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Continuing on with Moore and Burrows' Lovecraft Saga.
Right in the middle of Providence Act I.



Yeah, this is when I knew this was gonna be special.
















>Sarlem Nathachusetts


1. I've never read a single Lovecraft story.
2. I don't understand Providence AT ALL.
What combination of "stupid" and "just not familiar enough with Lovecraft's work" am I?

Dave is kill

Sorry, internet went out.
Should be fine now.

Just not familiar. Unless you didn't read the back matter haha.



All the latter. I saw someone call this a " homework comic" and that's a pretty good description.


Aye. The christian symbolism is pretty easy but everything about Arkham can get esoteric.












This is the best backmatter.
Holy moley, what a fun thing.





















Such a sorry situation.


















I love how blown Robert's mind is by this








Act II

Manchester, NH to Boston, MA
"August 19th" to October 20th, 1919

Arkham time and the brakes are off.












This blasted farmland is awesome
