America Chavez

Did Rivera ruin her forever?

Yes. Case closed.

Hahahahaha someone should manipulate the image where she's punching Rivera to make it look like she's wearing an Adolf Hitler mask.

Stop making threads about this character.

I dont think so, all she needs is another writer to come along who writers her cockiness and overconfidence as character flaws instead of celebrating them.

We won't really know until we see someone else try to write her.

Not really.

I mean the story has been so stupid that it is pretty much 100% viewed as non-canon.

Everything could be retconned into some sort of dream from space pot or whatever. They won't though. Marvel is deathly allergic to recognizing fuck ups

Was anyone actually a fan of her's before she got ruined?

Rivera run was so outstandingly bad that this America is kinda thing of her own now. It's like going full circle, she ruined character so much it is not even the same character anymore.

I honestly hope this character goes away for a long time, only Ewing did something decent with her but it wasn't enough.

>pretty much 100% viewed as non-canon.
By fans or Marvel?

Nobody gave a shit about her until the recent run and frankly it's so awful with strange questionable choices that it circles back to being entertainingly bad.


was there anything to ruin?

Wait, she was a thing before this?

Yes, because she basically wrote America to be annoying as hell. There are great lesbian heroes, but god damn this butch dyke fucked this character over by making her increasingly annoying and brash in general.


There was a time where it was thought that Deadpool would never recover from Way

It won't be easy but if the writer is willing to work at it and gets a decent chance it can be done

Waypool is still the most common interpretation among normies


does anyone have it without the shitty deviant art watermark in the middle?
don't want anyone stealing your work of photoshopping comic panels together.

holy fuck hahahhaahahaahaaahahhahaahHAhaHAhaHAhaAhaHAHaAahahhaHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


It really just needs a dedicated writer. Someone who can understand the concept of a superhero. It doesn't matter where her origins lie. The moment she realized she possessed abilities and used them selflessly for the benefit of those who could never contend with the evils of the world was when she became a part of something greater. The way she appears to earthlings isn't her true ethnicity and she shouldn't be harping on a bunch of racial bullshit and being prejudiced. She can hop dimensions but she should have a basis for interacting with new lifeforms based on the teachings and morality as molded by her own culture. America shouldn't be attending college for anything other than the pursuit of knowledge of the history of the Earth so she can find a place in it to relate to others. Gabby Rivers should just create an America Chavez expy if she wants to write a racist caricature of a fickle, disrespectful 19 year old who can't possess the empathy for romantic relationships and yet bounces between relationships like an unstable salty asshole. America should aspire to be something better.

I'd write her as Superman, personally. America would do her best to be the best ideal. She would go around the world helping those in need and be a humble, sympathetic figure. She's named after a country whose ideals and identity had been warped somewhat and she would feel a responsibility to display a strength of character that doesn't have people prejudging her identity based off of her gaudy outfit or name. There is so much potential there. She's attractive, she's strong and she's a part of the new generation. How can you possibly fuck that up? Just give her good down to earth stories and don't have her be flippant toward people she's supposed to be protecting based off of their sexuality or ethnicity or religious beliefs. Give her a hero's journey about her coming to grips with growing into a symbol for truth and liberty and justice for all living beings without the arrogance.

Gabby didn't have a filter and Marvel has no quality control. She can never succeed in the current climate. The game was rigged from the start.

America (vol.1, 2017-2018) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.

No, not at all. She hasn't done to her anything that couldn't be retconned or outright ignored not that it would be needed since it was just a cluster of unimportant events


>brash, violent, short tempered and insuferably self-righteous

Now that I think about it, gaby might be trying to say something about the US

What was there to ruin?

Yeah, she started out in 'Vengeance' which was a pretty weird mini series

Poor Oubliette. Nobody has ever done anything good with her after Morrison.

Much easier said than done.


She was a pretty fucking shallow character to begin with. She's just Talia al Ghul in a leather swimsuit.

But she was turning her back on that even at the end of the miniseries she was introduced in. Just turning her back into mrs. "I am so evil" is bullshit.

No, I mean she's the stock "villain's daughter" character.

Honestly, she wasn't too bad in America. Her false flag operation got her into the school and let her make all the rules. Knowing America would break them, Exterminatrix could arrest her on completely legal grounds, and essentially get away scot-free. Aside from the stupid Chavez robots, it was pretty smart.

It only backfired because the students of Sotomayor were stupid and entitled. They saw America breaking curfew (despite the fact that curfew would only last one night) after saying she wouldn't, but sided with her anyway because #resist or whatever.

She is actually the best written character in the whole series.