Is there actual evidence that suggests that vaccinations cause autism?

Is there actual evidence that suggests that vaccinations cause autism?

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There is evidence vaccines can kill you. Others are perfectly fine.

The only debate we should be having is about weather or not vaccines should be compulsory which most of the internet seems to be for.

Trump tweeted it. That's evidence enough for me.

Guess what else causes autism.

No it's complete bullshit and it's a discussion only held in America because the rest of the world is above it

Depends how you define vaccinations

The virus itself in there? No
The adjuvents? Yes

Published hard evidence has yet to surface.

But they are 100% known to cause other diseases.

causes? not that I've seen
correlates? yes

basically the benefits of vaccines (broadly speaking) are well worth the possible increase in autism

however that doesn't mean we should stop studying it and trying to figure out if there is a direct cause or if there are things we can do to mitigate it while keeping the benefits of vaccinations

most people who say "vaccines cause autism" are talking about things added to the vaccine, which the CDC has changed over the years to reduce risks

there are many studies showing the correlations between vaccines and autism, but I don't think any show real cause

Barron is the living evidence. That's why Trump keeps him so close all the time. The autism deniers want him out of the picture. When Trump becomes president, he will have Barron's medical records published and finally prove that vaccines cause autism.

>There is evidence vaccines can kill you.

There is also evidence vaccines have been one of the most beneficial innovations humans have ever come up with.

The amount of DALYs that we gained from irradiating a lot of these major diseases is remarkable and at such an impressively low cost too.

I might agree with not making them compulsory, but we need to create a new incentive for people to make the obvious choice. Appealing to people's well-being doesn't work when you have a cult dedicated to fear mongering about the topic. I usually say education is the best way to fight these battles, but that method will just result in cognitive dissonance in people infected by the anti-vaxxer memes.

Another problem with the anti-vaxxer movement is they are addressing some actual issues, but talking about that in most circles gets heard as "all their issues are legitimate concerns".

it's a contributing environmental factor as is the schedule.

Keked and saved

I'm really not trying to exaggerate with that first sentence, most of us are too young to have been around when vaccinations began, so it's hard to imagine a world without them.

Look at how much of the disease burden worldwide has been reduced, especially in western and latin american countries. Look at how cheaply we accomplished this. It's actually pretty amazing when you see the numbers. Economists can even transform this into approximations on economic gains and vaccination has been (and still is in developing areas) one of the best cost:benefit investments we have created in a long time.

Before Vaccines- NO AUTISM
After Vaccines-AUTISM, many such cases!
They put mercury in vaccines to "preserve" the concoction.

>that head shape

He looks like Sid from Ice Age.

You are about as likely to have a bad reaction to a vaccine as you are to win the lottery.

That being said, it does happen. But then again, people actually do win the lottery.


yes, theres a whistleblower from the CDC saying they did studies showing it does but they were forced to cover it up. check his videos on youtube.

Is that real?



Why do people say Barron is autistic?

yes. most of the vaccines that are distributed, flu vacciene, etc are packed full of Thimerosal.

Thimerosal is a mercury based, DNA-recombinant.

They are literally injecting mercury into people that the body cannot clear, it mutates DNA and directly causes autism.

They claim they use this specific ingredient as a 'preservative'. Just look up Thimerosal and you will know.

god, robert kennedy is unbearable to listen to, I never realized

Maybe because of his autism, you autistic faggot.

because he acts a little funny, for a 10 year old going on national television and in front of crowds


You forgot "at 3AM".

vaccine means injecting the virus in a weakened form, I don't know the details but in vaccines, from what I remember, some antibiotics are used to weaken the virus, they might cause collateral effects on children who aren't completely healthy. Still, I doubt it causes autism, I imagine Trump was just baiting at the time, I don't think he mentioned vaccines ever again since then.

There is a special no fault, no jury court for it goy

Vaccine court is the popular term which refers to the Office of Special Masters of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, which administers a no-fault system for litigating vaccine injury claims.
Vaccine court - Wikipedia › wiki › Vacci...

Vaccine court - Wikipedia

>some antibiotics are used to weaken the virus

Absolutely retarded, kys.

there was a podesta email that said vaccines during pregnancy leads to developmental problems
ill try finding it again

Why you just don't leave poor boy alone?

>I bet that taking thimerosal out of flu shots that we give to pregnant women will reduce the number of children afflicted with mercury poisoning, autism and other neurological disorders

No. There are some vaccines that can have side effects if you use them incorrectly or on the wrong schedule but even if there were guaranteed side effects they would still save more lives than they take.

It's too late, we are already an army of genetically modified weaponized autists.

>nothing's beyond our reach.

Except girls.

>is-is there any evidence that it doesn't cause autism!?

You did good Hans.

The whole trick of this vaccine thing is that vaccines are fine, as a concept, but some vaccines are not safe, due to them having chemicals in them that are dangerous.

The media has painted the issue as 'dumb people that are against science' but it is really about the few poorly made/poisonous ''vaccines''.

Amazing disinformation campaign.
Imagine if i injected you with piss and then said IT IS A VACCINE! Then I get the entire media to call you a retard science hater.

>10 year old is bored out of his mind by politics
You're the autist

is it true that Barron played us all like fools in order to install his father into president only to pave a way to his on day inauguration to make america a facist empire?

really makes you think, Trump did say he would make Barren the head of the Cyber and that Barron "has a computer"

did baron use keks powers to bring about a 1933 in 2033 when he gets in there

Who cares? People not vaccinating their children increases their risk of dying.
It's just natural selection hard at work.
Sure, make the information available about mumps, measles and rubella, about how vaccinations work, and access to research on vaccines and autism (all showing no link), but if that all fails, what else are you going to do?
They want to kill their own children out of stupidity. This is natural selection.

Also my captcha spooked the shit out of me

it's all about vetting vaccinations and ensuring there isn't anything fucked in it.

preventing them from being in the hands of say george soros.

mfw that's literally how trump talks

is trump autistic?
