Please tell me Hilldawg will be able to run for president in 2020?

Please tell me Hilldawg will be able to run for president in 2020?

She'll be dead.

>Hillary Clinton has been running for president for a quarter-century

I think the dumb bitch has got the point, we don't want her.

She'll be in hospice at best.

Funny as it would be to see her lose again, her health problems will compound and she'll be too old to make another run.

Also this is a no-Shill-zone, gtfo retard

Let me see whats in the cards...


b-but it's her turn! She has a vagina!


Dont think you can run for president from prison or the grave. So no

Do you not remember her collapsing and coughing in this run?

She'll probably die of AIDS or whatever she has.

Hell, even they know it. There's already talk of Chelsea Clinton running that's being floated around the DNC. Hillary will be long gone, so it'll be left to the next generation to carry on the legacy.

No, but Elizabeth Warren can.

The libs have been eating each other alive. Many of whom have put the blame on Hillary. Even if she manages to stay alive with the health she is in it is over for her.



But will he last that long?

Ya'll niggas betta not stain my sheets with bronzer

Between her campaigns, she has spent over a billion dollars trying to convince the public to like her. She could have been declared Empress of some banana republic for that kind of mo ey.

Pic related is who the Democrats will run in 2020.

She's a part of the establishment. I think people are really fed up with political dynasties in America.

It happened with the Bushes, and they soundly rejected Jeb! when he tried to carry that legacy further. Now they've rejected another Clinton run.

No one wants an extension of what went before any longer. They want real meaningful change

>They want real meaningful change

They better keep waiting then.

We all know Bills not gona, but Lizard Queen might just suck the last lifeforce he has to make it.

Obama = Turnout
They're not gonna give us actual change; le mow

And after Trump, even Michael Moore could win.

I will never take Hillary to a hideaway log cabin to help her get over her setback by tenderly laying her down by a roaring fire, parting her grey sea of gnarled musky pubes, licking the Philadelphia cream cheese-like pussy gunk from between her presidential flaps and sucking on the wrinkled folds that house her collapsed nipples, like some erotic pale leather glove. Horseman, pass by!

Hopefully not.

I still don't like her.

Would bang her in that pic though.

> run

She can barely walk.

I would anally fist Hillary though.

Trump I mean. Could get jfked for all we know. Between isis, the drug lords and over half of his own country can he last?

>Seriously liking Hillary Clinton

Nobody liked her for her ideas,they just liked her because "has pussy and isnt Trump"

If she couldn't win against a bigot racist like Donald Trump, there's little hope she could beat anyone else for the presidency.

Who wouldn't...

Run again? Did you see that pic of her hiking? She's been released by the demons. Trump exorcised her. She's a normal granny now.

She has absolute control over the DNC at this point. If she wants to hold on to it I think she could run in 2020.

>yfw she gets landslided even worse in 2020
>runs again in 2024
>gets beaten by Ivanka to the position of first female president

she's already lost 2 elections. At this point it's too late, she's gotten too old. The same reason bernie wouldnt even have a chance in 4 years either.

That said, I think people will choose a Republican Woman president before a Democrat one.

Which would be the ultimate irony.

What's Rice up to these days?

fucking imagine?

>Rice wins, a black female CONSERVATIVE president
>Democrats forever BTFO, GG no re, will descend into lunacy and try to run LGBTQBPTA123's for the rest of their days

>Chelsea Clinton

You are joking, right? The Clinton name is completely tarnished now. Generation X don't give a shit about her, and millennials barely know who she is. If Hillary hadn't been pounded, perhaps she could have pulled a Justin Trudeau and do the next-generation thing, but Hilldog put a stink on that name that will never go away.

This. Coming from someone that seriously doesn't normally think this way, she's literally a talking head with a vagina attached as far as half of her voters are concerned, another 30% of them are probably the kind who will literally vote against God is he ran Republican, and the remainder are the mental degenerates that actually "like" her for who she is...however that works.

Kek, her Parkinson's will be too advanced by then.

Why do I want to fuck late-teen/young lady Hillary so fucking bad? It's ridiculous.

I would too.

Not to mention Bill is not as universally revered as he used to be. His infidelities, which in the 90's and 2000's were shit noone cared about, are now liabilities with the party having drifted left into hard social justice, and his great 90's economy is now completely undermined by the fact that he signed the trade agreements that destroyed what was left of our manufacturing, AND signed the banking deregulations that led to the 2008 economic crash.

his reputation has been entirely ruined by hindsight.

Even if she was healthy/young enough, they'd never let her run again. She should never have gotten another chance after getting destroyed by Obama, especially considering all the scandals she was involved in over the last 8 years.

The fact that they let her run this time is a testament to how corrupt the DNC is, but there's still a limit to how far you can push this kind of thing. She's done.

Most likely

People were fooled. They believed Trump was paving the way for a Hilary win

So wrong. It was Hilary who was used to hold other candidates back so Trump could win

Now she's disposable

Remember how they threw her into the truck like a sack of feed? That's how valuable she was NOT

Hilary was used all the way through. And when it was good she luxuriated in it

Then when they'd used her, they ran her one last time, purportedly 'against' Trump

Hilary has served her purpose

And if you doubt any of the above, ask yourselves who took all those incriminating photos and film? You think it was normies? No. You were deliberately shown all that evidence so you would not vote for Hilary

and to make sure, 'wikileaks' brought you the Kuru and pizza 'evidence' and hole in tongue and 'head shaking', etc.

Do you really believe 'doctors' would risk their own and their families' lives to tell the world Hilary was dying during an election?

Who do you think filmed Hilary shaking at the curb on 9/11? Another normie?

No. All calculated. Voters were played

Trump was ALWAYS going to 'win'. And if you look back through time, you'll see it was being 'predicted' twenty years ago

If she's lucky --- very *lucky* -- Bill and Hilary will be allowed to live out what's left of their lives

but their owners aren't noted for loyalty or compassion, are they?

So Hilary, live by the lie and die by the lie. And no heaven for you. A life of slime is all you get. It's the deal you chose. You sold your soul. You're just an old bag of meat who served her (((masters))) lifelong. Bet you're sorry now

Well you already can vote from the grave so not much of a stretch desu


She supports Ritual Child Abuse by defending the PEDOsta Brothers.
Pray she don't. - #SPiRiTCooKiNG

Is this pasta?

>She has absolute control over the DNC at this point.

Did you miss the part where her little DNC minion was forced to resign? Fucking Bernie over cost her a lot of political capital.


Did you see who Debbie was replaced with?

here's hoping

Hilary was used to herd voters into two camps

Hilary was used to put Trump into office

Hilary knew she was never going to win

Hilary and Trump, Hilary and Trump. Those were the options before voters. Same old

Better candidates were kicked to the curb

People thought Trump was being used to keep the field clear for Hilary

No. It was the other way around

Voters were conned again

Hillary's already a pizza ingredient most likely

how did this become so evil

Don't worry they are going to burn everything that nigger slept on

It will all become clear as the days roll by


I'm sorry, but did the Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only midnight. Does not having the lead at midnight count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still playing right now and the DNC has been the best party in the US for how many years now? She’s against one of the worst candidates who just happens to have a lead because he’s feeding off the energy of supporters. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. The Clintons are one of the best fucking families in the USA, she was at 75% the last few weeks and would of won the vote in 2008 if Obama wasn’t black. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Clinton wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump just fell short of a district when he needed to get one, just like Romney did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Clinton topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking candidates on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.


her hair looks so fucking greasy jesus christ

What do you want to bet: Michelle Obama 2020. Chelsea Clinton after that.

Her career is absolutly destroyed. She devestated the Democratic Party for 2 years, probably 4, MAYBE 8. She has proved after losing to barrack Hussein obama and donald fucking trump that she is totally unelectable.

So knowing the Democratic Party, probably yeah.

Convicted criminals can't run for president

No, she's completely toxic to the Democrats.

She lost to a guy the entire Republican party abandoned after dragging it kicking and screaming to the RNC.

The Republicans gave her the presidency and she still fucked it up.

She would find a way to lose the race if it was uncontested.

Imagine being a three time loser