How do we turn the abortion narrative against women to stop the idea that it's okay to murder a child (just because you...

How do we turn the abortion narrative against women to stop the idea that it's okay to murder a child (just because you can't see it)?

I try to abort at least one baby a month.

I'm sure a lot of people would if they turned out like this Hans.

If you attack a pregnant woman and end up killing her the state district attorney will charge you twice with murder. That's right, you wont face only one murder charge but two, you wont serve time for one murder sentence but two. This is true even in the most liberal states. The hypocrisy.

"Please stab your own brain because you can't see it."

"You're supposed to be dumped/killed by your mother before but because she's a sane person, she let you live"

Abortion isn't the "vagina argument" many polls show women are evenly split on this issue.
You just need to point out the most obvious shit.
If the fetus has no rights, then you doctors shouldn't be prosecuted for failing to deliver a baby.
Murderers shouldn't get more time for murdering a pregnant women.
Pregnant women get no more priority than those who aren't during evacuations

Those policies are clearly anti-women.

We're having the same situation in Poland atm.
Soros' funded losers are marching the streets hiding behind the veil of "muh freedoms", "muh old men deciding what women can do with their bodies" and many other buzzwordy crap.
They have celebs starring in pretencious videos saying "millions of women are tired of men's oppresion"
They don't take into account that we had AND do have a female prime minister right now. They ignore the fact that literally every poll has 1 in every 2 women in support of prohibiting all abortion.

If there's no medical/legal basis for abortion, allow it, but remove the fetus along with the uterus.
"Prevention beats the cure".

if you're pro life
you're pro-nigger

abortion helps niggers keep their feral population down

It's a fucking fetus, you dumb fuck. It does not have brain activity. Take it out of the womb and it wont develop. It's a parasite, not a person.

There was a case where a guy poisoned (?) his pregnant girlfriend to cause a miscarriage and succeeded. He got sentenced for murder. Despite the fact that she could legally murder the child herself with the aid of taxpayers money.

Niggers can't afford abortions

They love to say it's about choice, right?
Any time a woman chooses to have sex, she accepts the risk that she might get pregnant. We all know condoms aren't 100% effective. There's always a chance you'll get pregnant whenever you choose to have sex. There are also 500 different types of birth control available to men and women already. If you choose to have sex and get pregnant, you have chosen to carry the baby to term. Doesn't matter if the baby's retarded or terminally ill, you can't kill it. After it's born you can do whatever you want - raise it, put it up for adoption, whatever.

By this same reasoning, abortion is okay in cases of male-on-female rape, because the woman didn't choose to have sex. That comes with its own share of problems of proving it was rape though, which I don't know how to resolve.

Fact. Margaret Sanger was based.

Good thing they're all paid for by taxpayers then

Abortion kills more blacks than I ever could


>It does not have brain activity.

Educate yourself, retard.

Why should "brain activity" be what defines life and gives a person the right to life?

>She believed that while abortion was sometimes justified it should generally be avoided
>Sanger opposed excessive sexual indulgence. She wrote that "every normal man and woman has the power to control and direct his sexual impulse. Men and women who have it in control and constantly use their brain cells thinking deeply, are never sensual."
>Sanger was a proponent of negative eugenics, which aims to improve human hereditary traits through social intervention by reducing the reproduction of those who were considered unfit.
>Sanger's eugenic policies included an exclusionary immigration policy, free access to birth control methods, and full family planning autonomy for the able-minded, as well as compulsory segregation or sterilization for the "profoundly retarded"


My perspective on rape is that the woman should still carry the baby but since it wasn't her choice to have sex, the baby should be given up to adopt.

More retarded argument i heard was that you're only human if you have PESEL № (Polish equivalent of social security, except implemented by soviets to keep easier track of "seditious elements")
So everyone who's not a citizen of Poland can be killed without moral repercussions on the basis they're not human. :^)

>Not wanting to kill niglets

Abortion 4lyfe

Because then you can always kill nigs.

We don't it's the best population control for niggers.

WTF i hate abortions now

The issue with that is that now the woman has a bloodline somewhere in the world. People aren't amenable to simply forgetting about their childrens' existence.

It also rewards the rapist with their genes being passed on. Rapist don't deserve that.

Some comments from a previous thread:

The problem with the naturalistic approach where you assign value and rights based on the intelligence or awareness of the creature is that I think a good argument could be made that dolphins and whales are more intelligent and aware than newborn babies. To the naturalist this would mean the dolphin and whale are more "human" than the newborn baby and more deserving of protection.

Imagine in the future with advanced technology we could figure out a way to temporarily shut down our brains. I don't think we would be able to call ourselves inhuman while our brains were shut down. The same would go if we could figure out a way to shut down our nervous system. Just because you temporarily lack a nervous system that doesn't mean you're not a human and for this reason I don't think we should use the brain or the nervous system to define what is human.

Thinking and feeling are actions that humans can perform but to say those are what makes us human commits the fallacy of confusing cause and effect. You have to be a human before you can act like one, so you would have be a human before you can think or feel like one.

That's a good point. I'll take that into consideration

What about adult people that were conceived of rape. Would it be wrong to randomly shoot them in the head? If a reason to kill is immoral for born people them it is also immoral to use for unborn people.

What is your thoughts on teenage abortions?

I feel that in the long run it is a benefit due to the fact that it means less teen mothers soaking up welfare.

Think about it. Lets say that their were 500,000 black teen abortions every year. If abortion was not avalible that would mean in 4 years there would be 2,000,000 more jaquans and shaniquas

Humans before the age where they exhibit creative thought are no better than animals.
And I always say, if your dog is a burden/sick; eat it and buy a new one.
What's the point of treating babies like they're worth something when you can start making a new one any time? Not like it's a rare occurence for pregnancy to occur. Not like you've invested in them at all yet, like through education.
A baby is worth less than dick.

this question is a non-sequiter because a 1st/2nd trimester pregnancy is not a "child".

I say abort

>What about adult people that were conceived of rape. Would it be wrong to randomly shoot them in the head?
Of course it'd be wrong. That would be murder.
> If a reason to kill is immoral for born people them it is also immoral to use for unborn people.
I agree, but you're trying to say it the other way around. It is immoral to kill born people who were conceived of rape, but not to kill unborn people conceived of rape.

Why is it wrong to kill born people conceived of rape?

on one hand i think abortion is morally disgraceful but on the other hand its effective population control for minorities

what to think Sup Forums

Just say that the abortions contribute to cults. Child sacrifice pretty much.

Maybe instead of having abortions for all teens, only blacks get abortions.
Less Shaniquas and Jamaals
More Michaels and Tiffanys

>Check flag
>Degenerate westerner
All checks in.

>Eat your dog when it get's sick and buy a new one.

People would never do that unless they had no other options for food because we develop deep emotional attachments to animals we have as companions you autistic monster.

In America it would be incredibly dysgenic to restrict abortion. We must consider priorities.

Of course, its disgusting and morally fucked and seems so very, very wrong. But we shouldn't try to restrict it imo. Restricting it would be disastrous. Many such cases!

It's wrong to kill people unless you have a reason that makes it okay.
What reason would you say makes it okay to kill born people conceived of rape? I can't think of one.

Ask this question:
Would you allow abortion at 8 months 25 days?
If they say yes, then there is no helping them.
If they say no, then it is easy to convince them.
You simply then ask,
"Would you allow abortion at 8 months 24 days?
How about 8 months 23 days?
If they refuse to answer, ask them to say when they would allow abortion.
First trimester only?
Ask what the difference between 1st trimester and one day into first trimester?
If they are not for late term abortion, they can usually be convinced.
If they morally allow later term abortion, then they are given over to a reprobate mind, have seared their conscience and there is really no point talking to them.

I don't think it is okay to kill. You say it's okay to kill unborn people conceived of rape but you haven't justified it. Why is it okay to kill the unborn for this reason and not the born?

Use the racial angle.
Margaret Sanger wanted abortion to eliminate the undesirable races.

>Rapist don't deserve that.

you killed one human for the crimes that someone else committed... well done, nice reasoning

Sure I've justified it. Allowing rapists to have their genes passed on through a woman who didn't want to have sex with them is allowing a rapist to win and the woman to lose. The woman now has a permanent reminder in her life of a tragic event that happened to her, and the rapist gets to pass his genes on. That's not good. It's not right to force a woman who did not choose to have sex to be burdened with a child she didn't want to have. That includes the knowledge that that child exists somewhere in the world in the care of foster parents.

The crime created the human in the first place.

Are the rapist's genes not prevalent in the born person conceived of rape? So why should we be allowed to randomly shoot them in the head?

I've already answered this question. I don't know why you're hung up on it.

You haven't explained it. You say it's okay to kill the unborn person conceived of rape because the rapist is passing on his genes but you don't apply that same standard to the born person conceived of rape. The rapist is still passing on his genes.

Why is it okay to kill but not the other?

Well, show them late term abortions and compare them to early term.

>inb4 but we should ban all abortions!
>I want more niggas!
>pls mate non-thinking beings are humans too! The brain is not needed for a human to be!
You should off yourself if that's your view.

I met a person who was the product of rape. His mom was fifteen at the time coming back from a pool party and next thing she knew she woke up on the floor. She was white and was a Christian, most people at her church would tell her to abort. She refused, and he grew up to be a really nice Christian and often talks about it.

I agree that abortion is murder, but still don't think it should be forbidden. There is a responsibility to be taken here. Don't convince yourself that you're not murdering, just admit that it's what you need to do.
Citizens don't need abortions and citizens don't need guns or fair elections is the same thing, what do you think about that?

>emotional attachment to something that's a tool for entertainment
How lonely are you?

Because one is unborn and the other isn't. One's tragedy can be prevented but the other has already happened. To not allow babies that were conceived through rape to be legally aborted is to force women to carry to term babies they didn't choose to have. That is wrong. (It's also political suicide.) Ideally, all babies that are born should be born because their parents wanted to have them. Ideally no woman would get pregnant from a rape. Since reality doesn't match that ideal, the best we can do is stop the bad thing once we detect it.