Does ADHD even exist?

Does ADHD even exist?

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just a polite way to say you have poor discipline

my friend had complications during his birth which make him act like a retard sometimes

I have it, it basicly means that you have the attention span of a brik. Not much else to it though

In my opinion yes. I have it, and my attention span is garbage,but I'm sure everyone will just say I have a functioning amphetamine addiction, which, while true, is an oversimplification

Made up ' disorder'.

I was reading a book that talked about how it could be an immune disorder that causes you to have it. The way gluten is processed nowadays such as being made water soluble for processed foods is apparently a culprit.

That and constant energy and alertness to everything

Also, just for those wondering how diagnosis works, in the US at least

>Around 8 years old, get real bad headaches
>Go to neurologist
>Ran through battery of tests
>Tells mom I have ADD
>Mom is all "no he minds, he has straight A's"
>Doc says wait until puberty
>FF to middle school
>I have a 13/100 as my overall grade in Advanced math (Middle school speak for calculus)

ADD meds work. But I'm sure meth heads say meth works, so 6 of one, blah blah blah

it depends but short answer... yes.

It's a cluster of traits, eventually it will fragment into more specific diagnoses, papers published every week.

You can have attention problems for many reasons, be it high functioning autism, being hit in the front of head, getting heavy metals into your system etc. If you are highly neurotic as a personality trait or generally anxious you may be predisposed for attention problems.

Still there are genetic factors. Down my mothers line we all test in the lowest percentile on stroop tests indicating abnormal anterior cingulate cortical functioning apparently.

Since the 70's a curious link between hearing problems and ADHD has been identified. It is very common among deaf kids or anyone who has hearing disrupted as an infant.

Hyperactivity can be induced in mice by disrupting their hearing at a certain age. This somehow effects the sensory tissue in the ears, which in turn causes up-regulation in motor cortex and therefore hyperactivity.

yes, it's just the lower end of the continuum of attention span and impulse control

Yes, although in my case it was caused by a sleep disorder, I would sleep all night and still be exhausted in the morning. Sadly it's easier to treat ADHD than sleep issues. If u have ADHD it's really easy to pick it up in others. Boris Johnson for example. There's a guy who needs a cpap

No, it's just a way to de-stigmatise defective people.

>>Hyperactivity can be induced in mice by disrupting their hearing at a certain age.

>You can make a mice freak out by deafening it
wow shocking find.

>a mice
Okay time to sleep.

The autism is strong

Yes, I think It’s real because there is scientific proof that says the disorder is in your DNA.

Anterior cingulate cortex is also involved in processing emotional pain. I wonder if ADHD people show an increased or decreased receptiveness to emotional pain.

Sorry I wasn't paying attention, what?

Apparently i have primarily inattentive adhd which means i have a big problem with focus and organisation no matter how much i try. Sometimes i overfocus on some things leaving the rest and practically forgetting about them. I can easily miss details.Drinking coffee from time to time helps but not too much because im oversensitive to caffeine. Never went to a doctor with it, but whether it is adhd or not it gives me a hard time. Someone nuke me out of this misery.


Yeah its pretty fascinating actually, and not deafening merely blocking their hearing temporarily for a certain period, then allowing them to develop as normal... They've even identified the genes which were up-regulated. So you could have an inner ear abnormality and get ADHD for your troubles.

Makes caffeine and sugar have the opposite effect. If you really have it that is.

>my friend had complications during his birth

You mean being born in Poland?

Nah its just a made up diese made up by the gov to fund the healthcare sector.

Friendly reminder that sugar has no proven correlation to hyperactivity. And the caffeine statement is just blatantly false. Stimulants are still stimulants.Thats why most kids with ADD/ADHD are written clonidine to lower their BP and let them go to sleep

I can't keep my thoughts concentrated but when I take a little speed I feel way more clear-headed.
I think that is ADD or whatever it is, I was never the hyperactive type but when I sat in class I constantly slipped into strange thought-patterns that made learning hard.

Keep an open mind about it possibly being autism. Inattentive ADHD is often that, if you are socially awkward too that is. Executive functioning and organisation problems are typical. If it is autism you are in for a rough ride and need to know asap so it is worth evaluating.

Either way sensory issues can often be huge in both disorders, try and figure out whether anything is bothering you in your environment, background noise etc.

Other than that just try really hard, put yourself through hell, work harder than other people and find your own way of doing things.

The biggest danger is self pity. You could fuck your whole life up with that shit. I lost a decade for no reason.

Meds can help but the main thing is work ethic.

HAHAHAH so funny
Kill yourself fuckwit

t. 3rd generation polish immigrant

Im polish but only a faggot would be offended by this

it wasnt meant to be offensive you fucking maciek
its banter

Im talking about the retard that replied to you ahmed

If it was a made-up disorder, they wouldn't use brain scans to diagnose it.

Most of the people talking in this thread are operating on a 15-year-old understanding of what ADD/ADHD actually is.

It just astonishes me how ignorant somebody can be and still consider themselves entitled to an opinion alongside people who DO know a little something.

It does, but it's wildly over-diagnosed. Maybe 10% of people that supposedly have it actually do.

Yes. There are measurable differences in the brains of those affected by ADHD.

This is a great video on it:

>Being this mad that you can't sit still

I'm Polish and I'm laughing my ass off.

I actually just started Clonidine myself, and it actually works pretty well IMO.

Of course it fucking doesn't.


You didn't try.

No, really, your lazy, pathetic, undisciplined ass didn't try. You gave up because it was TOOOO HAAAAAARD.

And now you have a chemical dependence, and think that's where concentration and motivation come from.

You are lazy, your parents were lazy, and your doctor was lazy.


I'm an ass and i'm polishing my toilet off

>scientologist detected