hand, the wealthiest lean Republican. The reason for this is that 3 out of 4 college degrees are straight up meme degrees. Liberal arts, gender studies, etc. Its no wonder that if you're dumb enough to go into debt to study something like liberal arts, you're probably dumb enough to vote for Clinton too.

Why is it such a big deal OP? Going to college doesn't equivocate to you being any smarter then somebody who runs their own restaurant or excavation company.

If you've ever done construction, farm-work, or anything that requires blood sweat and tears maybe you would change your opinion. Not to mention most of the college degrees that are offered don't even prepare you for the jobs that are available. Some of us don't want to be stuck in an office faxing copies and responding to E-mails for the rest of our life.

Some of us also can't afford $42,000 a year to hear a liberal professor talk about how much he hates Christians and Conservatives.

>but does his lack of experience not scare anyone? Even a little?

I thought you were educated. america is a big business. trump has more experience than any president I can remember

I concur, but at 3am when I'm dying I would be all too happy to have a black doctor who passed his boards and underwent all of the training