Every single post in the rising section of reddit r/all is from the_donald...

Every single post in the rising section of reddit r/all is from the_donald, how does Trump control the most cucked site on the web?

Other urls found in this thread:


CTR is gone so nobody is downvoting the posts

Reddit's voting system is ridiculously easy to manipulate.

Now that he's won people are switching sides to get in on that sweet echo chamber validation. Maybe, I dunno how reddit actually works.


Aren't they us?

Well, I know I'm one of them...

We're supply, they're demand.

Theil is still paying his shills to plump up Trump, especially after his recent low energy appearances.

the_donald was a Sup Forums reddit colony
now its a beast of its own
jk its still our shitposting grounds


reddit recently had to change its front page algorithm because the_donald kept dominating it.

reddit is less cucked than Sup Forums thinks. Even SRS is slowly becoming completely hated on there

r/politics is living in an alternate reality where they don't realize the Soros Riots are happening and think right wing death squads are executing niggers and fags enmasse.


Please stay on reddit

shit reddit says. It's where the feminists complain about how racist and sexist the rest of reddit is

Here's their thread when Trump won


srs started hated. something happenned to reddit, thougn

Witnessed, britfag get you are shit together.

Ah, youth. Oblivious to the horrors and bloodshed of the past.

sorry potato, had connection problems

Sup Forums is the jew.
The_Donald is our MSM.

SRS didn't start hated, because it was originally there for stupid things people said. It was effectively the opposite of what it is now.

What's the best line they're talking about?

i came into this day so hopeful, love and tolerance and truth will triumph I thought, even if only just barely, idk, I think somewhere I knew that it was unlikely this would turn out well, but when i'm emotional I go into flights of fantasy i made the mistake that i sometimes do, when i get out of control, of thinking that things wrap themselves up neatly, that the magical girl, after all her suffering, is validated by the eventual result i forgot that reality doesn't write a satisfying narrative, that my predilection for stories gives me nothing for real life
and i guess that somehow, despite all of this, I thought that... this could be won, and after that we could mend the problems that caused this to be possible whatsoever, I was hoping for the barest margin, something to hang on to... and it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen and because it doesn't rain it pours, i check my phone, see what messages i've been missing, and my lovers mother (my girlfriend has been in the hospital struggling with a compromised immune sytem) tells me "my baby girl has died and I just want you to know that you're always welcome with me, you have a home here, i don't care why, you treated her well and that's what matters" and illusions come at high costs when shattered why can't people just love each other? is there such a thing as a nihilistic hippy? I think i've become one
Hahahahaha what the fuck, is this satire?

Fuck off

He probably already did see that considering that was a reply

>Every single post in the rising section of reddit r/all is from the_donald, how does Trump control the most cucked site on the web?
By botting a terrible site with a terrible upvote system? I'm surprised they allow that subreddit to exist at all when it's purpose is just flooding r/all with memes.

/r/the_donald was a Sup Forums colony that outgrew its overlord, like America