Prove to me Atheism isn't ''I want to do what I like without anyone telling me it's wrong''

Prove to me Atheism isn't ''I want to do what I like without anyone telling me it's wrong''.

Protip: You can't.

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If you're not a fuckin moron, you can build your own code of ethics and morals based on cultural and societal norms. You don't need an 2000 year old book to know it's not ok to rape and murder.

It worked out just fine for Stalin, didn't it?

Don't need an


Cool, so you mean to say society decides what is wrong and right? The majority rules? That is essentially saying as long as more people agree that rape is okay, it is okay. Which is wrong.

>Atheism = moral relativism


Atheists should be able to present a moral code superior to those offered by religon. Otherwise they are just using it as a reason to be fucktards. If you seek to destroy something then yoy should have something better to replace it

>B-but Atheism can have objective morality!

Prove it.

Nice strawman. Flase equivalency

You can't attribute his behavior to atheism. There are no tenants of atheism. Atheism literally means the lack of belief in a deity or god. It is up to the individual to decide what atheism means to them.

That is true fucktard. Society deems what is and isn't social acceptable. Rape is not objectively wrong, society agrees that is is not right. Right in this defintion not if true, but just or fair.

>>B-but Atheism can have objective morality!
Epick strawman bro xDD
Atheism just means you don't don't believe in a deity you utter fucktard.

You've confused Atheism with Anarchism.

you haven't been killed by an atheist yet. clearly we can handle ourselves

What society agrees that rape is ok?

Muh skywizard

prove to me fairies don't exist

Protip: I don't need to :)

Morals and religion are not synonymous. Confuscianism has no god, but is built upon morals. There are immoral and people that are theists, so believing in religion does not automatically make you moral, vice verse.

>There are no tenants of atheism.

So anything goes. Thanks for proving my point.

It's the belief that theirs no God as you already know; but yeah generally what you said fits the bill

>Rape is not objectively wrong

Atheism in a nutshell.

Right. Which means it is not morality at all. Just because someone says this is okay or this is not okay, as you have said, doesn't mean it is objectively correct to say so. The only way to have absolute correctness is to have a perfect authority say so. If there is no God, there is no perfect authority. Which goes back to what OP said.

Child please.

wrong being using the definition of being incorrect. Incorrect way of behaving.

Yet religion doesn't really stop people from doing bad things, so whatever.

Majority of Islamic countries, depending on particular circumstances, of course.


There are countless philosophical sets of ethics that aren't based on a religious text. I know I just got baited, but spend about ten seconds on google and you can pull up a ton of them.

Atheism is about truth, not morality.

>implying you need one
Society agrees on norms, you don't open the door for someone because God told you to, these are social norms. You have a very legalist way of viewing things.

So you're saying that you base what is right and wrong not on your own goodness and ability to make the right choices, but by the morality imposed on you by your religion?

Anything goes, yet I choose to treat my fellow man with respect and life with dignity. I don't believe my good actions will get any sort of approval or praise from some deity, yet I still do them. Really activetes them almonds.

why did this make me laugh?

You win.
You exist you fairy faggot.

People have free will to do bad things.

Theists only act nice because they are told if they don't they'll be punished in hell for all eternity.
Atheists act nice because they actually create codes of ethics for themselves.

But if they are religious then they must be moral!

My own code of ethics is "if it feels good, do it". Being atheist is fun and easy.

Mutual-egoism which is found in every pack species.

It's a natural morality that even religion preaches without the "objective" part.

I now it's anecdotal evidence but I'm an Athiest but i also believe all life is precious because there is no afterlife, all life deserves a chance to live it's fullest on this planet while it can, I also believe that leaving a legacy and spreading kindness will spread kindness to others, so yes, Athiests can have morality.

Ask Me Anything.

>assuming I base objective morality on religious text

Nope. Objective morality is text independent. 2 + 2 equals 4 whether it is written or not in a text. But Atheism has no objective morality to begin with. Rape is just your preference and if it feels right, do it.

Atheists, agnostics, "none"s etc have actual morals and can be just as nice or more than anyone else. Why does everyone assume they worship Satan? It's your neighbors it's your friends it's members of your family that have to hide the fact that they don't agree with all of it? I'm a "none" and proud of it but I can barely ever even talk about it in real life to family and it bothers me.

I don't see how to post addresses any of the points I made. There is no such thing as true morality without God. It would become completely arbitrary, no thing being truly right or truly wrong, as there is no perfect authority. There is no truth, there is no good, no evil, without God. It's all decided on a moment to moment basis.

He got cucked hard in his debate with James White. White felt so bad for him, he even gave him tips at the end

>>assuming I base objective morality on religious text
So what do you base it on then, faggot?
We are all waiting

You're and idiot, if all of society thought rape was okay then rape would be okay.

>Anything goes, yet I choose to treat my fellow man with respect and life with dignity.

Except when it comes to the unborn. Then it is OK to kill 50 million of them annually in the USA, because ''freedom''.

>This is what atheists believe.

I'd take a hedonist who kills himself and only himself for his own pleasure of a repressed and miserable muslim who goes out to kill and make everyone else as miserable as him

Too many people think anything is better than listening to a madeup story about supreme beings and resurrection.

>objective morality
That's quite the oxymoron you've got there

>become completely arbitrary
How so?

>no good no evil
All completely subjective

That's not my point you nob, right over your head, yeah? Like I said, just because people agree doesn't make it morally correct. That isn't morality.

Even if they are not religious, they should be moral. But people are sinful, hence immoral behaviour. But on Atheism, there is no right and wrong, everything is dependent on your personal preferences. If killing unborn babies fits your personal preference, then do it. If raping fits your personal preference, then do it. Just make sure you aren't caught. Otherwise, do it. You only live once.

>all atheists support abortion
>implying a clump of cells is human

>christcucks trying to argue logically

>actual morals
define this in objective standards

He's not wrong. There is actual science to human behavior, but I'm not going to be arsed to find it for you.

If the only thing keeping a person decent is some expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit.

Not an oxymoron objective morality as in absolutely correct as it is given be perfect authority.

Because it is not grounded in any absolute truth.

Exactly my point. Without an absolute perfect authority to govern it, it becomes completely based on subjectivity and therefore based on something which is completely arbitrary.

Athiest/Agnostic here: im actually not OK with abortion, life only gets one chance to exist, I think it's wrong to take that away from something believing there is nothing on the other side.

On God. God predates any religious text. God uses men to reveal His Word to humanity. Religious texts are useful, but they are not the end all be all of things.

Not harming other people ?

Why would I ever be compelled to follow any kind of ethics/morality when I know there will be no consequences? Literally why is it wrong for me to rape someone if I'm an atheist?

Since I can'r go out to often, I just use a simple "I don't want to deal with these other people, so I'm not going to fuck with them." I shut up like a good goy.

Athiesm aside, should I post Jesus pics? They're like nudes but you're Jesus instead of nude.

So then not every Atheists is immoral. It's almost as if humans naturally conform to their surroundings. Then being an atheist doesn't make you immoral, just like being theist doesn't make you moral; it's all on he individual's independent decision.

You mean the very cultural and societal norms we inherited from christian belief?

Which out of the 3000+ gods did you choose then, and of course, are right about.

It's cool if you don't support abortion, but on Atheism anything goes. If you are pro-life, then being an Atheist won't help you to argue for it.

>Nope. Objective morality is text independent.
Flatly false. Your concept of objective morality is derived from a religious text.

>2 + 2 equals 4 whether it is written or not in a text.
So you admit that this knowledge must come from a text, then. No one is born knowing 2 and 2 makes 4.

>But Atheism has no objective morality to begin with.
Correct. Atheism is not a moral philosophy. Atheism isn't anything. It's just a rejection of religion.

If objective morality exists "text-independent," as you claim, then there is no need to ascribe to any specific religion in order to understand it, yes?

Atheism isn't an organization like Christianity, there are no Popes or presidents.

Circular reasoning

There is only one God. Aristotelian-Thomistic Metaphysics gives you 5 arguments for God.

except then you can make it whatever you like dumby, and that's the point

If you decide for yourself whether or not something is okay, some people CAN rape and murder without even feeling bad.

This argument will never not be dumb, and I'm thoroughly disappointed people can't look past the shallow surface of this bullshit and tell you dumbies you're wrong more often.

Organized atheism is definitely that.

Say the guy who would laugh if a pedophile was raped in prison.
There is no objective wrong, it all depends of the context.

>There is only one God.
Ever heard of Odin, allah, thor, wotan etc?

There is no circular reasoning here.

If you are so adamant please point out where and explain how.

Christianity wasn't the first religion to establish those morals. They are pre-existing codes established based on the what was socially acceptable.

Religion is needed to articulate moral truths. Atheism cannot articulate moral truths, as we all seem to agree here.

Is it your christian moral mandate that lets you put words in my mouth?

Ancient metaphorical thinking is not as structured, logical and rich in concepts as the thinking of today. If the writers of the old testament were transported to modern times they and everyone from their time would be diagnosed as schizophrenic. That doesn't mean they were babbling nonsense, they were building exactly the concepts we are taking for granted that allow us to discard their ideas as primitive.

There are only about 30.000 years since some schizo cavemonkeys started a cultural movement of language and art that is still growing today. Christianity was a huge part in that evolution and it still has things to teach us.

The big confusion atheists have is they think we live in the physical world we measure with scientific equipment when we live in the human realm of memes and concepts only vaguely mirroring the physical one.

God is the Word and the Logos, the original concept, the meme on which all other memes are based, the original thought on which all thoughts are based and the arbiter of logic on which everything is based. He is defined as existing so He exists, there is no disproving Him.

They are easily refuted.

That's exactly what it is.

Cultural and societal norms are rooted primarily in evolution, you moron.

So in an atheist world, rape and murder is A-OK. Gotcha.,1639.0.html

Atheists are cucks for Islam. I got banned a day later btw

Troll thread, post cats

>Atheism isn't anything. It's just a rejection of religion.



It's an absolute truth because it comes from an absolute authority. How is your authority even absolute? Because he is perfect? Because he is the absolute authority? Circular reasoning


It's early/late, is OP actually a bait?
I feel the general consensus is to not even attempt risking jailtime/something that will end relations.
I don't think you understand, we're not immigrants trying to rape people.

>Protip: You can't.

Well this seems worth writing a thoughtful response to.

Christians don't believe in god, they believe in good goys brining money to church. Christians like Hindus who had many thousands of gods and it doesn't bothers them as long as Hindus of India are good goys for the west. Christians are corrupt shit that steals money and hides behind fairy tales.

it's living without the need for a god. even if one existed. I am an atheist. my idea is that even if god did exist, I wouldn't need him in my life. my life is pretty good. now, if the threat of hell was ALSO real, I guess I wouldn't have a choice seeing as how Im not a masochist. but, BUT because god isn't real, than it's simply living a life without restriction.

You'll go to jail and get raped.

The good feels of raping are outweighed by the bad feels of getting jailed and sodomized so I don't rape.

>hey are pre-existing codes established based on the what was socially acceptable.

It was socially acceptable to kill baby girls and kill your first borns in fire. Christianity changed all that.

> If you are pro-life, then being an Atheist won't help you to argue for it.

Life only get's one chance on this earth, why should I take that away from anything? because it's easy? because it feels good?

I'm also a vegetarian because of it, I don't support death in any way unless it's going to cause less death (someone going on a killing rampage and there's no way to stop them) clearly this is wrong.

I get it, atheists/agnostics (im more agnostic) have every possibility to say "lets just go chopping heads!" because there's no "rulebook" to stop them, but society has had these norms and taboos for thousands of years pre-dating the Bible. I just think the Bible enforces those rules with the idea that "if you do it, you'll get punished" where as atheists don't.

I hope that helps understand a bit.

But morals are already implemented without religion. What religion is The Boy Who Cried Wolf?

I don't go to church and I don't want to. I don't believe in God and I have no desire to.