U guys wanna see a comic strip i made ? You'll hate it

U guys wanna see a comic strip i made ? You'll hate it...

I haven't seen it and I already hate it.

I hated it before it was cool

I will hunt you down and hurt you

i double dog dare you to post it

i TRIPLE DOG dare you.


I hate you.

I hate you more, user. I always will.

Yes. I do want to see it. Maybe. I don't know until you post it.

just post it already
if we think it's bad just play the "it's SUPPOSED to be bad" card and we'll let you off the hook ;)

I love you user. Always have

Let's hate fuck

Just upload it already

post it you pussy

I THINK this might be it. If this is true, He posted it on a different thread making it look like he was making fun of it. He then confessed to it being his (on a different thread)

Yeah, nevermind, it's someone else.

there is no webcomic. You are too worthless to even commit to making one.

I recognize where that picture is from. Rachel has a real potty mouth, huh, OP?

brandan97 is that you

the gig is up, OP


>Clarissa and Friends
wait a minute, why does that name sound familiar . . . .

So it's like It Hurts but if drawn by Butch Hartman.

>standard edgy sue reaction

>no big wacky exaggeration face
>man just leaves quietly because a crazy cunt was a crazy cunt
>friend is disquieted and uncomfortable
It feels weird to have a realistic conclusion to what started out like a normal strawman comic, unsatisfying and eerie.


I like the art style and character design but other than that it's pretty bland.

Thanks for the feedback ;)

vandals btfo

Here's another one i made...

I actually like that. It took what would be a dumb even cringy idea and turned it mildly amusing.

the art style and character design are both bland.

It's fucked up, but I still laughed.

>Nu Uh! Yu Uh! Nu Uh! Yu Uh!
It's my opinion though, you can't disprove it and without sounding like a child. If you just wanted to air your complaints, why direct it to me?

Id let her slather me in period blood like marination on bbq

Fuck you.

I do the same stuff to black men so I can relate.

I like it better than a preachy strawman comic but it's still got a creepy feeling to it, like if there was a scene in Leave it to Beaver where everyone is bantering, but the Beav' and the dad leave and I just shows Ma puttering around cleaning shit up and she quietly breaks down and cries to herself in silence.

How does the concept of hate fucking work anyway? Why would you want to have sex with someone you hate?