Jews freaking out over Bannon

This is awesome.


Quality entertainment all over Twitter right now.

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If the Jews are squirming, we all know Trump made the right choice.

so many concern trolls on Sup Forums saying Pence is a bad pick

based bannon

You got that right.

I think everyone's sick of the kikes controlling everything.


>A person accused of anti-semitism and whtie nationalism THAT close to the POTUS
>whom you have spent the last year accusing of anti-semitism and white nationalism and worse
Are they fucking kidding me?

>the same as david duke
>implying dook can even hold a candle to Breitbart Chairman & Kike Gasser in Chief Steven K. Bannon

He really is our guy


Is there any chance Bannon will be given some good and powerful position in the new government?

Chief of Staff was stolen from him but what will he be given? if anything


Jesus, these jews are so paranoid, it's like they actually believe people want to exterminate them

Trump loves the jews though

>ex-wife says

Um yeah

>we're pretty far down the list
Get this man a ticket to the front row.

Man Trump has been endorsed by Bibi, King Jew himself

Hes not an anti semite, probably not even secretly

he's chief strategist/senior counselor to the president

He literally has Podesta's old job.

Yeah, what a ridiculous concept

Why would Jews get so upset when people talk about parasitic nation-wreckers being the problem?

Surely they are loyal citizens like everyone else.

>Trump's Goebbels

Christ almighty.

> this is unprecedented
What did he mean by this?

That's not even fucking anti-Semitic

he was a bad pick until hillary went full retard and never attacked him.

trump drew way more attention that they ignored the biggest flaw on the ticket.

That is not a real position in the government though right? Basically just "mate whose opinion I value".

You guys know Trump's daughter and son in law are jewish?

Anschluss of Leafstan when?

>Jews are getting nervous....
Trump is a kill

> close to the POTUS

That's nothing.

neither is Chief of Staff

tell that to the left

I'm sure they'll care

Trump will be smart to give Jews, perhaps Israeli and conservative Jews, some concessions or signals that he supports them. If we see this, we should understand what he's doing.

Otherwise, the whole of the Jewish world might go hard against Trump.

So I want to recommend to the more simple-minded among Sup Forums to recognize that Trump is going to have to tactically give a little to the Jews to keep them at bay.

Leftist Jews it's obviously a given are going to be his enemies. Right Wing Jews we're going to have to court a bit (I'm not saying it's sincere, I'm saying it's ~smart~).

To the anti-semites here, whatever your belief, and I don't care, keep in mind that at this point there is no way a president can successfully just be blatantly, openly anti-Jewish interest. So he's going to have to play it smart. But obviously MANY of his intentions are not there's. Which is why he has to play it smart.

The Meme Magic has been Released


> Anschluss of a leftard country that will sabotage all your elections
That's not how it works, unless you're a retarded Slav, I guess


but that's Stephen Miller...

>twitter and facebook block/hide breitbart as "unsafe"
>breitbart ceo becomes chief strategist for the president
>breitbart becomes the official news source for the white house
>facebook and twitter have to backtrack or miss out on all those precious clicks




do libtards not know what this fucking word even means?

Literally anyone can accuse literally anyone of literally anything

Hillary Clinton blew a horse at my grandpas farm.

There, now Hillary is officially accused of horse-blowing



Ohh alright its just basically the top advisors?

you americans with all your flashy titles for everything.

if he wanted to he wouldn't have to call them anything and just keep them around and they would perform and be allowed to go and do the same things as when they're named these made up titles?

i wasnt sure what to think about the decisions but if the jews are screaming we must be on the right track.


Trump doesn't need the Jews, and by that I mean the Jewish elites any more.

You don't realize how much power he has as POTUS.

If he truly leads the American working people, he will peel off the Jewish elite like a rind and throw it away.

Now ordinary working Jews who are loyal to their own nations, and not Israel, will be fine. Nobody has any problem with them.

>wanting kikebart as the official news source
>reading kikebart
>mentioning kikebart
>knowing about kikebart
fuck off kike

>we need to be nice to NeverTrumpers
>we need to be nice to rioters
>we need to be nice to Jews

In what alternate universe do you live where Trump hates jews?

Netanyahu has already said he wants to work with Trump.

>Chief or Breitfart!
Literally Goebbels

notice how anyone with any power doesn't actually reference any of these so-called accusations though they're quite happy to idly stand by and let their lugenpress do it for them

He's a bad goy

It's diaspora rats that are panicking.

Steve "Haman" Bannon

Has there been any mention of a position for him?

Dude was vital to Trump's campaign during the summer months.

There is literally nothing wrong with supporting Israel

Wrong goy. You must accept us and all our liberal views without question; otherwise, you might as well be Hitler.

basically yes

Trump has no legal requirement to even name a Chief of Staff.

And when Podesta left the Obama Administration to run Clinton's campaign Obama never even replaced him.

Kek, Breitbart is about to get its own television station and become state propaganda LOL

Matt Drudge for Press Secretary?

>Make Catholics Great Again

Hitler was a Jew


I think you're the one who doesn't get it here, ostrich.

ayy lmao


that would be hilarious

The funny thing is Bannon is probably more pro Israel than most leftist "jews"

Hitler's problem was that he was way too extreme with his hatred of the Jews. He needed to tone it done by like 1000% and instead just take away the power of any Jews causing problems, rather than killing off entire family lines. Jews like the Rothchilds and Soros are absolute fucking cancer to this world and need to be called out and exposed.

THOSE are the Jews that need to be focused on, rather than the entire race. I don't really see a problem with having an anti-Semite in office, as long as he's not going full autistic like Hitler did and is focusing strictly on exposing the Jews fucking everything up I think it's fine.

It's always about moderation.


You know Mossad is gonna kill him right???

I love how we have turned every far left communist into a constitutional conservative

>Bannon as chief strategist
What does the chief strategist do? Isn't that just an honorary position? Can you name me Obama's chief strategist and what he is famous for?

>liking Pence
Is this Sup Forums or /goy/ now? Pence is a zionist neocon faggot. That makes him a sack of shit who needs to be marginalized.

Rare merchant.

Thank you

alright thanks mate

And holy fuck I really thought Trump was gonna cut off completely from the alt-right after the election.

Which would have been fine, we've done our part.

P-please mr Bannon, open up the floodgates from Europe once more. There is no doubt in my mind you could get hundred of thousands of white Europeans each year immigrating.

The DNC have been importing Mexicans for years to boost their voting base, now it should be the Republicans turn.

We need
To be press secretary.

Fucking nigger meltdown on CNN right now, you're gonna see clips of it posted later I guarantee it.

Huh? Podesta was a Senior Counselor to Obama, which in modern administrations is indeed one of the more fluid, temporary roles. However, he's always had a Chief of Staff (McDonough is one of the most powerful men in Washington, as are all prominent CoS).

You're a troll if you think Pense is good



Jews should be kept away from media and political funding, and education, and other ways they can take over nations.

Frederick the Great did that. The Byzantines did that.

If Trump can peel the Jews off the levers of power without going full retard anti-semite he will truly #MAGA.

Netaynhumadingdong loves him, much more than Saudi sellout Hillary

Trump is a zionist

>FUCKING WHITE MALES: totally normal and acceptable insult

>Jews are whiny brats: OY VEY! ANTI-SEMITE NAZI!

When Trump taketh away, he also doth giveth


Hitler was a Zionist, too.

You can believe Jews should be in their own nation, and be kept away from yours.

The Jews who love Israel should go to Israel.

Praise Kek

>hillary went full retard and never attacked him
That was the point of Pence. To silence NeverTrump and be as inconspicuous to the left as possible.

Guys will Ted Cruz succeed Scalia?

Please tell me yes

>accused of

oh well, he was accused of something, how terrible

Remember that time a European nation tried to exterminate every white person?

No you got it wrong, Netanyahu hates niggers.


Just oy vey. Oy. VEY.

I believe the Jews are biblical people that are greatly blessed and can either be agents of wonderful good if God is able to utilize them, or potential agents of destruction of Satan is able to exploit their own sin. All of us are potentially exploitable at any given time if we're without God's guidance, but the Jews at the very top are ESPECIALLY dangerous without God guiding them.

Look at the damage Soros has done with his fucking Messiah complex and self-righteousness? It's not anti-semitic to call out people who are the primary ones fucking shit up, and it just so happens to be the Jews who again are blessed and are usually the ones with the power and influence in society.

It's a very real problem that needs to be discussed.

he's a yesman just like Priebus


Banning Europeans was always a leftist goal anyway.

neither job is a "real" government job

You don't need to be approved by the senate or anything, CoS was literally called the "president's private secretary" for years"

the edit wars begin

I agree, that's what's so amazing about him. He actually doesn't need their money.

But there is still such a powerful taboo in Western culture presently against going against the Jews. There is no way he could do it just openly and admittedly without somehow being taken down. I know a lot of Sup Forums wants to believe this, but it's just too much to ask. Not possible.

With the whole Jewish globalist thing, you can maybe crush globalism in its recent form, all of its structures it's built, and you can weaken the Jewish progressive influence some, which they will adapt to because they always adapt - business is first for them. But you can't just crush them. There is no 'final solution'. This is one of those things, in tactics, where you can't destroy a group, but you might weaken them. It's about severely diminishing their influence.

But yes, theoretically, he doesn't have to completely answer to or bend to them this time, and can push back on a lot on globalism. I'd say they will have to accept a compromise where they have to scale back on the whole 'destroying whites' thing and be happy with still being exceedingly wealthy.

I didn't say this. Fuck progressives, fuck crybabies, fuck progressive Jews. I'm saying being all around anti-semitic isn't an option, tactically speaking.

I don't think he hates Jews. Neither do I. I hate the progressive and globalist ones though. The issue is that what he wants to do - such as push isolationism, go easy on Syria, etc, are very very contrary to what Jews want. He's going to realize that soon enough. The question is how he can still accomplish his goals even as the Jewish world starts with their inevitable whining and lying.

This. Every sane right winger should support Israel. (but not diaspora, of course)

Jews are adjusting. America is changing and they want to be on top. They will side with white goys

>jews go to war with the US
Remember, if we go 1488 there will be no one strong enough to stop us. Best to chill with the rhetoric and stop trying to control goy society.