Friendly reminder that a college education should be the new requirement to vote

so that uneducated duck dynasty trailer park trash retards NEVER EVER get to dictate the direction of the country

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Over here every fucking retard gets some higher degree of "education". What's their masterplan for what comes then?

The rich class vote Democrat

The Middle class vote Republican

The Mexicans and niggers vote Democrat.


I'm sorry, but women's studies/liberal arts classes do not qualify as educated.

>college education

paying taxes should be the only requirement


Or only STEM degrees.

So 18-21 year olds can't vote anymore?

terrible idea, STEM fags vote for whomever promises to fund the most research because they desperately seek funding

they're money whores like anyone else

At least those uneducated states were smart enough to go voting instead on crying on facebook waiting that other people will do their shit.

Urbanite libtards like you never seem to get this, so I'll explain it in a very clear manner so you can understand with your window licking pea brain.

You are why Trump won. Those duck dynasty trailer park trash retards are sick of being treated like second class citizens by entitled brats like you and their vote reflects that. They want a president that gives a fuck about them and isn't a shill to the big corporations and shitty SJW city dwellers in LA or NYC.

>he fell for the STEM meme

Most of your uneducated red states have lots of blacks, your educated blue states have lots of whites...

>being this retarded

>50k+ in debt
>making $33k a year
>useless humanities degree


>My gender studies degree means I should be able to vote and the succesful business owner without a college degree shouldn't

how about income?

must be over 35k a year

trump landslide 2.0

t. Gender studies

I believe kikebook is your home. Please go back.

Sup Forums is a board of peace.

This isn't even remotely true. State grants are pennies compared to what the industry invests in itself.

I think that paying taxes or having 4 grandparents born in the country you live in would be a better requirement for voting rights.

>college education required to vote
>no more spic votes
>no more nig votes
>less poorfag votes
>GOP confirmed for 1000 year reich

Keep crying.

yeah how will that help when everyone gets free college :3

Why stop there, let's add a vote value based on your degree ?
And since we're at it how about we also count in your background ? I mean criminals' votes should be less valuable right ?
Also why don't we account for the contribution to the country ? The more money you pay in taxes the higher your vote's value.
Actually let's just have the rich vote and the poor be good slaves.
What a nice slippery slope OP.

By your logic I could say that uneducated non-white people shouldn't be allowed to vote since 75% of them voted HRC.

>so that uneducated duck dynasty trailer park trash retards NEVER EVER get to dictate the direction of the country
I wouldn't call the clintons uneducated desu

why are academics always the most clueless about anything outside of their studies? socially, fashionably, culturally - lagging behind every single field. i fucking hate college kids

Except I'm in STEM myself

yeah because STEM fags aren't solely in charge
as soon as you change that, money is going solely to them

>college education should be the new requirement to vote

hahaha so you basically remove 20%-40% of the democratic vote, eliminating all niggers and spics.

I think we should go to a "pays taxes" metric, seeing as how their money is making the country function

By all means, continue to mismanage and disenfranchise the producing class. I'm sure that won't end badly for you at all.

Paying at least 5k per year in income tax should be a requirement to vote retard.

How about only STEM majors?

Also Computer science doesn't apply as a STEM


Uh, you realize the entire chart is based on erroneous interpretation of the very numbers it displays ?

>Wants to go back to limiting who can vote

hahawtflol fo

They'll be exactly 0 blacks and Mexicans voting before the 1st white man can't.



I agree. It will eliminate your pet nigger and illegal immigrant swing votes.

No. Only people who own land or are a citizen should be able to vote. With Strict proof of identification. I would also like a citizenship model like that in Starship troopers.

You just don't want african americans to vote. You're sick.

Hope there are more terrorist attacks in your country very soon.

Stay mad, shill-cuck.

If you took the vote from uneducated people who in turn earn less than the rest of the population, you would have an underclass of people who would never be listened to in the political process, never be acknowledged and always ignored. Why? Because they wouldn't have a vote and why would a politician try to please someone who can't vote for them?

One man one vote is the bedrock of western democracy and there are people who unironically want this changed. Is that what you want? A poor underclass of workers ignored and completely outside the political process? oh wait of course it is

Strike education, replace it with an income requirement. Only adults aged 35 or older earning enough money to at least support themselves without assistance should be allowed to vote. Education is only valuable when it comes in the form of something useful; only STEM, legal and medical degrees represent actual education. A man with a high school diploma who supports his family through a trade has more of a right to a voice in the system than some overgrown man-child who took out a six figure loan to spend 4 years in a liberal arts hugbox. Your philosophy degree is shit, OP.

Friendly reminder that military service should be the new requirement to vote so civilians will NEVER EVER dictate the direction of the country again.

Would you like to know more?

Not all people can afford to get to college or have the brains for it, we aren't all born with a silver spoon in our mouth like you, cunt. Luckily education is free here, otherwise I wouldn't be at uni.

Take your specious shitty argument to reddit, its not plausible and is juvenile at best.

Sorry for being retarded but I don't get it

Kek what hope.
Question isn't even IF, question is WHEN and the answer is, very soon probably.

Hopefully we reached peak indoctrination... but from the looks of the amount of dipshits with woman studies degrees we have more to come.

Check your educational privilege

Educational privilege needs to take a step back in the progressive stack.

It is the privilege of white people to have more money and more opportunities for education. So you are doubly privileged by your opportunity on top of your whiteness and need to shut up.

A college degree should DISQUALIFY you to vote. Specifically from colleges and universities with over 50% leftist professors and other instructors.

>Claims to fight for the working class and oppressed minorities
>But they shouldn't be able to vote if they're not educated like me
Why are Leftists even bother trying to claim they're progressive if they only want to limit the rights of the people they disagree with? If Democrats claimed they were only representing the interests of the 1%, I honestly would respect their position more: at least they're honest.

das raycis

>having a bachelor's in feminist dance theory makes you smart

Only if it's in a worthless field, desu.

Someone with an engineering degree will probably make better choices than someone with no degree at all.

A very significant portion of STEM graduates are right wing, despite the constant leftist brainwashing that goes on in universities.

The problem with this is the same as when celebrities endorse the left leaning parties. It is a lot easier to behave in a way that looks altruistic and virtuous when your life is not affected by the day to day problems caused by unfettered immigration and a generous state welfare policy.

Did you finally get a proxy leaf cuck?

It's not even because uneducated people showed up in high numbers, it's because people in the "educated" states didn't give a shit.

>bashes working class whites who don't have a college degree for having a say in the election
>doesn't mind importing hordes of Hispanics who can barely speak our language and dropped out of school after primary school, who moved here for economic benefits and now work menial labor Untouchable-tier jobs and status who will vote for whoever gives them the most gibbs me dat
>ignoring that Obama won a majority of people that have less than a High School diploma in both terms
>ignoring that over a majority College Educated Whites vote Republican

Ive been hearing libcucks saying this all week. The fact is that if it was mandatory to have college education to vote, R's would win every time even easier.

Consider this:
>blacks arent elligible to vote for gibs
>spics cant vote, especially illegals
>only asians and whites of all ages can vote. No more voter fraud schemes, no more dead people voting.

If you pushed for this to be a law, youd just be shooting yourselves in the foot

This. Just went over this in my post too

>a few years in college at a young age with polictical bias knows more than someone older with first hand experience and costs of political bollocks from both wings

You must be a white Protestant male to vote

You discriminatory attitude gives me pleasure... This attitude is what caused you to lose in the first place.... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

Please, keep it up, it makes the right's job that much easier

See here for details:

careful what you wish for. if a college degree was a requirement to vote dems would lose that sweet sweet uneducated minority vote

More funding for research is a good thing, toothpaste nigger.

Christianity is a cuck religion desu

because liberal art degrees help contribute to society fuck off hippie

>all research is good research
>the government is able to properly discern bad from good research

both are incorrect statements

"Educated" blue states are literal slave states. Everything we are told is a lie. They are the parasite class, their strongholds produce nothing but "banks and trash" - what's more is that they have the highest concentrations of illegal immigrants because the parasitic slaver classes exploits them. Go out of blue states and you will not see illegal or poor immigrants slaving away in the 'service' industry, driving people around in taxis, cleaning up all their trash and serving all their food.

What do these people give to the nation other than angst, arrogance, strife and perversion?

If you had to have at least a 3 digit IQ to vote, republicans would win in a landslide every time.

>hahaha so you basically remove 20%-40% of the democratic vote

And 100% of the Trump vote. All good.

fuck off you pre programmed cuck

Then what do you consider bad research, faggot?

friendly reminder that a minimum of 2 years service in a sufficiently dangerous position to prove your loyalty to the state should be the new requirement to vote.

So when minorities lack an education it's white people's fault? But when white people lack an education it's their own fault? Liberal logic.

If you keep having this attitude towards the electorate, then don't surprised when you'll find the Democratic party in the political wilderness for the next 30 years.

Your stuck-up, pretentious, elitist attitude is the reason we people voted for Trump. You fucking out-of-touch mongoloid. Go back to your liberal echo chamber that you call college, you cunt.

Friendly reminder that aristocracy is a horrid idea in a democracy and those people are just as valid a citizen as anyone else

No, because college is full of deluded, and retarded libshit trash.

Gender studies is not a career, and it never will be.

Great news op!

I just created a collage. All you got to do is reply to this post and you have a bachelors in shitposting on social media platforms!

If only the college educated could vote then it would essentially be only a white vote because nogs don't go to college.

What about skilled trades

Minorities voted for a candidate who promised to focus resources on education.

White people voted for a candidate who promised to focus resources on... I don't even know.

It's your own fault, fuck off.

STEAM, not STEM. :^)

Also, Republicans have the most military service.

>being this autistic

Its autumn, leaf. Stay on the fucking ground


Military service should be the new requirement to vote

I imagine you're talking about your education, with good books and good teaching right ? Because with an education or an other i can turn every retarded town citizen into a nationalist or a mondialist with a teaching or an other. But it is more diffucult to turn uneducated right?

>1 post by this ID

hi CTR, did you run out of NEETbux already?

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and reached the conclusion that the best and fairest system If you wanted to restrict voting rights to a privilege would be

>2 years of military or civil service
>Over age 25
>Gainfully employed 3 out of the last 4 years
>Not bankrupt in the last 10 years
>No Criminal convictions in the last 10 years


>Be a spouse of someone who is eligible

You'd have to reapply every 4 years to renew your voting rights

Once you've successfully received the right to vote 5 times you receive it for life. There's 10 election cycles between 25 and 65. You only need to vote in 5 of them to get your right to vote for life (ie; vote in retirement when your not working)

Once you start restricting it to 'must be this educated' or 'must be this rich' you open it up to massive manipulation depending on who is in power. Nothing about my system allows that. The only requirements really are service at some point (age 25 allows people to get this out of the way before they're even eligible to vote), and being employed, and that counts any employment. You could be mowing lawns, or you could be a wall street executive, as long as your employed and working it makes no difference.

friendly reminder that you would lose the election even if this was a requirement

Service guarantees citizenship!

Would you like to know more?

If you're going to do something like that, make it based off of intelligence instead of education level. There are a lot of idiots who were able to get degrees in some bullshit majors.

>gender studies bachelors who leech of the state can vote
>honest workers who pay taxes can't
kys OP


No you nigger. A degree is worthless if you can't do anything with it

Because the blacks that voted Obama in are all doctors. Dumbass.