What is the purpose of this character being in the show?

what is the purpose of this character being in the show?

you gay or somthing?

To be Cassandra's girlfriend.

Filling out the castle staff without having to pay another voice actor or necessitating more plotlines.

she's the heart of the show

To pander to ugly people because it’s considered to be progressive or something. Star Wars The Last Jedi did it too.

ugly stupid people need work too

How does it pander to ugly people if her existence is a joke?

Because ugly people are one of God's jokes
No wonder why your mom thinks every day is April Fool's day

to give shadman a challenge

My mother thinks everday's April Fools Day because my father is a joke.

Well, now I feel bad

You inherited the ugly gene from your father ?

I inherited from my aunt.

you leave Freidborg alone!

She's Derpy.

She's the alternate universe Cassandra who has terrible looks and a nice personality instead of the other way around.

As far as I can tell, it was just for that one joke, but they keep bringing her back. Also, she looks like Marty Feldman

i am ashamed i did not notice this

Everytime I see a picture of Marty Feldman, I laugh and then I feel bad and resolve not to laugh at his face again
and then I do it again the next time I see his picture


He made a career out of that face, man.

Why would you feel bad? His weird eyes were his entire gimmick. He wanted people to laugh at them.

His face is famous.