Doesn't drink alcohol or do drugs

>doesn't drink alcohol or do drugs
>doesn't eat pork
>3 wives
>gold toilet
>wants to cut the interest rate down to near-zero
>doesn't like Jews
>doesn't like women and gays
>keeps railing on about the Iraq War

Is this Da'un Al-Trumb a secret Muslim or what?

Other urls found in this thread:



>doesn't drink the jew-brew or pollute his body and hamper his mind with degeneracy causing drugs
>must be a muslim
Indonesian please, I know you're infested with those people, but try to remember there are still some bastions of civilization left in the world.

I don't trust people who don't drink. Like, seriously though.


>doesn't like Jews

Absolutely fucking loves the Jews

>He doesn't like Jews

The biggest bullshit i will hear today

Lots of smart people don't drink. It affects the way you think, even days after drinking.

literally taqqiya

he's ruining the kikeshit plans in Syria already and he's not even in office yet



>doesn't eat pork

Why pork is healthier than red meat.
>brain eating bacteria meme applies to all meats

That's because you're a degenerate

>doesn't like Jews
>“Trump’s policies are asset friendly and market friendly,” says Blankfein.


>wants to cut the interest rate down to near-zero

What are you talking about? The federal reserve interest rate? I would have thought he'd want to end the federal reserve and let the banks price according to the free market.

The Donald gets high on life.

>married someone who posed nude
>let daughter marry a jew
>let daughter get breast implying and model
>grabs pussy
>literally eats pork chops on a stick

fuck of Kikenberg

He is literally the most Pro-Israel President ever

Even all of his children, expect Barron, are married to Jewish people. He fucking loves the Jews this is a fact

Here is Pence holding in a sign "Make Israel Great Again"

You are either a loser or a winner. Trump likes winners. Trump likes Jews.

Hitler was a winner until he lost

>>wants to cut the interest rate down to near-zero
No he fucking doesn't.

That's what that bankster piece of shit Obama and Yellen are doing.

He wants to END the federal reserve.

Fuck you.

Wow mate, literally got Ebola from reading this.