Utah was the only state where a Third party got over 4% of the votes

Utah was the only state where a Third party got over 4% of the votes.


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Now you look right here, faggot:


Burgers got hungry thinking about Egg McMuffin




Mcmullin is mormon.

It was so the fine Mormons of Utah could avoid voting for Clinton, while still voicing their level of discomfort with Trump. Some of the more extreme elements weren't comfortable with a brash New Yorker who REALLY likes women.

They essentially broke down in those numbers because they could still ensure Trump would get the electoral votes, while still having a noticeable element (I mean, you noticed, after all) of protest vote. That allows them to be useful, while still preserving their literal "holier-than-thou" image.

>Mormons only make up 20% of Utah

Because Johnson made a retard out of himself constantly and nobody knows who Jill Stein is

McMullin was pushed to steal votes from Trump by appealing to the Mormons who couldn't conscientiously vote for Trump, but instead they just ended up splitting Clinton's vote.

glen beck

Ah I see, I had forgotten Mormons existed.

oooh shit it almost like it wasn't a high percentage

Mcmullin wasn't really third party
He was an establishment mormon.

it was egg mcmuffin.
at least Trump won

Because the other two candidates were dogshit?

Mormon Mafia Not A Meme.
Great White Hope.




Mormons make up over 60% of adults in Utah. How do 60% of a state only make up 20% of a vote for said state?

Because mormons. Didn't want either candidate then some rando popped up out of nowhere and said "I'm moral since i'm not them and I'm mormon! Vote me!" and they went apeshit about it. Most eventually realized it was a lost cause, and Utah and Idaho were the only states that even bothered to care about mcmuffin in any meaningful way. He'll probably never be heard of again desu. Nobody could name a single policy stance of his. It was solely a religion based vote. sauce: i live in mormonville Idaho and never heard the end of him.

Their Gods Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck were never trumpers so they were all butthurt about Trump. Then this mcmuffin guy comes along who is also a Mormon and they all went crazy and voted for him. Mcmuffin split the conservative vote in Utah but because Utah is so conservative Trump still won by 20 points.
I fucking hate this egg head, if he didn't run Minnesota would of gone red.

I always vote third party due to the fuck show in Florida in 2000, I was going to vote Johnson i don't give a FUCK about Aleppo either. After the Rally in San Jose though I realized it wasn't an ideological divide, it was a fucking race war, so I didn't do my normal fuck you protest vote, I voted for my best interests, I voted for the white guy.


>20% of the population
>100% of mormons have voter turnout though
Mormons don't fuck around with voting