I have completely lost faith in everything

Hey guys, so this is a weird place to ask for advice but I also think its suitable considering the content.

So I am a liberal, I am not SJW and I hate Hillary, I don't get triggered or whatever the fuck that stupid shit is. I am a white american male and im fine with being just that.

This past week has been a weird one. I am a sociology major and have been falling out of the church of the social sciences for a long time now. I feel like it is only a matter of time before every study published gets disproven by some future study and I understand its a relatively new field and that we are only scraping the tip of the iceberg with understanding the mechanics of how society works. But this past week, watching all my liberal elite humanities teachers scramble to try and gain footing, to explain away the loss, to act like they somehow saw it coming its been so fucking shameful and disgusting. We left behind a group of people who were deeply suffering because history has left them behind, we chose identity politics over helping poor whites because of the white hate meme. I don't think Trump will MAGA, I think he conned everyone into turning back the clock- an impossible task, but that is not why I am here.

I just dont know what to do with my life anymore. I am already behind where I should be by being a junior in college at 22 : / , and ive lost all faith in pursuing a degree in sociology or poly sci after this past week and I fucking hate all STEM fields. My depression that I have been batting off now completely controls my life, my fear of getting older, of not doing anything.

I just want to make movies but everyday I care less about my life and ive lost all certainty in my previous pathl. Idk what to do, what direction to take. Help?

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Hey OP. I'm 40 and I made a lot of dumb mistakes like you're making right now. So, here's what I should have done in hindsight:

GET A DEGREE IN A USEFUL FIELD. Sociology is bullshit. Humanities is bullshit. Afro-American Women's Poetry is bullshit. Degrees in these "fields" only exist so that colleges can make money from non-academic idiots. Don't fall for it.

Salvage your college career. Study electrical engineering or something that's ACTUALLY USEFUL. You will NOT become a film-maker. You will NOT become a rock star. You will NOT "write that novel" and become a best-selling author. You need a degree that has a practical, real-world application.

As for the rest of it... fuck it. I'm liberal too, and I voted for Trump. I've been supporting him since Muslims invaded Europe in the summer of 2015. I couldn't let America devolve to that level of idealstic, delusional self-destruction.

>I am a sociology major
wew fucking lad

>You will NOT become a film-maker. You will NOT become a rock star. You will NOT "write that novel" and become a best-selling author. You need a degree that has a practical, real-world application.

The sad part is that anything less than that just seems like it is not worth living. I do not value my life as it is and I am not afraid of death , I see no difference dying today or tomorrow. Does this mean I should just go balls out and try to do what I want?

Yeah I know. In it's defense sociology has some useful application in the real world but not very much. I fucked up and its too late now.

>Does this mean I should just go balls out and try to do what I want?

That's what I did. And now I'm 40 and living in my parents' house again.

GET A DEGREE IN SOMETHING USEFUL. You're so young that you still have a chance.

The thing is, we all grew up indoctrinated by this "You can be anything if you try" philosophy--- AND IT'S NOT TRUE. It was NEVER true. You have to offer the world skills that it actually needs. It needs buildings. It needs medical workers. It needs ditch-diggers. It doesn't need another rock band, or another "independant film-maker".

How do you not want to die? I want to die now and I haven't even taken a leap to fail.

What did you try to do out of curiosity?

I know it seems dumb but I feel too old to go back and change now. At 22 I feel like I already fucked my path up. Part of me just wants to join the military but what after that, then what?

I've been depressed my entire adult life. Obsessed with suicide since about age 14. It never really goes away...

I chose the "I'm gonna be an avant-garde musician" path. Had some fun times, for sure. But I was always poor--- working shitty office jobs and temp jobs. Never built up a real career. If I went out looking for a job now, I'd be starting at the bottom just like some 20-year-old college dropout.

I understand that you think you fucked up and it's too late, but trust me, YOU'RE STILL A KID AND IT'S NOT TOO LATE. Hell, I was fucking up MY college career when you were born. I wish I could go back to age 22 and make all the right choices. Too late for me, but not for you.

You've already got all these college credits in your favor; if you switched majors and got a degree in something genuinely useful, it would take what, maybe one more year? Two at most? You still have a chance. Choose a skill that the world needs, and get a degree in it. It's not a waste of your time. But graduating with a worthless degree and working a bunch of shitty, low-paying wagecuck jobs WOULD be a waste of your time. Like all those "women's studies majors" who work at Starbucks. Losers, one and all. Don't fall into that trap.

What are you doing now?

KYS, Sup Forums isn't an advice board. The best you can do now is pray you get swept away during the next Happening.

Living in my parents' house. Still working on music. But I got tired of struggling, working dead-end jobs and barely being able to pay the rent each month, so I basically gave up at age 35, and moved back in with them.

I'm lucky to have them to fall back on; lots of people don't have that safety net. But I also know my life is FUCKED from here on out. I'll never have another girlfriend. I'll never have a wife, or a family. I'll never have a fulfilling career, or a big group of friends, or make any money, or take trips around the world, or any of those wonderful things to which most people aspire.

I will sit here in my bedroom and continue to make music, like a hermit. And maybe when I'm 60, someone might finally notice me. But maybe not.

Electrical Engineering seems based. I wish I had gotten into that.

Pipe down, I'm trying to help out a younger version of me so that he doesn't fuck up his life like I did.


Just try a field like electrical engineering, even if you hate it.

Give it a bit and apply yourself, this is something that needs done, pays well and is useful to the world

It feels good as a man to produce something, to make something of yourself and to grind out a living. It gives you a sense of purpose and makes you feel like you are contributing to the world.

I'm a freshman in college and I grapple with these thoughts daily. I can't truthfully say I appreciate any STEM fields. The one area where I think I'd excel in is Classical Studies, but of course what the hell can you do with one of those degrees?
I hope one day that I stumble upon something I enjoy that I also can make a living off of, but at the same time I know it's a pipe dream.


weird innit

Did you end up getting a degree>

Personal development:
1. Start reading philosophy. I'd recommend starting with Roman ones. Their philosophy is more useful in making you enjoy being a good man.
2. Start lifting. Makes you more motivated and brings testosterone.
3. Get a useful degree. By "useful" I mean a degree that'll get you a job. Doesn't have to be STEM, but find a degree that actually applies to doing work that is useful in some way.
4. Proceed to learn how to make movies on your own time. Do some projects with friends. Maybe then sell it at some indie-movie site. See what happens. But don't pin your whole life on becoming the next Stephen Spielberg.

kaaarl is my boy, I feel like him all the time in my classes filled with cucks.

Im diagnosed type 2 bipolar dood, the only way I can make it through school is if I can write bullshit essays. Every time I sit down to try math or some shit I end up just getting crazy depressed at my inability to do so.

hey man, not kidding, I think I can help you. There are a lot of people starting to study HBD(human bio-diversity) it's basically "what are the differences between the races? and why?". I know it sounds like crazy right wing stuff but it really helps you understand a lot. There are a lot of top tier blogs on the issue.

Construction Manager here. You will not find work with such a faggot degree. Get some balls and brains loser; or just kill yourself and save your parents the embarrassment

This is actually pretty helpful, thanks.

Just pick an in-demand field that you're smart enough to do, learn how to do it, and presto, you've got a career. Everything else you're interested in, you can study as a hobby (and actually afford to put money into it from your well-paying job).

Nope, I dropped out of college after about 3 years because of the "Fuck this, I'll find my own way in life! I can be whatever I want! Do what you love and the money will follow!" mentality. (I was focusing on music and creative writing... totally without goals.)

Easily the biggest mistake of my life.

you can revolutionize the area using biological studies of human populations instead of the normal way...you would be remembered as the Hitler of sociology

Alright. Let's hear your music, faggot.

All of you depressed people just need to discover your identity and find a cause to fight for.

I was on SSRIs up until last year when the left openly declared war on me and my race.

Now I feel like I am someone, I have a cause to fight for. And all of the white people who I didn't really get along with before are now my brothers in arms. Getting into politics and realizing that liberals are just a paper tiger.

So if you're bummed out just think that we are living in amazing times, it's scary, but embrace it and make it work for you.

Now is the time to try something new, and not be scared of what people will think of you.

One of my friends is a dude who got a psychology degree and went on to make millions as a fund manager in Wall Street. I sort of wish I'd gone down that path too, as it's what my family was pushing me to do, but instead I wound up doing my own thing and eventually becoming a computer janitor who bounces around the world doing work for NGOs.

Anyway, you can get a degree in something useful, or even learn a trade, and pursue your creative dreams on the side. That way you don't get stuck with being a starving artist with no prospects or future, like some of my other friends.

If you do decide to just go balls out, remember that the only people who succeed in the creative industry are the big self-promoters. Talent and quality of work takes a backseat to that shit.

>I am a white american male and im fine with being just that.

Then why be a liberal?

>sociology major
>pay to study pseudoscience

Kill yourself

Business failing? Venting on an online board? Don't be RETARDED!
>construction manager
Just like every other wetback handyman in LA.

What if I went to Law School After getting my degree?

become a teacher. best would be math or physics since those are the rawest right now

the school system needs more male teachers desperately and you past experience might even come handy in that field

this way you can also be the change that you want to see and try to change lefties from within

LOL, I'm a cis white male doing large excavation & utility projects. I do not own a business as barriers to entry are extremely high. That said, I make $75k/year and business is gonna be a boomin in a year or so.

There's a place you go to ask for help. This is not it. You come here to get redpilled and wage memewar to save Western Civilization.

>I just dont know what to do with my life anymore


This is very sound advice.

In the next 4-8 years there will be power plants being planned and built. It is impossible for it to not happen. These plants will be cutting edge...One plant will be able to take 2-4 others offline. There will be a need for people in this field.

I am a moderate Republican because of the constitution and fear of large governments.

I work construction on power plants and other small bullshit things. We are getting mobilized right now knowing that it was slow since the 08 crash....we know that there is a HUGE need, and that it HAS TO BE FILLED. The longer we wait, the great chance of catastrophic failure.

There is going to be 10-15 years of solid work ahead. There will be needs after that for people who just happen to have 10-15 years of direct experience.

An engineering degree has a very high pay grade based on experience.

Don't believe all the liberal rhetoric about pollution. It is a necessary evil. People will be needing to design the most clean power houses ever. They will be created in the USA for the USA. Other countries will wish they were us.

Don't fear your future. Live one day at a time, and realize that we are all suffering from a terminal condition called "Life". What you do today will directly effect tomorrow, so make it count.

Watch Jordan Peterson videos. Start with his interview with Gavin McInnes (it's only ten minutes) and then watch some of his lectures. Watch the William Lind video on Cultural Marxism. Watch In Search Of The Second Amendment and read Roger Scruton's Fools, Frauds and Firebrands.

become a teacher. really good job.

You put the lime in the coconut and
drink it all down.

1. Stfu you whiney little cunt.
2. Colleges now make the 4 year path virtually impossible in 4 years,unless you're a student athlete who attends all summer sessions.
3. Dont become a lawyer, become a business consultant and make money off these other pussy libs who want to call everything racist.

Probably the most pragmatic answer

Work for George Soros or another Fuckin shithead

If you don't want STEM, then just go get a business degree. It works for most jobs and people think you are good at math even though it involves very little unless you get a finance degree.

>lib comes to pol to whine about how the world of his own making is shitting on him
>expects sympathy

just go to college dude...

People telling you to get a STEM degree really mean get a T or an E degree. I got an S degree with good grades in 4 years and only got a shitty wage job working shit hours

He's right user. 50 years old here and while I'm not really unhappy, I can see a whole different life by making a couple of different choices. 22 seems impossibly young now. You have all kinds of good shit ahead of you. Don't puss out now.

Read Nassim Taleb's book Antifragile.

Don't ask. Just do it. It's what the doctor orders.

I have a few friends who have done this, and it has worked out really well for them. discoverpraxis.com/

If you're within 1yr of graduating in sociology, just power through. Starting completely over and doing electrical engineering or something else STEM is probably not worth it, because it'll be another 4 years. Work for your self.

>just go to college dude...

>go to college at age 41
>incur massive debt
>graduate at age 45
>enter workforce starting at the bottom at age 46, competing with 20-somethings

It's too late for me, friend.

How about you pick a fucking craft? Or become an engineer? Do something with your fucking hands aside form jerking off.

>sociology major

thank you for this friend.

>I do not value my life as it is and I am not afraid of death , I see no difference dying today or tomorrow. Does this mean I should just go balls out and try to do what I want?
If you truly felt that way you would have done it already. Just continue meandering through life you indecisive faggot.

>I am already behind where I should be by being a junior in college at 22

Half of graduates complete at age 24

go for it anyways.

This is the point where you need to decide if you're ready to be the man who people will write about in sociology books in the future.

All the great names of any major branch in science ran to similar and sometimes worse roadblocks.

The great places in history always followed great roadblocks. If you want to do something meaningful you can't ask for an easy scenario it'll never come easy.

You need to run into this, completely erect. The rest will work itself out over time but pouring yourself into your goals usually rights the path you walk on and puts your life in it's place.

>The sad part is that anything less than that just seems like it is not worth living

You would condemn a large percentage of the population to death.

It sounds like your life is totally empty.

Go climb a mountain or something. burn your legs out and see how you feel. Do something. You sound young, if you're putting your entire worth into your degree. A degree is a piece of paper showing you can jump through hoops.

I'm working on being a nurse @ 30. Got my BS but science fields too are overcrowded.

I do what I must to survive. There are people my age and your age just starting out too. 10 year difference isn't much.

I have a friend just like you. He got focal dystonia and he has rich parents to help him out pursue his dream of being a guitarist.

Did you ever want a family? Badass car, or anything like that?

>trump voters conned by trump

TOP KEK you delusional yuppie, you're the idiot who went to college and got conned by their failed system. you just said in your post the colloge kids basically are getting scammed. what did those poor people have to lose by putting down their peasant dot for trump ?

just know that you failed in all the life decisions you've made up to this point

When people are more concerned about being right than being correct this happen. You have seen it yourself. You shouldn't be bothered by being wrong.

M8 I wanted a degree in business but I went to engineering. I scored A's for my business O Levels but I didn't do great for physics or maths. But my uncle told me "an engineer can become a businessman but a business man can't become an engineer" so I rolled with it. I'm gonna graduate soon as well. What the hell is a sociology diploma/degree good for anyway?

Kill yourself faggot

Just get a normal job and take pride in supporting your self.

Theres more to life than cooky liberal idealism.

Look deep within yourself. Can you seriously say "I can and am as good as ". Everyone wants to be that person but only the very best get to be.

With game development everyone wants to be the idea guy. You know what? Everyone else does too. Your ideas are no better than the artists or programmers or management that are actually involved in making the games.

Find Jesus

time to swallow the pill, faggot. Liberals were wrong about 98% of fucking everything. No one gives a shit how you guys feel. You had academia, public schools, news media, hollywood, congress, the court, the presidency. Liberals controlled FUCKING EVERYTHING AND YOU FUCKED IT UP. Conservatives dont give shit what you think or how you feel because liberals have driven this country to the edge in the name of social justice and their feels. Its fucking retarded.

Conservatives are firmly in control and nothing is going to change that until 2024 at the earliest. I suggest you start studying conservative opinions if you want to have any sort of relevance in the new political paradigm. do that or gtfo. dont come crying your big liberal tears on our own board.

Honestly, a stint in the military might be good for you in gaining some real-world perspective. It was for me.

pick one

Some good advice already in this thread, my two pence worth:

> Be me, 16 years ago - same age you are now
> A year behind classmates I started college with because I took an exchange year in US which proved to be a disaster (long story...)
> Graduate, start a PhD because I have no idea what else to do
> a year later be fucking miserable because PhD is going wrong
> Get really depressed because I feel my - up until this point - perfect academic track record is getting derailed
> End up on the happy pills (they help... a bit)
> Start exercising (it helps... quite a lot)
> Read some pop-philosophy that made me realise lots of people go through this kind of thing (Siddhartha, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance were helpful)
> Be me now, 38, PhD under my belt, working in a totally unrelated field (i.e., plans count for nothing), pretty contented, and completely aware that while life is full of ups and downs, there is no right way to live it, and what can feel like a life-ruining disaster when you're young is in actual fact no big deal

TL;DR: chin up mate, you'll laugh about it one day (or at the very least pass on your experience to a fellow user on Sup Forums)


This was very helpful.

Hello user,

I too am a white male liberal who has been cast aside for identity politics. Social studies are a horrible field to begin with because it's not scientific. Read a few Popper essays on knowledge, line by line ensuring you understand each one. Social sciences cannot withstand scrutiny.

I'm sure another user here knows the name, but there was this awesome Scandinavian show which exposed the fallacies in a coherent manner.

Anyway, don't go into stem what is wanted today is the ability to analyze. I have a JD and parlayed it into a consulting gig. Get an advanced degree and do something similar and be on the look out for older people in the profession you can talk to and ask them questions about how awesome they are and they'll hook you up with a job. How I got my last two.

As to being a white male liberal, I've found the post capitalist community to be the most receptive. I don't know how to remove identity politics and I don't think it can be done because it's so strong. When people have nothing else left, they'll always have themselves.

Supply chain management. The US only graduates %30 of the national need every year. It's about 70k entry level salary in flyover states. Do it!!!

You're uncle's right. When you do a skilled degree, you have a talent to make a business out of.

I see so many commerce degree kids without the social ability, charisma, understanding, compassion and hard work that all great business people have that I'm wondering what the fuck these cunts are gonna fucking do with their lives after they graduate.

A lot of STEM is bullshit too.

I went biochemistry and got killer grades in a elite university with years of pretty damn good extracurricular research experience.

My job prospects are still shit unless I blow ~8-10 years on PhD+postdoc or MD.

(Not saying all of STEM is bullshit. It's just not as easy as throwing a dart at the STEM board to achieve success).

Find Jesus bro

Bro you can still make movies.
I'm fucking socialist way in debt to a career path to a job I don't want to fucking do but im 7 years in so im basically fucked. depressed, love contemplating suicide but you know what?
no. there's better. Get through the BS, get a job, work that job, spend your free time doing what YOU want to do. Forget the shit past, get a useful degree or go into trades, your ONLY two options for living a decent life.

Then branch out into your interests. pizagat has given me purpose, maybe you can hop on that train?

If you don't like STEM fields youre not trying hard enough. Get a degree in something that's worth a damn, otherwise the real struggle is gonna be employment

Op you fucking RETARD


Be a fucking Social ANTHROPOLOGIST

Anthropology is the only redpilled social science left


The founding fathers of our great country were neoclassicistfags. There's nothing wrong with the humanities. Now what you pursue, and who your teachers are, that's something else entirely.

hey dude I was an anthropology major, was basically in the same boat as you first semester of my junior year (fall 2014). I graduated in may 2016. It's not all bad man, you're still young. I have a job right now, and am saving up to go to grad school to make a run at what I really want to do. If that doesn't work out then so what? at least I tried. If I don't like where I'm at later in life (22 now) I'll probably join the military. I have a feeling it won't come to that though.

Bottom line: chin up. we're young, i know people who didn't start studying until they were late 20s, and they had Ph.Ds by the time they were late 30s.

it's also not your fault you bought the meme degree. Really, it's not. So forgive yourself, and try to find something worth enjoying. a new hobby, any hobby.

seriously? i am 35 and i would kill to be 22 again.
>rock hard erections
>peak physical condition
>college age pussy free for the taking

you have practically your whole life ahead of you.