The episode you watched centered around a specific character now has that character conducting a school shooting

The episode you watched centered around a specific character now has that character conducting a school shooting.
How does it go?
>For me: Bobby Hill
>Bobby dresses up in some autistic outfit
>Shoots Joseph first
>Cries at Connie before shooting her in the face (she lives)
>He only kills about 2 people before killing himself
>He shot 75 times

the fuck is wrong with you

Cotton would kill the entire school.
50 men is like 150 children.

>tfw you will never be "that" uncle who thinks a gun is an appropriate gift for his ten year old nephew/niece
Feels bad mang

Man, when my younger brother eventually uses his superior charismatic skills to hook himself a woman and have kids, I will BE "that uncle". Nothing but fun, uncle-y zaniness for my nieces and/or nephews. It'll be my proxy for actually being romantically successful.

Did you even watch the show? Bobby is an excellent shot.

This. Also:
>not taking out Clark, Dooley and Chane with the first shots

Pretty much me, everytime one of my nibblings comes over I'll make sure they leave with some weird gift. Like a Norwegian hunting knife, or whale blubber nuggets.

>"user, you can't give my son a rifle for his birthday, are you crazy?"
>"It's a 10/22 Marge, it's a perfect rifle for kids to learn on"
>"He's one!"
>"Home invaders aren't going to politely wait twelve years before kicking down the door."

this post was the exact opposite of interesting, funny, or contributing.
(and I own a Ruger 10/22)

>>He only kills about 2 people before killing himself
>>He shot 75 times
Why did I laugh so hard at this?

He aims for the legs

Bobby and Joseph would pull a Texas style columbine attack on their school especially given the fact Bobby could steal propane from his dad's workplace and use them as bombs

I see Bobby as the guy who stops the school shooter with gun. He might be weird, but he's a resident of Texas.

>I killed fiddie kids!

>Spider With a Top Hat

So he kills all the other spells?

dale got a school shooter episode

>bobby gets a rifle
>think its a paint gun and decides to pull a prank at school

>Steven finds a rifle
>decides to shoot up a school after some fight with Connie over Homeworld
>dresses up with one of Greg's jackets, and shades
>can't find school
>realizes there is no school in Beach City
>Steven decides it's not worth it, so he leaves the rifle in the bushes like a dumbass
>Onion finds it soon after
>next day, all the townies are dead

I actually live in Texas and one of my in-laws is a huge gun nut.
He'll probably buy the kids bbguns or pellet guns long before I think it is an appropriate time to buy one, BUT I'LL BEAT HIM TO NERF DART GUN GIFTS!

Onion doesn't need a gun. Because he is the ultimate life form.

He was born into this world the perfect killer.

I just realized, didn't Cotton get like way shorter after this? I swear Bobby had him outclassed in height near the end of his appearances.

Last show I watched was Arthur. Here's the best I can do.
>Story is a moral about gun safety and slippery slopes
>Whole thing is a crazy dream sequence because I can't see this happening for real and Arthur is full of weird fantasies
>Arthur finds a neat gun in the trash
>Doesn't realize it's loaded
>Playing with it at recess behind some garbage cans because he doesn't understand guns aren't toys
>Accidentally shoots Binky
>Buster and Muffy saw him, Buster and Arthur freak out, Muffy says she'll tell the principal
>Arthur freaks out, doesn't want to get detention for killing Binky
>Shoots Muffy
>Janitor heard gunshots, comes over
>Shoots Janitor because he doesn't want to get in trouble
>Buster thinks they're in too deep, tries to get the gun away from Arthur before he shoots more people
>Arthur shoots himself in the struggle