If this were our world;

If this were our world;

>Firebenders: Europeans
>Earthbenders: Africans
>Airbenders: Asians
>Waterbenders: Mexicans

Other urls found in this thread:


Stupid gringo

No you fucking mongoloid

>Firebenders: Japanese
>Earthbenders: Chinese
>Airbenders: Tibetans
>Waterbenders: Siberians



Oh shit

Native americans would be the original firebenders, waterbenders would be eskimoes


>Native americans
Are you talking about Los Mayas or Los Incas?

black people don't exist in Avatar


>Firebenders: Japanese
>Earthbenders: Chinese
>Airbenders: Tibetan
>Waterbenders: Innuit

Firebenders: rusia
Earthbenders: usa
Waterbenders: shithole
Aibenders north corea

Explain Momo

>Firebenders: /ck/
>Earthbenders: /fit/
>Airbenders: /his/
>Waterbenders: Sup Forums

The only point on protecting the water nation is that the next Avatar was supposed to be born there, otherwise it would have been perfectly reasonable to destroy them, it's not like they are the only water benders in the world anyways



firebenders are japanese
earthbenders are chinese
waterbenders are the northernmost mongolian
airbenders are tibetan people/nepalese

Makes sense. Ivanka is obviously Azula.

Neither do white people

Mexico is a continent?
Dat shit

Firebenders are Imperials
Earthbenders are Redguards
Waterbenders are Bretons
Airbenders are Nords
Make this fucking shit great again

Yeah, the Avatar world is severely lacking in diversity. It only had 4 vaguely Asian races and 1 went extinct.

He said in OUR world, not the microcosm of a fantasy Asia Avatar is grounded in. Imperialist Europe makes a lot of sense as fire benders I guess, but where the fuck does OP get off claiming one country that only existed in modern history and has a pretty arid climate is the sole location of waterbenders? There are lots of other cultures much better known for seafaring and making a living on/from the ocean.

>nords bending
Nords are borderline retarded and should be grateful other cultures provide them with some semblance of society. Skyrim has all of four cities that aren't made of sticks in the middle of a stagnant swamp or uninhabitable tundra and two of them are under imperial control. Congratulations on dooming the nords to subjugation by mer once the imperials withdraw their support from the region.


>Mention a country

Leave it to an Imperial to immediately compare cities as through they were penises

the (((White Lotus)))

You knowed my bait

If it was just the United States, then New England is water, South is Earth, Midwest/Rockies is Air, & South Pacific is fire.

Europe would not be fire at the moment. Africa is the most useless element.

Firebenders: Greek
Earthbenders: Romans
Waterbenders: Norse
Airbrmders: Celts

Christianism is Fire
Islam is Earth
Judaism is Water
Buddhism is Air

Firebenders: Indians
Earthbenders: East Asian
Airbenders: Asian dudes in robes and one Jewish kid
Waterbenders: Whites with a few Inuits here and there

>Mexicans get the best element.

Because Mexicans are the best user :)


What about Australia?

Ozai wanted to fuck Azula? I never noticed.

Shitpost bending.

yo is that fucking isengard

Almost went extinct. The genetics and culture persist, though they are critically endangered.

>Not the Chinese
Dude, I’m not that big into the lore of That show but it was pretty clear according to the show the Fire Nation had a thriving social and cultural wellness until Firelord Ozai decides to instore a dictatorship and force everyone to do his will and invade everyone around the world and kill off all the airbenders. It’s a VERY clear reference to pre-Maoist China and its conversion to a communist state

ayy, what the fuck, firebenders who live mainly in a ISLAND NATION are supposed to be Japanese in this case mate, specially when they invaded fucking China and other Asian countries in name of the Emperor, kind of like the show and the Earth Nation that is obviously China here you retard

Firebender armor looks Thai

They are definetely based of the Japanese, pretty much the episode that had another 1episode girl (Song) that is painfully obvious based of Korean culture, who were invaded by Japan... TWICE

>Waterbenders: Mexicans

>He doesn't get the wetback joke


Fire Nation - Swedish Empire
Earth Kingdom - Russia
Water Tribes - Denmark
Air Nomads - Witches

>Fire Nation - Swedish Empire

Air-Miaphysites (due to being drawn xlose to extinction)

Water Tribes-Orks (savage barbarians with good martial skils)
Earth Kingdom-Tau (Highly advanced civilization but sucks at war)
Fire Nation-Imperium of Man (Obvious reasons)
Air Nomads-Necrons (Also obvious reasons)

Ivanka is love

I don't recall the entire fire nation army consisting of mercenaries

But that's wrong you fucking idiot. Fire Nation is China (they fuck up Magical-fantasy-land-Tibet for fuck's sake) and the Earth Kingdom is Japan.

Everyone gets confused because in the real world Nips lack souls and also live on an island.

Underrated post

Europe would be mix of Fire n Earth

This thread is fucking stupid.

But Asia is in OUR world. What the fuck, man?

Northwestern hemisphere = waterbenders
Northeastern hemisphere = airbenders
Southwestern hemisphere = earthbenders
southeastern hemisphere = firebenders

>Small island trying to conquer everything
Nigga that's Japan, earth kingdom is china because it fuckhuge and it's still being fucked
just like it was in our world