Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

Thank god nobody remembers the ARYANDIED.


/pol is anti semitic like Donald Trump and Steve bannon. Luckily netanyahu will cuck Trump and all goyim

Oh my god. Shoes.

Why would I defend a pile of shoes?


at first I thought that was a little person doing a pose

>muh 6 gorrillion shoes

So is this what happened to all the pairs of New Balance when libs threw their fit?

How do you see that?

>6 billion
Oy vey antisemite!
It's 12 gorillion

Yes. Next prisoners in concentration camps were issued cheap mass produced shoes to go with the rest of the cheap mass produced prison garb they were issued. Just as inmates of modern prisons.

Gorillion isn't a number dumbass

yeah he meant trillion. sorry about that greatest ally.

Adolf "If you're a jew you lose your shoe" Hitler


It had to be invented in order to count the number of Jews killed in the holocaust.

Rare? About as rare as getting butt fucked at a Turkish bath house

The holocost ain't real what's your point?

Americans are so shit at geography goddamn

12 gorillion*

>global warming isn't real
>evolution isn't real
>the earth is flat
>earth was made 6000 years ago

Is this an example of that mandela effect I keep hearing about? Maybe there was a timeline where the holocaust didn't happen, but it's not this one.

Hitler personally made every Jew new shoes on the condition they left there old crappy ones behind so he could refurbish them and give them to others.

Fuck the OP. Fuck CTR that will post SS helmets to reply to get this thread going. Fuck Stormjerks that are dumb fucks that post their brain dead jibberish.

I'M sure I speak for others. I wish I had the time and patience to answer all the Nazi shit. But I don't. Just take my word for it Hitler=bad. Whatever your trying to accomplish by talking about the nazis, you won't. No one with half a brain will ever believe this shit.

I get that Soros can be a political adversary, but beyond that, you look foolish. No I!m not a "(enter some insult for Jew"). Just get a life or hang out with other dumbfucks.

Stormjerks= not clever

What's this?

All that other shits real the holocost didn't go down like you think it did my friend

>trying to minimize the six septrillion
for shame goy.

No, Sup Forums will deny this.



Holo-Cuck believers are on pooicide now!


Hitler was trying to stop Marxist Jews from subverting his people and government and economy... don't hate hitler for locking them up blame the allies for blowing up the supplie lines to the camps resulting in starvation and sickness.

I'm pretty sure you're mistaken this is the one where it didn't and we're making fun of the transmultiversal immigrants that think they're in their old universe.

It was the right thing to do

Spanish-American War.

You lose fag

The prisoners were issued uniforms. So, what do those shoes suggest other than that?

>Shoes and hair
>somehow this is evidence

I'm not sure if you are CTR or a Stormjerk.

If you're CTR, I guess you need to make a living.
If you're not, just realize that donors that are interested in open borders and globalism are actually paying people to subvert this site by posting what you believe. I'd venture to say you're not too swift...

Boo hoo go fuck yourself you whiny faggot. Go be a little self-worshiping libtard, you Satan-worshiping piece of worthless shit. You think you're a good guy? You're not. You're a bad person. Everyone is bad except for Jesus. I'm sorry for you, your parents must be complete retards. And you think you can spit on this peaceful and prosperous land built by my people who worshiped Jesus/God since arriving here in the 1600s, and you think you can worship Satan on this land? You should be hanged, faggot. Now that Trump is President, you better be a good little boy. We're a lot less lenient than that faggot nigger Obama. We want a comfy society for people who worship God. If you are unwilling to submit to Jesus, the one true God, we will destroy you. If we were like Jesus, we would let you overcome us, but we are flawed sinners, who want to live in a comfy society. If you want to worship your own power instead of thanking God and repenting, if you want to worship your own strength, I'm sorry for the pain you will feel. We don't give a fuck about the 'sins of our past', nigger. God forgives those who repent. If you think that was bad, our damage output is going to be off the charts after all these years of being held down by the satanic establishment. Try us, little bitch

Yeah the same people who bought you Ctr and Marxism in America today are the same people who were trying the exact same shot on 1920s Germany

Your ass woke yet or you need more

Oh your a leaf I'm sorry

Look, all the Jews had fancy shoes while for many white people at the time shoes were a luxury.

Imagine the stink of all those lice infested jew shoes. Makes me want to vomit.

nice strawman

>Muh 12 gorrilion shoes


So all this time it was six million SHOES?

Guys, I'm a black genderfluid lesbian Muslim, and today while I was out walking my mother to her chemo appointment (she's in a wheelchair, has to stay on an oxygen tank), we were surrounded by Trump's children. They said I should go back to Mexico, and began tearing off my hijab and stuffing it up my pussy. When my mom tried to scream for help, Eric Trump farted into her oxygen mask and held it over her face, singing "NEENER NEENER I CAN'T HEAR YOU," before kicking her backwards down a flight of subway stairs into a group of child Holocaust survivors. They took turns spitting on me while chanting "MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN!," and only left when I pretended to be dead. Then when I got home, I found pic related on my windshield. I'm literally shaking. This totally happened and you should take my word for it because I have this picture.


>thought they were frogs
>just shoes


wtf bitch. i told you to stop buying shoes!
get the hell out of my house.
we're getting a divorce.

the hardest thing to believe, judging from her pic, is that she goes to the gym

Omg, plz be safe!
Stay strong plz, you're a beautiful person

Wow antisemite how dare you deny the 6 gorillion shoes

>Left it on her car when she was at the gym
>backwards swastika
Someone should call out this liar

pol will defend a shoe sale at the local Goodwill?

I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Checked, and already did.

>inb4 whoring my Twatter


The way she wrote the "a" in "make" is how a girl typically writes her a's, too bubbly for a masculine man to write that. More then like this is fake

60 GORILLION SHOES, ya damn anti-semite.

Omg, I'm in tears. If you need support, you can always crash at my wife's boyfriend's place, if you don't mind their little girl! (She's 5 now, but began transitioning last year - so proud!)

Oy vey, it's anuddah Shoeah.

Looks like my closet desu

$24 Gorrlioon dollars

Not sure who is jewing who anymore.

Pic related is everyone cuck who didn't move to Canada after Jan 20th
He meant "Harambillion"

Oy VEY, all those expensive patent-leather shoes, going to waste! It's anudah shoah!