Serious question...

Serious question. Why doesn't Trump try to actually do or say something to calm the protestors/people who didn't vote for him? Instead, he continues to shitpost on Twitter which could make things worse.

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Let a kid scream for a while and he'll stop on his own.

There is nothing he could say that would placate them.

He could adopt the exact policies of Bernie Sanders and they'd still take issue with it.

They're being paid to riot, he can't do anything about it right now and he doesn't want to give thew jestream media anything to spin


>Why doesn't Trump try to actually do or say something to calm the protestors/people who didn't vote for him?
that's the job of the current president, not his

because he's a shit president, and pretty soon even Sup Forums won't be able to deny it.

I mean come on, you used a chaos demon to get a crypto-kike to become the most powerful man in the world

>Why doesn't Trump try to actually do or say something to calm the protestors/people who didn't vote for him?


Bc his strategy is to let the lefties devour themselves. His indifferent and unapologethic attitude is the key to his success and he shouldn't give up on that.

It's not his fault, it's not his job, and frankly it's helping out him and his agenda. It's only strengthening his mandate, which gives him more authority to ram the policies he was voted in for through Congress. Every day, more and more people turn against these people, learn that they're being paid, and tacitly accept trump and his agenda.

Why contain it?

Anyone hoping we're seeing a slowdown of he progressive left ideology?


Who cares about a bunch of whiny losers?

>going back on obamacare
>going back on the wall
>going back on muslim ban

Those ungrateful cunts deserve fucking genocide if they're not happy yet.

Because they need a fucking reality check, not pandering.

Because when a child holds its breath, you carry on as normal and wait it out.

These children need to learn that things don't always go their way and that crying won't get mommy and daddy to make the bad trump man not president.

Why doesn't Clinton and Obama(current fucking president) actually do or say something to calm the protesters/people who voted for THEM?

>a bunch of sjws, trannies, fags, white beta males and dindus chimping out in the streets

I mean, why would anyone ever do anything about it? Nothing will happen. They'll get hungry and tired and go home soon.

He's not even sworn in yet what do you expect him to do

Exactly. The wild card has won his campaign everything that they could of possibly wanted.

Why the fuck stop now?

Kek will smite you

Kek approves

why doesn't obama?

>trying to "calm" paid protesters

>Why doesn't Trump try to actually do or say something to calm the protestors/people who didn't vote for him?
He is doing that. Kys.

Obama secretly supports Trump

Nobody actually wanted that old hag to be president

>because he's a shit president
>hasn't even taken office yet

Really made me think

Ok faggot, let's assume that Hillary won and Trump supporters were chimping out.

Answer this honestly.

Would you a) ask why Hillary wasn't saying something to calm them down or b) would you blame Trump?

Those people cannot be placated. Many are paid for and the rest have been indoctrinated by a false hope of a marxist utopia which isn't feasible.

Even if he did a complete 180 and became the most liberal president in the history of mankind they will still have issue with him. The very fact that their entire world collapsed from under their feet is an impossibility that has come to fruition. It's no longer anger towards his policies but anger toward the very man himself because he symbolizes the destruction of their sheltered false reality.

Ultimately they're harming themselves more than helping liberal ideology.

They preach open mindedness while being intolerant of mindsets they don't agree with. They preach of love while being hateful themselves. They preach of the outcome bringing about destruction when they themselves are responsible for the destruction in our streets.

He has. Repeatedly.

kek isn't a demon he's a god you kike


It doesn't matter what Trump does. They have already lost in their minds.

When is shit posting ever a bad idea? And those damn rioters need to bend the knée to the Donald.

He didn't go back on Obamacare, he said he may keep a few parts (out of a thousand page bill), like pre-existing conditions. He never said that the wall wasn't going to happen, in fact, congress already has the funding to do it. The muslim ban has been changed to a ban on people from at-risk countries, which essentially is the same thing


Because you can't reason with them.
If they were using critical thinking skills backed with knowledge they wouldn't be protesting in the first place.

Talking to these people is like talking to a child. They don't believe facts.
You have to start at literally square one, basic civic principles, and work your way up through every topic rationally.
They are full on brainwashed.

He doesn't have time for that shit

Let the riots spill over to the schools and churches. Let the bodies pile up in the streets.

In the end they'll beg Trump to save them.

I was starting to think the same thing too.... which worries me.

Ring a ding right here boys.

Libtards confirmed as children

Because he's smart enough to know that there is nothing he can do to appease them.

he lets the states take care of things. he's just a figurehead with foreign plans

It's a good strategy. They are making an ass of themselves. Compare that to Trump victory speech and meeting with Obongo.

never apologize

They are coordinated protests, there is nothing he can do. Just let them chimp out and ridicule them.

He seems to have decided to go full Ceaușescu right out of the gate. He had Giuliani on TV this morning, again attempting to dismiss the whole thing as a paid stunt. That shit doesn't work when the protests get big enough that lots of family and neighbors and friends know them.

>because he's a shit president
Cool present tense, faggot.

It's better to let it go on. The more people chimp out, the worse their side looks to the rest of the country

That should be Clinton and Obama's job

Why? Trust me, after weeks of roads being blocked and noise from protests, vandalism etc. It will stary to turn even more people against them.

You mean why doesnt our nigger in chief do his fucking job?

>This guy gets it.

If someone you hate tells you to chill, you're gonna be more pissy. If your so called messiahs tell you to chill, you'll shut up and color.

At least he's not outright antagonizing them as Obama would, and did with his "could've been my son" shit in the trayboon fiasco.

Yeah sure nice digits there user

Jesus, relax, it's a prank

The Department of Un-American Activities will deal with them in the near future

>acting conciliatory to SJW babbies when they fling their shit around.

never ever do that. You treat them like terrorists.

the only way to calm a child having a tantrum is to ignore them and they'll fizzle out on their own

When a woman is upset, have you ever said something to calm them down?

Women don't want answers, solutions, they just want to vent.

Let the Democrats vent. Focus on leading the United States to Greatness.

^This fucking idiot thinks its the president "elects" job to do this and not the "current" president



Why would you negotiate with terrorists ?

Nobody noticed this post?

Lord North made the exact same miscalculation, to the UK's detriment.

This. We are dealing with children here.

If little Jimmy throws a temper tantrum because you won't buy him pop tarts the absolute last thing you want to do is cave and buy the pop tarts.

why doesnt hillary bernie and all the other kikes do or something to calm the protesters and tell their donors to stop funding riots?

literally this, just let the kids cry, they'll realize nobody cares and the world still moves on.

there is literally nothing Trump can say to calm them down, theyll just complain. So instead he does what any normal person would do, be the grown up.

Now of course, I'm going them a LOT of credit to assume they'll last this long but, if they do, even the media is going to be sick & tired of them by March. Trump just needs to ride the thing out.

Plus, when they realize it's mainly criminals that are affected by the deportation (Trump's said something to the effect of getting citizenship will be 'easy' as long as you don't have serious felonies on your record)

since many of the protestors are paid, bussed in actors, trying to appease them would just legitimize the whole thing.

kek is real

Because that's Hillary's job, not his.


you dont give a child more attention


it's hunting season you guys, get the flag while you can

Let them punch themselves out before he's even president.

When they protest actual legislation and decisions, it'll have less teeth because the public will be desensitized to the crybabies.

The rule with these people is NEVER FUCKING APOLOGIZE. Ever. They always see it as weakness and the second you acknowledge their tantrum it validates their beliefs and they're shoving a twenty page Manifesto of Faggotry in your face demanding everything you have. Fuck'em. They'll get tired or cold eventually.

Maybe those fucks should stop protesting with Soros money and go home.

It won't matter because a few of them are getting paid

Because there is literally nothing he can do. Liberals are so committed to shilling against Trump that even if he completely stamped out poverty, reduced crime to zero, turned the national debt into a surplus, and united the entire planet they'd still call him a racist bigot sexist homophobe.
Skip to 31:30 for some quality Hitch. It's relevant here.


Hes not the president yet.
Obama is and its his fucking job.

Also he did say he will support lgbt communities and other shit, but media wont report on it since they ant to create panic.

What, ya expected him to be smarter than he appeared?


>Scarier than Halloween
Thank goodness she's still in her costume.

This. Trump has had a lot of kids and they all turned out pretty good. Trust a good father to know how to handle the children of this country.

Nice flag.

Depends on Trump being ruthless now. He shouldn't make any concessions. They think he is a monster already, he hasn't anything to lose.

I thought that was a dog with glasses at first

protesters are being paid so they won't stop
, also cheque em