Boycot Joss Whedon

Boycot Joss Whedon.

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A FUCKING WHITE MALE should check his privilege and let other voices speak.

>what is the 2000 election

I agree, it isn't fair that he was against someone who rigged their democratic nomination

>The guy that wrote Firefly is a lefty

It never fails to amaze me

I haven't watched his shit in years

Pretty much was already doing so.


he also wrote the Buffy show which is just edgy teen girl trash

Is this guy threatening to kill Trump?
What exactly is he implying here?
How are they going to stop him?

Same. Especially because Trump candidacy was
>vid related

>leting the guy who won the election take the office and anti democracy
those fucking people

The whole Reaver backstory was anti-government


good thing we're a representative republic and not a democracy

if we let the mob take over and get their way, then that would literally be the end of our republic

what a fucking faggot


It's happened five times already.

Joss Whedon is a rape apologist


>Being so dense you have absolutely no concept of irony

Joss Whedon is a fucking hack.

Suddenly when the system working as it should doesn't produce the result you want the system is broken, but when it goes your way it's democracy in action.

Leftists need to go back to doing what they do best, contributing absolutely nothing to society.

>I have no idea that the U.S. is a Democratic Republic nor how the EC works

My neurons are overloading.

Funny, I don't remembering him complaining about the electoral college when Clinton won the popular vote over Obama.

Whos is that profile picture?
is Josh Whedon a gay biker now?

Fucking white male.

Remember, this liberal faggot got his rich friends and tried to trick people into supporting a traitorous cunt



He never blacked Buffy, Faith, or Cordelia...he blacked Fred though.

Fucking hate Jossholes.

>All these people BTFO
I love this shit.

sorry joss.
elections have consequences and your side lost.

>watching Whedon trash in the first place
He got lucky with Firefly, which was a decent though overrated show. There's no other reason to care about this fag and I don't understand his popularity.

the assblasting of all these celebrities is heartwarming

>hate Trump
>wear a shirt that says stop hate

This guy has made nothing but trash for years. You should have already been boycotting his garbage.

i hope someone notes all the people who were shilling for hillary, in case she is convicted of any of the fucked up shit leaks suggest: pedo ring, assassinations, funding terrorists, corruption with foreign countries, etc.

when it happens, ask them for their excuse for shilling, and then they need to be absolutely and irreversibly pushed out of the public life forever.

We should boycott Hollywood and the music industry too. They also promoted this BS race baiting line of attack that helped lead to nuts like this, (pic related) rioting in the streets.

And let's not forget MSM...

>letting a democratically elected president take office means burying democracy

Where was he when Obama got more delegates but Hillary got the popular vote?

i think theyre just trolling at this point. nobody can be that dumb i want to believe


These are his followers. LMMFAO

I thought he deleted twitter b/c sjw"s came after him while filming Avengers 2?

How is it that these people do not understand the difference between a democratic society and a democratic republic society, holy fuck how dense are these cunts.

Also how bad does a candidate have to be when every presidential race is considered to be advantaged to the democrats because they have a tonne of electoral college votes secured by California and New York alone, between those two states you have 86 electoral college votes locked up towards them.

I mean I have heard of people being asspained before but this is just ridiculous



Why do none of these celebs seem to be aware that HRC basically whored herself and our government out for money on a level Trump would never cross in a million years?

Why were none of them up in arms after the leaks came out showing the DNC is responsible for Trumps rise in popularity (picking the "weakest" candidate to prop up so she could win easily) or that they only let Bernie participate as long as he agreed to drop out, most likely threatened him and definitely fucked with the primary votes in a fuckload of districts to secure her win?!

They keep holding her on a pedestal as if she were some angelic being who never did anything wrong and that Trump is some super evil marvel movie villain, accusing him of doing the very things Clinton actually did... I can't wrap my mind around it. Is it brainwashing? Attention? Validation?

I'm not a huge fan of Trump but holy shit the double standards and sheer retardation and blindness is driving me up a wall

>engines operate on magic

Firefly was so fucking shit.
Managed like 2/3rds of it before I gave up.

so democracy is buried since 1824?

how do i boycott a nobody....
who the fuck is this femboi looking faggot?


I like Buffy.

Unfortunately with those years of slaying, Gellar has not aged well.

No, they genuinely believe the things they condemn are morally ok if said bad things are directed at the baddies. They have a 5 year old's understanding of morality.

Hows that avengers movie Josh? O wait they kicked you out cause you went insane and you are a cuck.

Obama actually knew wtf he was doing, and isn't just shoveling deplorables into his basket like it's a proverbial fucking clown car full of literal clowns.

I bet they all think that they are some kind of freedom fighters.

Wait why is the file name more nuts ?

The engines appear to expel lumpy particles of a gas that is emissive in the visible spectrum.

The ships do take "fuel" that needs regular replenishment.

nobody wants your shitty democracy

and anyway we all know in REAL democracy you have to be 30 years old, male, and greek to vote

>not going against the democratic vote by force means destroying democracy

Sarah was carrying your garbage tv show, then your wrote a horrible ending, kek pls kill him.

So edgy xD

He'll be back


all they know is what their jew handlers tell them and what they watch on John Oliver's show

Didn't this sausage jockey delete his twitter already?

Because I posted an image called nuts earlier of other rioters.

Thought so too, maybe he didn't delete it but just got off it permanently and decided to get back on to sound relevant during the election. Or its a fake

should have done more firefly, bitch.



Nooooo! Not him! Not Firefly! Why?


Marvel is just a Chinese sweatshop of movies paying a bunch of money to those lucky few who are rich enough to get themselves out there. The circle jerk never ends.

>massive voter fraud
>popular vote

>all these newfags that didn't know Whedon was a cuck
Could you faggots please go back to whatever hole you crawled from? I know that Sup Forums is the birthplace of all worthwhile memes, but you'll get them eventually if you just go back to places that actually want shitheads to post there.

'cuz Firefly is a bad Outlaw Star ripoff, but that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

I already own his best film on blu-ray so we good senpai

Is this the retard who fucked up making an Avengers movie not once, but TWICE?

>'cuz Firefly is a bad Outlaw Star ripoff
Hey, I didn't know this! Gee, thanks!

>marvel movies
And nothing of value was lost

Whedon's best works, by rank:
>Cabin in the Woods
>Angel, Season 5

Everything else can be binned without worry.

I try to explain this concept to my friend whose GF is dragging him down the SJW path

Eventually they turn on you. There is no loyalty among the SJW

I fucking hate Joss Whedon. He's the platonic form of beta nu-male cuck.

The atheist "male feminist" raised-by-a-single-mother low-testosterone bald beta male who gets high off his own farts when he writes "strong independent woman, don't need no man, goes around and beats up oppressive patriarchs while making stupid one-liner quips" script for the 616th time.

You realize that when liberals watch Firefly and when Whedon wrote it, they see themselves as the brave independent rebels fighting against the oppressive right-wing fascists right?

The Civil War parallels are as lost on them as they are on Whedon


I don't fucking get it. The popular vote hasn't been settled yet and if anything they called it for Trump on Thurs morning before removing all traces of it.

>Cabin in the Woods
I liked it better when it was called the SCP series.

Jews never age well. The ones with high amounts of aryan blood don't show the stereotypical jew features when they are young, but as they reach into their 30s, their aging process triggers a sort of metamorphosis. The nose droops and their entire face starts to shift and start looking more and more stereotypically jewy.

Gellar is the perfect example of this. It's also happening to Natalie Portman. And even Alison Brie now.

I'm sorry i ever doubted you, Ted.

But was it anti-government in the actual libertarian an-cap sense (think hoppe, rothbard) or was it anti-government in the contradictory "anarchist" antifa sense, where they hate the government but still want tranny bathrooms, diversity quotas, and fag marriage to be enforced by the government?


> Praise Kek

He also wrote Speed.

wtf I hate Speed now

no source


WTF I hate Dollhouse now

I've been boycotting him since GG. No intention to stop.

You're a better person than I for taking the time calling out people you know are deliberately and intentionally lying.

Drew Goddard helped write and direct that, Joss was only half the mind. Most of the idea was Drew's anyways.