
Hey anons, does anyone have any real life experience with severe autism? My 32 month old niece is "on the spectrum" and we're just getting to the age where it's becoming apparently that it's not mild autism but actually quite severe. She can't form sentences or complex thoughts, can't really speak except for a few words like "up", inconsolable tantrums happen many times a day over everything from eating to changing diapers. She even goes REEEEEEE when she melts down, I wish I was joking but thats 100% serious.

It's not that bad yet, but it probably will be that and much worse. She receives state provided ABA therapy everyday including speech, behavioral, and occupational therapy and it doesn't seem to do anything. I fear she'll never live a normal life Sup Forums, and worse yet my family has to now bear a tremendous burden caring for someone who is essentially deadweight.

What experience do you have with non-Sup Forums IRL autism? Do vaccines really cause it, or is that complete meme-status? Also general autism thread.

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you should take this to r9k.

I thought Sup Forums was more autistic, is that not true?

Have a bump for interest. Sup Forums will benefit from better understanding of the autism meme.

>My 32 month old niece is "on the spectrum"
Have you fingered her?

thanks user.

Sounds like an average 2 year old aside from maybe learning to talk a little slower witch is pretty understandable for someone with autism I imagine

>6 year old video


I stumbled on one autist by accident. I used in his near-vicinity word autist like it's used in chans and he went absolutely ballistic out of nowhere. Apparently those tards have real trouble figuring out figures of speech, jokes and stuff like that. Sure as fuck explains SJW behaviour as well.

Not at all, politics requires a sensibility that just isn't for autistic people. Comprehension of it rolls off them like water off a duck.

>tfw diagnosed autist
Ask me anything OP. I'm not diaper-wearing REEEEE tier, but I'm pretty autistic.

Just get her lots of books, legos, and put her on the path to Software Engineering

My nephew is autistic. He's annoying; but, not like rubbing shit on the walls retarded.

Chads post here

I don't think thats normal. Most kids her age that I've seen are developing complete sentences and communicating their thoughts and needs. She does none of that, the only time she talks is when you get her to repeat a word you say and the only way we taught her to do that was with classical conditioning (rewarding her with treats the same way you would with a dog). Honestly my dog understands more english than she does. Also she can't say words with more than one syllable. She's definitely got the autism, but it isn't until you see these milestones go by with no developments that you start to understand how bad it is.

My cousin's kid is diagnostic autistic. Not so severe that he can't talk, but like he freaks out from over stimulation (crowds of people) and he spergs out if say someone was playing a boardgame with him and wasn't following the written rules to the letter.

It's burdensome, no doubt. But still nowhere near as bad as having the REEEEEEEEEE kind of autist who can't even talk, ever. I don't know what I'd do with a child like that. I'd want to kill myself if I was burdened with that responsibility.

You need to recognise the difference.

>Sup Forums autism
Socially awkward, possibly diagnosed with actual Aspergers or ADD

>Classic Autism

Mate the key is getting her to autistically focus on something productive like math and accumulating wealth or shitposting on Sup Forums and praising kek

My 7-year-old nephew is severely autistic

He's a good boy but he will never be able to do anything on his own

He gets therapy and government benifits (his dad is in the Air Force) but he still can't even eat or use the toilet without help

Sucks for him desu

You should be a writer user

I have a younger brother who sounds pretty similar to your niece. He doesn't have autism now, but he does struggle in school and is extremely forgetful. I think you might just be rushing to conclusions tbhfam.

Better or worse than my niece? Can he talk?

Can you tell me about the timeline of your speech development? I'm afraid my niece won't be able to talk at all, it really looks like theres zero higher level cognition going on in her head.

have a bump for an interesting subject - I'm afraid I have nothing to add, but best of luck with all your endeavors!

He can talk. Which is a little unfortunate. Since I'm into vidya and asian cartoons, he sometimes thinks I would like to discuss those when he visits. He also always tells me that I shouldn't drink soda whenever he sees me drinking it.

He's fairly normal, just not that great at socializing.

My younger brother is pretty severely autistic. It can be hard sometimes, but generally they're really sweet kids. You just need to be prepared to be extremely patient with them. People sometimes forget that autistic kids have feelings too, and it can really hurt them.

That's where I think she's headed. It's exhausting just being around her, I feel terrible for my sister and brother in law, they're absolutely worn the fuck out.

Worst part is that it's so much work they can't even think about having another kid, and all you want to do in this scenario is have another and try again. It's cruel to think but they might be better off if she just died.

My nephew has recently (within the last 1-2 years) learned to say simple words and put very basic sentences together, but he is still basically retarded when it comes to communication

He can yell the name of something when he wants it, but he can't have real conversations like most kids his age

My younger sister is a nonverbal autistic.

It is very hard to know just how much she understands, because sometimes she can make associations anyone normals can.

For example, Dad would mention about us "going to Grannyma's this weekend" and a few hours later we'd find a few freshwater fishing polls and the tackle box propped up outside the utility room on the carport. We always fished for bass and brim at my grandmother's pond, and she knew that. She also knew the difference between saltwater and freshwater fishing material.

However, she had a lot of issues with bed wetting. And fine motor dexterity. With promoting she does hygiene like bathing and teeth and such, but I don't know if she would without prompt.

She has epilepsy, which did not develop until abiut 6 or 7. Epilepsy is comorbid with severe autism.

Make sure her parents have a plan for their own eventual death. My mother died sooner than expected from cancer and we're still reeling from it. My sister lives in a small group home (not a hospital, actual house) 4-5 days a week and lives with my father and grandmother 2-3 days a week.

Luckily my spouse is fine with my sibling, and knows I'm always concerned a just her and have her in my life. Once we get settled and have kids that are a bit older (assuming other circumstances don't force it) I'll likely assume responsibility of her.

It's hard, and as a family we've had many rough spots and challenges over the years. But I still love her, and still see her as a person. Just trapped in her mind, if that makes sense.

Hope that helped somewhat, it was vague.

People sometimes forget that the people who have to deal with autists have feelings as well, and are justified in hating the little shits.

In the industry I work in, technology, a very successful past boss was autistic. Pros: he would work 15+ hour days tirelessly, be extremely autistically passionate about his work and his field, always reading industry blogs non stop. Cons: Impaired social abilities. Awkward laughing for no reason at innapropriate moments.

In some industries, an autist is better than a normie, because sometimes you need a guy who autistically keeps up with the latest trends and has no social life.

Aged parents are one of the biggest contributors to mental illnesses. Gametocytes degenerate with the age of the parent, males aren't affected as much but women are heavily affected. Also the environment has gotten more toxic with the drinking water laden with xenoestrogens and other runoff, this too may play a role in mental illness.

Tell me about the epilepsy. How frequent are tantrums?

That pic is FAS not autism

Vaccine thing is a meme. I teach a legit autist. Before he got a carer he'd have freak outs and slam his head on his desk until he was bleeding.

your dedication and loyalty to your family is really admirable - we need more people like you. I can relate to your sentiments, and it's alienating when conversing with others considering how few actually express similar inclinations. Blood bonds are sacrosanct.

peop-le only do well when they're forced to do for themselves.

There is no treatment, but do not enable the autism by applying lables to her that she can use to justify her condition.

Don't let her watch peppa pig, it causes autism.

and idk bro you just gotta find a way to connect. Be observant, use more body language, get involved with the therapist.

and most importantly, She's going to be a fuckup. That is her normal. You don't have to bend all of your personal boundaries for her, she needs to learn them just as much as you need to occasionally compromise. She'll be an annoying shit but she's family.

and if it burns you out and you don't want to deal with it anymore, just send her to a loony bin. no big deal. but that shit will haunt you because you failed.

On the bright side she does show some of that savant kinda shit. She loves numbers and letters and little puzzles. However, you only want a dash of autism for that extra little savant bit, not full blown spaz out never speak autism.

>tfw when i've done shit like that as a kid, wiping shit on the walls, pissing down the staircase, pissing in heater fans
>sometimes even in adulthood accidentally have a lapse moment and have almost pissed in garbage bins, but have stopped myself just in time
>tfw basically socially retarded with women until late 20s and in order to get anywhere i have to act like someone i'm not
>triggered by almost all noises
>tfw my doctor and my therapist strongly suspect i'm an undiagnosed aspy

There are times when it hurts to live.

My younger brother is autistic. It's getting worse and worse.

>plays minecraft
>screams so loud the whole street hears him
>tell him to not be so loud
>starts screaming that he's not screaming

I bet my degeneracy is because of his influence.

It isn't tantrums, it is legit seizures. She didn't have tantrums as much Tonic-clonic and partial complex.

She is kinda a cyborg now, to control seizures. She has what is called a Vagas Nerve Stimulator that attaches to the cranial nerve and a generator on her collarbone. When she starts to seize, someone or herself can take a magnet and swipe it over her collarbone. It has also stopped stimming during stress, and helped some OCD behaviors.

>triggered by almost all noises
You mean as in being jumpy, or just very sensitive hearing?

Eugenics is what you're looking for.

>she didn't have tantrums as much as those less severe on the spectrum. Tonic-clonic... *

we laugh at "awkward" moments because we usually have to develop a better understanding of the human language to figure out just what the fuck normies are talking about. And then they accidentally do something we find ironic but they don't catch it because they're (((normies))) not a walking encyclopedia of definitions and expressions.

For example I think pancakes and waffles are hilariously dumb as a concept, they're the same exact food yet you people have arguments about them.

I have it, but it's 1:02 so I won't talk thatuch. I believe that many artists are attracted to Sup Forums. According to the CDC, 1 in 60 children will be diagnosed with autism.

OPs pic is actually of a typical Fetal Alcohol Syndrome kid.

you can make money with numbers letters and puzzles, start upping the difficulty, gradually.

I'm a caretaker for the intellectually disabled if you have any specific questions for me. I have also tutored autistic teens since I was in high school.

Austist here. I browse Sup Forums every day and became a political science major because of it. It's an addiction. I hope I don't grow out of it, because I've staked my entire life on my passion for politics.

Both. Jumpy and I have very sensitive hearing.
When I say noises trigger me I mean I can't stand the sound of people breathing, coughing, blowing their nose, chewing, etc. Can't stand the sound of people walking heavily, listen to bassy music (or almost any music), shutting doors too loudly, clicking pens. Can't stand idle humming or whistling and women's voices trigger me more than when men do it.
All these triggers make my blood boil and make my stomach roil like I've swallowed poison if it's bad enough. Have had to NOPE out of many situations because of it.
Can't sleep or work without white noise.

Alcohol helps.

I don't know what i'll do if my kid turns out to be fucked up.

I just want a normal kid that can have a normal life. I don't believe handicapped people are actually happy, they cope with it and accept it yeah, but are they really truly happy?

Like kids in strollers that are basically a plant, those that hardly realise they're even alive. Why do people care for these heaps of shit? Off the cliff with them and breed until you have one that comes out fine!

>For example I think pancakes and waffles are hilariously dumb as a concept, they're the same exact food yet you people have arguments about them.

I have encountered this exact situation.
It baffles me that people even argue about them or have strong preferences for one while hating the other.

Hey father here as well.

Many cases of autism have their root in the gut.
Maybe your nice has candida or a hostile micro biom. Studies have shown that you can reverse and in some cases heal autism with a certain diet rich in brobiotic food and low in sugar and gluten.

Check her out.

There is a very very strong evidential fact base connection between the gut, microbiom and autistic behavior and behavior in general.

Ah, do you have very fast reflexes by chance?

Try gradually attuning yourself to background noise, it works for me, I used to have similar issues. You mostly have a low stimuli threshold level, when you gradually build it up, you should be fine. Sort of how someone gets used to peanuts with peanut allergies through low dosage exposure.

Aspie here. It doesn't make me smart, just makes me emotionally detached from everyone and I have no social skills. I haven't talked to anyone in 2 days.

Fuck this, I was always told it was just a 'different' way of your brain processing stuff, but it has single handedly ruined my life. if anyone has questions i'll answer them.

I'm starting to agree with this. Problem is society expects you to care for this deadweight no matter how grueling and emotional draining it is. You can't have another kid and try again because all your time is spent caring for the hollow shell of a human that you're stuck with.

When I was in high school, I saw a guy like that. I always felt bad for him, and it would have been better if he died early on so he wouldn't suffer. Its a pity how they are literally vegetables and unable to do anything.

Is there any way you can get out of taking care of your severely autistic child?

Could I get away with just throwing it off a cliff like the Spartans did?

Is this child using some chinese toys? The one that cmakes clicking noise to calm?

>32 month old


Sometimes they are labeled autistic when it is just developmental delays and they right themselves. The problem with an autism diagnosis is they treat it as a catch all easy excuse instead of informing parents that all kids develop at different rates and have different emotional development speeds and personalities.

However, if she is severely autistic she will need life long care. There is no homoeopathic cure or any bullshit that you will see online. Time will surely be the deciding factor. I will say that the fact she communicates is at all is a good sign. If all communication stops you will know for sure.

I have a sister who is older but in the same boat as your niece. It is a huge fucking burden, speech therapy all the time, she can't speak so we can't tell what's wrong with her. She only eats autismfood like French fries, tendies, crackers, fruit snacks, and refuses to eat real food. Once you get on a routine with therapy and knowing what she needs it is usually fairly easy and becomes every day life.

the best way i can put it is

Autistic people have a low social IQ. Information coming in gets corrupted, information going out makes no sense.

Gotta raise the social IQ to a point where information can get in without getting corrupted. Understanding the point of corrupion is key because there are ways to bypass certain things.

I'm still a socially awkward fucker but I didn't start speaking until I was four and horrible shit in my childhood notwithstanding I never really had any opportunities to socially develop.

I still

>avoid people
>avoid outdoors
>get mad at unexpected noises
>don't like hearing my name
>don't like hearing the same things over and over again
>manage to completely fuck up every explanation ever and always come off like a condescending prick who has no idea what he's fucking talking about

if we talked IRL on this very subject you'd maybe get four words out of me, I'd make a joke about how you look, complain about having to talk to you in some way, and you'd want to beat my face in. The internet is the only place I even reseble normal at any time in history because I have time to work on what I'm saying and have no pressure.

She most certainly needs to heal her gut and start to avoid food that causes sensitivities. Also there are bacteria in our gut which can make neurotoxines under certain cirumstances.

Was she a C-section child? And then brought up by child formula food? This is the worst thing that can happen to a baby.

Feed her home made coconut kefir every day as well as other fermented foods. Also here are some things that can help heal the gut. Vitamin D, curcumin, fish oils, probiotics, colostrum, and glutamine. Colostrum can also improve her condition but all things organic high quality only!!!

And cut sugar off and any grain as well as transfats.

No idea about fast reflexes. I can react quickly to avoid a cat or snake striking out at me if that's what you mean. Or grab a mosquito in the air.

Yeah I suppose I could try the attuning thing, and other friends have suggested attuning myself to those background noises but the noises make me so mad I can barely stand even little bits of it before I have to get out of the room. It's a tough pill to swallow but thanks for the suggestion anyway. I need to find a way to do it that doesn't make me want to kill everyone.

I've been listening to white noise on my headphones for the last 8 years at my job just so I didn't have to hear all the people at work.

Holy shit this kid from OPs video...fucker needs to find his happy place

My gf has aspergers, and since I met her, she's gotten better. She used to have seizures and extreme difficulty in social situations, but she has been able to learn skills to deal with the stress of daily life. So there is definitely hope for improvement in the areas that people on the spectrum have difficulty with. On the other hand , she has a far easier time with musical instruments than myself.

My little brother is 11 and has very severe autism. It honestly does get better. But you should never feel bad if you can't cope with these kids. At best you might put them on some drugs which will fuck their brain, but make your life a shit tonne easier. At worst, I know about people who just gave the kid up. And who can honestly blame them? Back in the old days, if you had a kid like that, you'd just drown him in a river. They are totally fucking useless and that anybody actually expects you to care for the little cunts is proof they have no actual experience with the disabled. We have looked after my brother, he has mellowed out a lot now and is pretty chill, but it used to be far worse when he was younger. Rubbing faeces into the carpet, all sorts of stuff like that. But if I had a kid like that, I'd give him up for adoption. I'm not giving up my life for a kid that will give me fucking nothing but misery back.

>32 months

Just say 2 years old you fucking bellend


My 13 year old cousin is severely autistic. He's taller than his mom but he cannot talk clearly and still plays pretend by himself. He cries a lot and still wears a diaper. He cannot properly write his name or even make a fist.

I really wish I could honor kill him. It would put his poor soul to rest and unburden his family.

This guy knows what he's talking about. You will never cure the kid, but good diet makes them way more manageable.

Also bone broth can be very beneficial for the gut in combination with a 80% organic vegetable diet.

For you internet autist out there blue light the one radiated by LED lamps or computer screens agitates and causes ADHD like Symptomes. You really need a blue blocker. It helps you sleeping and get your sympatic nervous system to rest.

I really don't understand why the fuck any of you can't just stop being this fucked....

You all know the fucking problem and 'say' you try but in reality all you have to do is deal with this shit like anyone else.

>Don't like loud noises and irritating sounds?
No one does just put up with it or get some earphones and play music
>Avoid people
Literally expose yourself more. Join a fucking club, play a sport, get a hobby.
>Difficulty going outdoors
Go outside. Just fucking go outside and strike up conversation with a random person
>My personality is toxic people don't like me
Then stop being a fucking cunt. It's not hard. Just stop doing the shit THAT YOU YOURSELF HAVE SAID make people hate you. Everyone else does, they wait for the person to leave and bitch about it.

Jesus fucking Christ get the fuck over yourselves. You aren't these absolute unfixable screeching vegetables.

Thats like me asking why can't you just open your eyes more?

>tfw you have almost all of the features in OP's picture

Depends, what does flat nasal bridge mean, just that your nose is shaped like a negative parabole? Like a reserve Jew?


Yeah if my eyes were fucking closed to begin with. Get the fuck over yourself Jesus Christ and stop causing damage to people that care about you.

Dude no this guy is high as FUCK on acid

kikity kek, roasted by an aspie

No,she wont ever be normal .And if she is that bad at 32 months it will get way worse.She will lose the ability to respond to spoken language by 3 or 4. She will never be safe to leave unsupervised for a single minute.Full blown Autistic kids will run out the door into traffic.
Not tryin g to bum you out.My first cousin was just as you describe her.He seemed so normal and even spoke some words.But at 2 years old he began to change .By 4 he could not talk only growl or make hooting sounds.He spent half his waking hours screaming ,crying and wringing his hands.
At 10 my aunt was divorced and her older kids wre normal but uncontrollable little snots because they had gotten zero attention because dad split for Hawaii and mom took care of him 18 hours a day.
She put him in a state subsidized group home where he is safer and in his own way happier.When she visits him he does not act glad to see her and cries to go back to his room where he spends his day drawing circles all day.
Your niece is on the same path and will be just as happy in a group home .She will not in any way miss her family.and yes Vaccines cause it.All cases are caused by vaccines including my cousins.He was normal at first but screamed for a whole week after his third vaccination.And fuck any ashole who says they dont cause Autism.Autism is a multibillion dollar industry....get it??

Vaccines do not cause

Same here. I'm not diagnosed with anything, but even a sperg knows that only having 3 real friends and lack of any social skills besides the usual small talk isn't normal. I'm afraid that I'm on the path to becoming a >18 kissless virgin unless I take some drastic measures.

>No one does just put up with it
Fuck you fag, I've asked tons of people what they thought when it comes to noise problems and nobody even notices the shit that bothers me. This isn't something everyone goes through.
Yeah I do wear headphones that's how I deal with it.

>do nothing but smoke weed and browse Sup Forums
>slowly start thinking i have aspergers or are on the spectrum
>start socializing and working out again
>become a confident chad again

what the fuck is happening

Like I said, our social IQ's start out in the toilet and it's a problem that compounds. Some have it worse than others.

Brain structuring at the neuron level is what makes the difference. Normies pick up social interaction like they do motor skills.

The best way I can explain it is, you know when people get really messed up from an accident and need a lot of physical therapy? It's like that but for the brain, and if it's not caught quickly for someone with a lot of autism, they can be nonproductive shitstains their entire life. like me. I'd thank you for the tax dollars but I think your country is on the welfare system too.

That's not autism that is fetal alcohol syndrome you retard

Then it's not even real. You're insane and you're just indulging your illusions. Stop making excuses that people babying you have told you your whole life and actually change it.

You aren't a fucking retard. You can fucking change shit for yourself. The more you keep buying into this bullshit facade that you're unfixable or 'different' the more you need to be put in the oven.

I'm so glad Trump is onto this (regarding vaccines and autism).

Fuck if I have two of these that doesn't mean I have a mild form of autism right. Right Guys.

That's why I said more, not to mention your country is why 90% of autistic people are anti-social, anime and japanese culture is perfect for social rejects. You helped amplify the problem

At least you admit that you can change it. Retards in Japan literally don't bitch and complain 24/7 no one fucking enables them.

Even people with full blown down syndrome hold jobs and are independent... If a fucking downie can do something and you can't you're honestly fucked.

>Full blown Autistic kids will run out the door into traffic.

She has attempted to do this multiple times already. Their house is on perpetual lockdown to prevent her from escaping.

That does sound eerily like my niece. She does some classic autism things like bouncing/slamming her back into the couch repeatedly while watching Mickey Mouse, stimming by counting from 1-10 in single syllables, not liking to be touched almost at all. Any other signs?

This may be an okay place to ask- how can I minimize the possibility of a disorder, whether autism or something else, in my children?
No matter what they have I will still raise and love them, but I am just wondering what my wife and I can do. We are both pretty young and I hear that having kids young is good to insure they will be healthy, but we need a few years before financial stability, enough for children I mean.

I want to believe vaccines cause autism, but I don't understand why so many people aren't affected by it in countries with mandatory vaccination. Is it just like a cruel lottery or something?

Because your parents refuse to teach you proper values and you escape into obscure pornography and cartoons that normal people here don't fucking watch.

Yeah. We're the problem. If Japan was gone, it would be totally different.

autism is an update for the life simulation, a new player has joined the game