Daily reminder: Hillary Clinton get more votes than Trump at the national level. Majority of American are against Trump

Daily reminder: Hillary Clinton get more votes than Trump at the national level. Majority of American are against Trump.

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This isn't relevant unless you're trying to imply the US is an democracy (lol)

So what should happen to the other 47%?

Trump seems to think so, see:

Daily reminder that Hillary will never be President, while Trump will.

Ask Al Gore how much the national popular vote matters.

I can taste your tears, Abdullah



>Majority of American are against Trump.
not how it works

That makes it even better.

Cali Mexicans are not American

Here the fact: you are a minority in USA.

>less than 50%

doesn't matter, achmed

daily reminder: your parents are ashamed they birthed you.

Good thing he has to play by the rules like everyone else, so he won ;)

Not for the first time.

90 million people didnt vote you cuck


Kill yourself you Soros funded muzzie.

you realised the dnc cheated like maniacs in every city they could but still lost ?
that's why they don't ask for a recount

>Good thing he has to play by the rules like everyone else

Truly anti-establishment of him. What a maverick!

Count all the absentee ballots, nigger. Trump won the fucking popular vote if you count all the ballots.

Hes not wrong....but this is a republic, not a democracy

apparently, somewhere around 5 million illegal votes were cast.

Now go back to sleep mohamed.

Now go back to sleep mohamed.

Are you somehow under the impression that "republic" and "democracy" are mutually exclusive, and that a republic can't be a democracy?

>Over 3 million of those votes were illegal immigrants and most people voted several times for Hillary.

Just wait until the count is finished.

The majority of Americans didn't even vote you dumb muslim.

>less than 50%

Get rekt you refugee-suckling Deutschcuck zwitter

>when you lose against your opponent you win

actually she didn't

there was massive voter fraud and trump still won. He crushed her in the popular vote. You expect the media to cover that?

Actually, the majority was against Clinton.

Daily reminder that the leftist subhumans acted exactly the same way when Brexit happened, even though that was an instance of direct democracy. Daily reminder that talking about democracy is meaningless under the conditions created by the establishment to make its chosen candidates win every time. Daily reminder that the people who stood with Trump against the establishment and its brainwashed anti-democratic drones stood up for democracy.

>muh popular vote total grows every day

Is this the new Holocaust? oy vey goy remember the 1.5 million votes!

>fast forward 10 years


>being butthurt this bad
Okay Rahim, now into the oven with you.

Hey OP keep this behavior up and well see the AfD reaching 20%+ next year, faggot.

Are you somehow under the impression that our government structure and electoral college is exactly that. Jesus, just fucking off yourself retarded krauts

The people who voted Hillary are not the only people who don't like him. The people who didn't vote don't like him either. And more than 50% of Trump's supporters say they don't like him but voted for the lesser of two evils. When you do the math, maybe 12% of voting age Americans actually like him.

It's worse than the holocaust for leftist's, as they don't care about kikes when it comes to their muzzie funded apologist.

It's the united STATES of america. not united STATE

He's not going to get sworn in her winning the popular vote by this much is going to help the petition sway the electors

>implying that most Republicans in blue states bothered voting




>And more than 50% of Trump's supporters say they don't like him but voted for the lesser of two evils. When you do the math, maybe 12% of voting age Americans actually like him.

So where is this "math" you speak of Tyrone?

Reminder that most faggots in this shithole believe it's more important to protest against Trump with "Not My President" (Yeah no shit) than it is to protest against child-marriage being made somewhat legal under certain circumstances, cultural enrichment ahoy.

Daily reminder that over half the people in our country are fucking retards. Anyone who voted for Clinton should be sterilized.

You're probably one of those faggots that was protesting Trump in Berlin at the Brandenburg gate, KYS faggot.

Daily reminder: She still lost. Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States of America.

Bibi, what are you doing here?

What did you mean by this?

daily reminder no one cares

If every election was decided by major population centres we would live in a tyranny of the majority. EU gives more seats percapita for low pop countries, Finland gives more seats per capita for low pop areas. Otherwise Germany would completely dominate EU elections and Helsinki would dominate Finnish elections.

The majority of Americans voted for Gary and Trump

lol that's a reach even for you guys

Daily reminder: too much sodium causes high blood pressure

Your English is shit, you fucked up in this post and in your OP.

Obviously you're not a native English speaker, but I have a feeling your a fucking sand nigger rapefugee.

Daily reminder that the leftist has to resort to shitposting when he cannot deal with the facts.

Hans you are not involved there. Stop interfering with sovereignty

it was bullshit then and It's bullshit now

Fuck off. Your country is over run with shitskins and within the next decade will be a controlled by them. Enjoy your neo-liberal-niggerdom, Adolf!


1.11-16 MILLION illegals in the US.

2. No voter ID laws so they bus nigs to vote multiple times.

Go fuck yourself proxy shill. If it was fair, it'd have been a landslide against that propped up globalist cunt.

People who vote to protect Mexico's interests are hardly "American", whatever they might be legally

Kill yourself autistic shitposting attention whoring nigger.




Only ~46% of Americans voted, ~23% for each candidate. Both candidates received 50-60% of their votes from party loyalists or lesser-of-two-evils voters. 12% if a conservative figure.

electorally it was a landslide. biggest loss for dems in 20 yrs

>implying he isn't an achmed.

>Majority of American are against Trump.

You mean, the majority of Americans that ***VOTED*** are against Trump. There are many people that did not vote either because they thought both candidates sucked or because they lived a heavily blue state (like Commiefornia) and they knew their vote wouldn't matter.

If the goal was to gain the popular vote, Trump's campaign strategy would have been completely different.

Daily reminder that more people wanted Hillary Clinton to be president.

Yes, that doesn't matter for the presidency, but you still have to live with the fact that more people were against Trump. You're a minority.

Time for califexit bro.

>tfw when America allows for tyranny of the minority


More people did not want Clinton than did.

Yeah, because every republican in CA and NY goes out and vote in these safe blue states.

Popular vote is irrelevant because of the way the system is set up. If you live in CA your vote for president doesn't matter, why even leave the house?

No one gives a shit that people in Commiefornia voted for Clinton.



>The popular vote doesn't matter because we use an electoral college system. The candidates use tactics built to win the electoral vote, not the popular vote. Trump wasn't trying to win the popular vote, he wanted the electoral vote.
>If we used a popular vote system, then the results would be entirely different. There is literally no evidence suggesting that Trump would lose the popular vote if we had a popular vote system. Democrats in republican states and republicans and democrat states have poor turnout in the electoral college because they don't think their votes matter.
>Complaining about Trump winning without the popular vote is like telling the two candidates to play chess, Trump checkmates his opponent, then you complain about the rules of tic-tac-toe.

>If you cut out the illegal immigrants that voted, people that voted multiple times, and bring back the thousands of ballots that were destroyed in Broward county, Trump probably won the popular vote.

>liberal cities of the coasts worth more than 30 entire states!!! We should be the one that decide the president!

Get rekt. It's called the United States for a reason, dipshit

It's not about how many pieces you have on the board when you get mated.

Trump was playing 4D Hyperchess all along.

Praise Kek for giving us this reality.




Yes, Trump did, see here:

We can only hope


>47.8% against 47.3%
>muh majority

Pick one.

soros puppet again. fuck off u lost!

New York and California contribute the most to America's success by far.

All rural America contributes is crystal meth, incest and down syndrome.


Good catch user. My bad for falling for this CTR Pizza lover B8.


The small difference has probably already began to stand behind trump once the tolerant left began to show their true colours.

Someone translate this into English.

And a majority is by the same logic against Shillary.

It's the States, not the People who choose President of the Federation

I will never understand why you guys are still assblasted. the electoral college is all ready heavily slanted in the democrat's favor. she just didn't allocate that 700 million she raised in the right places and lost states that have been going blue for years. she also failed to excite democrat voters like Obama.

Their butthurt just proves him right. Don't hate the player hate the game


Thank you Vlad. How is it that you understand this when you live on the other side of the planet, yet libtards in America can't grasp this fact.

You greasy nigger, who cares if this is a bait thread. CTR was BTFO, we won, it's over. You sound like a butthurt faggot.

Trips checked, I'm proposing that we send all our faggot SJW libtards to Germay in exchange for based Germanbro's like you Hans. They can get buttraped to death by rapefugees along with Merkel and you can join the Trumpire, what do ya think?

Friendly reminder: majority of Americans didn't vote for either. Also USA is a republic, not a democracy.


We stole the election. How do you feel?