Rogue is cute!

Rogue is cute!

Other urls found in this thread:

Also: I have noticed a significant increase in quality with Deadpool comics

Evolution Rogue > Bimbo Rogue

Rogue a pure

Why does anyone give a shit that Coulson is dead?

cuck a lubba dub dub morty we gotta get schwifty with some chimichanga's

It's funny because Coulson's not really dead.

He's trapped in the future currently but not really dead.

... it's all connected...

What? where did this hapen?

Say something nice about Rogue.

She's tight!

Duggan's run never fell below OK and is mostly great.


Storytime faggot

I gotcha, senpai.

These recap pages are great.


user is just talking about the Agents of SHIELD show using an old MCU meme

The fact that even normal people had enough of Wade's bullshit is great.



Obviously, this page goes after

Suuure that's why Goth Rogue lasted and......Oh wait, no, she's trash.

CUTE! I want to be mad at Duggan for breaking it, but it was his toy in the first place and he earned my trust with Deadpool.



You know he is right about Gambit, Rogue.

And they wonder why everyone hates mutans. She just broke someone else's property for fun.

Also OP's pagebefore this one.






What do you mean user? Goth Rogue is the most pure Rogue there is. You can't deny it.

>for fun
Clearly not for fun, it was done in a rightous cause to teach Deadpool a lesson.

And finally this page goes after

This page just shows the untapped potential of the dynamic. It also gives me slight hope they will get back together at some point, but with Duggan getting off Deadpool it seems unlikely

>I'll be a different guy
Nice play on Duggan ending his run, thus meaning the next time they meet another writer will be voicing Wade.

>mah pride

i love the way she talks. Sh-ugah.

And the end.
Wait, what? Is Duggan leaving.

Yeah, he's ending at 300.

>Anna Marie

Isn't that Superior Spider-man's midget GF?

Also the cover for next issue.

Ill have to find the article but it looked like duggan was going to take a break from Deadpool at some point ill post the link when i find it

Oooh, could we be getting a Madcap/Captain America rematch?

That's Rogue's real name. You didn't think she was actually called Rogue, right?
Oh. Hope he gets Spider-Man then.

Most likely, Madcap's getting launched to space.
Wade made deal with The Collector just prior to SE.

>he's my mess

yeah but we don't see you trying to clean up the mess that is the history of the CIA death squadding leftwing movements all over the world or talking about false flags or wars based on lies.

captain america GTFO

even better just found his twitter

As fun as it would be to watch Cap fight Evil Banana companies - it's not happening.
>captcha: find bridge
>Shows the side of a bridge
Fuck you too, captcha.


What would the Collector want with Madcap?

I don't think I've ever heard Rogue's real name before. She's not a character who uses it often.

>making jokes at the expense of a dead man
Why couldn't she die of M-pox instead of Scott

Every time you guys bitch about other mutants not dying Scott stays dead for another year.

post the bigger version.

Fine, here.

Rogue a pure

How can one person be so wrong?

Shit > Goth Rogue

I'm not wrong, i'm objectively right.

Subjective opinion ignored.

Do not let Rogue threads die!

He found Deadpool's regenerative abilities unique, but didn't like his smell. But Wade noted he could find him a similar replacement

Wait, Rogue dated deadpool?

>I don't think I've ever heard Rogue's real name before.
It didn't exist before Anna Paquin played her just like "Erik Lensherr" didn't exist before the same movie.


I don't know what is the problem... kill Coulson was the best thing Deadpool ever did!

It's the same problem every NuMarvel character has. They all somehow have the love and admiration of all the preexisting characters even though they never did anything to ever actually earn it. Current Marvel writers do this in a vain attempt to try and trick readers into thinking they too should love and admire these characters.


I remember Erik from the 90s cartoon

>He found Deadpool's regenerative abilities unique

What's unique about them? Plenty of people with regenerative abilities just on planet Earth alone. Aside from Madcap and Deadpool, there's Mr. Immortal and all the Wolverines and Sabertooth and that's just off the top of my head.