ITT a former Dem goes full autist

>I was always democrat since childhood, raised in democrat family in california, white parents
>I thought whites had no culture, sad to be white
>always believed what I saw on the (((msm)))
>I had identity crisis in high school
>I grow up and then see sjw on news
>didnt like them, thought they were weird
>started to notice they were in every university
>didnt go to big uni, went community college instead, no sjw there
>started seeing more and more liberals turn into total psychos
>wonder wtf is happening
>Trump starts his campaign
>says stuff that make sense and became a fan at his first debate
>starting to look at republicans more
>patriots with american flag
>starting to look at democrats more
>commies with mexican and rainbow flags
>started to watch infowars and alternative media
>realize they were always right and msm was fake as fuck
>found out about pol
>starting to realize the media, universities and hollywood were all working together
>starting to realize all of it is jewish controlled
>find out about ZOG
>find out everything I grew up on was a lie
>diversity is genocide for whites
>jews are the most evil people on the planet
>conservatives are always right
>pol is always right
>pepe becomes larger than life
>hitler did nothing wrong
>proud to be white
>racemixing is degenerate

>mfw I processed all this information and now recovering
Fuck man 2016 has been a hell of a ride

Other urls found in this thread:

Good, you've been broken down and built back up.

Do it again. And again. And again. That's the real point of Sup Forums.

History does not always go the way it is supposed to be, but sometimes, it does.

This is correct. Never assume your done with this process. Your beliefs should never be set in stone, impervious to new information.

oh shit what else is there? I nearly had a heart attack the other day seeing how many braindead trump protestors there are

the world, the world.

Read shit that you don't agree with. Challenge yourself on all levels. I'm talking from the food you eat to the pron you jerk off to. Sup Forums can turn into an echo chamber like anywhere else, but I agree with a lot of what's here.

But always take a step back every once in a while to question yourself.

I personally, loved reading RP info when I first started out. Turned my social life around. But if you go too far down the rabbit-hole you end up just turning into a parrot without ever thinking for yourself. In my opinion, you truly become redpilled after you have started to question the redpill. Doesn't make you a shill just because you don't follow an ideology to the T.

I wanted to be a girl throughout high school, the redpill moment for me was going on some trans forum and seeing the utter insanity and delusion of these people. The sad thing is more and more people have no moral compass because this insanity is all they've ever known.

>>jews are the most evil people on the planet
just wait until you find out about the protestants

>I'm talking from the food you eat to the pron you jerk off to
cool broscience brah, made any gains this week?

If I start questioning redpills Im pretty sure Id go down the path to thinking life is fake and everything is a simulation

Same reason why I feel sorry for liberals than I hate them. They are just delusional and fail to see the reason behind their anger

nice post OP

>trips so must be true
oh fuck what have they done???

thanks user

>reading about nutrition and shifting through MSM bullshit is broscience

More than you faggot.

The Green Pill. The Don't Take Pills because they're bad for you Pill.
The (Science) Pill. The (Pharmaceutical) Pill. The Controlled Opposition Pill. The End Of The World Pill. The Markets Pill. The Federal Reserve Pill.

Know about most of those
Science like what? Climate change is bs and so is evolution?
The rest of them are all ((()))
I think its meant to be the end of the world for (them) not us

Here we go again. The Ride Never Ends.

Find a topic that you want to question and question it. I wouldn't go into it like 'Man-made global warming is bullshit', but just say 'I wonder the validity of this global warming thing'.

Then try to find REAL sources on both sides of the argument and aware yourself. Make your own opinions.

Not only are Alex Milo and Donny all controlled opposition it's almost certain Aliens control Jews. Climate Change is definitely falsified.

>just when you think its keeps going


Even if the Republicans completely halted immigration, the current birthrate of pro-democrat minorities is replacing whites.

Schools get money for how many students they send to college, creating more and more racial Marxists.

Jordan B. Peterson has several videos about the distinctions of evil. The necessary components being contempt and arrogance, sound familiar?

Now imagine actual Nazi-style torture of whites in the United States and Europe for the simple crime of being white.

This is the future we're heading towards. And they'll be in denial to the fact they're worse than Hitler every step of the way. controlled, you dont mean (((controlled))) do you
So there is something to the there are aliens that are good and bad, and they are controlling certain people to do their bidding, whether it is good or bad

I do mean (controlled) they're evil user.

Pretty much what I have been doing with this election so far. See CNN a lot. Biased as fuck. See infowars discredit them. Makes sense. One side says this the other says this, but one had better sources or evidence. Came to the conclusion Trump is like the saviour of mankind and Hillary is the devil in the flesh

good. too bad so few are susceptible to it. so many people just have this mental block and if you even try to present information that doesnt conform they "literally shake", get loud, non stop interrupting, angry, yelling. such a shame

Thats been going through my mind the last couple of days. Seems like a lot of people, this board especially, gives me hope that more and more are waking up to the reality we live in and can stop that before its too late

how so tho? Like why would they want people to know what it is they are doing?
I could understand that the protesters right now are controlled opposition by seeing craigslist ads offering people money to protest

Yep, that is the definition of cognitive dissonance right there

The point is they put up an act and do their evil in private. They have elaborate schemes. Milo plays the victim card. Alex plays the executioner card. Donald plays the "I have a family" card. Which are actually negative cards to play if you think about it.

What evil is the humble water filter salesman doing? I just dont see a point in exposing a (position) that is meant to be hidden...on purpose
It would be like trying to blend in and stand out at the same time, like a person that is invisible but wears a visible t shirt

>conservatives are always right
Woah, woah, woah. Let's not jump to conclusions here. There are a few things on each side that are good and a lot of stuff that's shit.

Think about how unhappy people are becoming with The Jewish Elite. They wanted change. And they get manufactured change. It's all a ruse. A joke. The ones calling the shots will never make Public Appearances. Hillary might be thrown under the car but it's more likely she'll be pardoned. Watergate has been referenced jokingly by Donald at the dinner where they mock children it's all there.

How old are you?
>conservatives always right
False. You're just participating in an echo chamber, always question your fellow Sup Forumsack and do research for yourself. Don't be biased either.

>The ones calling the shots will never make Public Appearances
you mean demonic aliens?

But watergate was a public scandal, and Trump was just making reference to it. He's been friends with the Clintons but he always made the statement that this is how the game is played, acting as his own special interest

alright bill nye, go fuck yourself faggot

I said that more to rhyme more than I believe it. Im generally conservative now but never take a side until I reasearch it. For instance the climate change or global warming. Evidence of it happening and evidence of it not. Which side is right? Not sure, weather is complex as fuck. Just looking at wind paths shows me theres a lot to look at

You don't get in these positions without selling your soul user. They knew he was giving the speech to run for candidacy on Day One. You have to sign Z.O.G. papers to run. Zion will not give up. If they detect a hint of betrayal they will kill you. And they do not care if U.S.A. is destroyed they will cover their deeds until the end.

Yeah, first you got to understand liberal and conservative are shorthand for some complex ideas, that sometimes are different depending on the country.

Try and expand your view of college to different schools of thought. Look to history.

Conservative in America is made of many factions. Right now I'd have to say I'm a cultural conservative when it comes to classical liberalism defined in the constitution, and also a reactionary.

That said I don't really harbor ill will to minorities. I think they are just hamstrung by shitty culture and possibly biology.

They'd kill him one week before he thought of running. They're that informed. All elections have been jokes. Carelessness.

>day one
so did 300 million other americans heh
But there are some weird things that come up that show some shit is planned. 911 is a big one. Same thing with that simpsons ep predicting Trump running, and some illuminati card game depicting a "charasmatic leader" running.
I know about the running for congress bit, you gotta sign showing your full support for Israel. But I think its more for support from jewish elite and big companies to fund their campaign, not soul signing even tho they want to control the shit out of everything.

This is what you're trying to avoid becoming, op.

>starting to look at republicans more
>patriots with american flag

>conservatives are always right

No you faggot learn to think for yourself and shun labels.

Pretty much agree with what you said

Research user. Research. It's not hard. They have these "Messiah" no one knows when they come when they go. But that Nigger Obama? No one liked the fact he was half Kenyan. No one. He happened to be useful. Now we're back on schedule. (The Progressive Left) have had their voice heard. Now (The Right) will have their voice heard. Which side do they hate more I wonder? How well will this Presidency turn out?

This is turning out to be like the alien agenda ep on ancient aliens now lol

It won't end well for the American People. For Jews Donald and Hillary their ivory tower will not come down.

Non paid Donald worshipers truly see through rosen tinted glass.

>oi this cheeky cunt called me a faggot
said it more to rhyme, I knew i should have just had pol there

Global Warming is definitely a thing. It's just that it happens naturally. There was global warming right before the Ice Age as well. The planet warms up then cools back down. Layers from the earth can show you that.

This. Trump isn't even a true 'conservative', not really, which is part of what we like about him.

Find where you stand on the issues that matter, and always be willing to listen to others.

>when australia doesn't shitpost

True, I think Ive even heard that a new ice age is coming in or something like that

How do I leave my woman of Native American origin? I want a white baby too. Pussy is easy to come by, but I've worked on this bitch since forever.

Yeah hes more pragmatic than a regular conservative.

This is why I love Sup Forums . You will never change, and I respect you for it. My Guy Fawkes mask will forever remain on a pedestal.

I think youve got two options realistically
1. You tell her you want white kids, so you need to find a white surrogate to carry the child.
2. adoption

Former California godless commie liberal.

I moved to the south and it took 4 years and the Pedostas files to believe...

But Jesus is real, desu.

Hollywood is literally Satanic brainwashing pumped out over the entire globe, and God will pour His wrath out on those unrepentant godless faggots.

WOW I just had that realization like 2 days ago btw, glad to hear others confirming it


I've inseminated so many women to be sure I'm sterile. I blame Jews. Adoption of a very impoverished white child is becoming a dream of mine. My brother fathered children, I'm happy my name will carry on. But I've still to do my part. There is a white orphan right now, praying for someone like me, and guess what? His prayers will be answered. I'll give that boy a childhood he will never forget. Remember this post. I will make life for the White Man great again.

They aren't even real Jews. Khazarian mafia my friend.

great to hear it user
we all must do our part, just as David Lane said in his 14 words

FUCK YES ANOTHER ONE TURNED TO THE LIGHT. Brother, I commend your change of Faith and I will meet you in Heaven for a beer. You won't even have to remember this pot, because We'll be in Heaven LOL'ing at this debauchery of a society we exist in. Thank the LORD some of us were elevated to Heaven!

So thats the name?? I know its not every jew, but it is obvious all the corrupt elite are jewish. My rule of thumb for jews is how much money they have, the more they have the worse they become

God be with us! He is real! Been across this nation and back again. Trust in the LORD and he WILL deiver! thank you christianbros! You've strengthened my faith! With our power, all of Anonymous shall be saved. We deserve our spot in Heaven!

Global Overpopulation

True but that is probably a well known red pill, although the coming RaHoWa will lessen the numbers

The redpill is that for every useless subhuman there is one less white man. Imagine where the could be if there was more Lebensraum for productive civilization.

>I know its not every jew, but it is obvious all the corrupt elite are jewish.
>all the corrupt elite are jewish.
About 50% actually

I know...I learned through my (((liberal))) teachers Hitler was the antichrist...but taking off the blind fold I see that it was quite the opposite

It was 43% right? I sure hope not over haha. We need a list of them

>and Hillary is the devil in the flesh
That's been obvious since the '90s

This is why Jesus campaigned.

What are the pedostas files?

Don't get too carried away by Hitler, though. He was right in freeing Germany from the shackles of Versailles and Jewish control, but he still fucked up big time in many aspects. The German people had to and still have to endure great pain because of his actions. Many good, strong people died because of his mistakes. Don't glorify him too much.

The emails that pretty much ruined Hillary's campaign, it exposed a lot of shit they were doing like illegal collusion and weird shit like spirit cooking. Podesta was the campaign manager of HRC...turns out podesta is a satan worshipping pedophile

Ty,I thought it was some devotional stuff

Im aware. He did what he thought was right for his people and the world. I say his two biggest mistakes was the idea of killing all jews, deportation to israel is more just (but the evil ones do need to be vanquished). The other was world domination, if he had just kept to Germany and Austria...all would be well. Shit by the time we put a man on the moon the nazis might of put a man on mars they were moving so fast with tech. In addition, I heard that he wanted to use slavs as slaves...being half slav, i disapprove of course. I think his overall idea of racial unity is correct, however raping the world or genociding non whites cleary is not.

Back, and to the left.

You think it may be true he is a reincarnation of Jesus? I started to wonder if Trump is more than just a "loud bawler." Given the underlying theme of good vs evil in the world, it is clear that Hillary is pure evil. Trump, overcoming insane odds: being anti-pc, a liberal media brainwashing, constant seemed almost impossible for him to win. The fact he overcame this tells me he was chosen, or at least is a savior of some kind. No man could do such a feat unless he was blessed

>In my opinion, you truly become redpilled after you have started to question the redpill.

When you see the buddha, you must kill the buddha

although let me be clear, I think Trump is more an instrument of the Father rather than Jesus reincarnate

The Retard Pill - believing in something with no proof.


Isn't it?

who knows at this point

This is not a bad thing, you use whatever you can to get your point across. You are confused on what the fuck you are talking about, it's not a bad thing that Milo acts extra faggy - he does it because it hurts his opposition. Pretty hard to talk to a race mixing fag the way you would talk to a normal "FUCKING WHITE MALE" - get it?

Kinda like how I really don't give a shit about abortions - but I play up to being huge pro-choice. 1) Because dumb fuck liberals think I agree with them on something - which makes them more susceptible to listen to me. 2) More abortions = less niggers and spics and undesirable whites (trailer park genetics). So fuck yeah bring on the abortions.

It's really not hard to understand, maybe for a leaf but I mean.....

I donated to Bernie's campaign last year.

Now I'm 1488.

Thanks Sup Forums

My thoughts exactly actually. The only thing that bothers me is that I think Medicaid covers for the abortion cost. The abortion should be out of pocket only

welcome brother!

Well I like to think of it as an execution tax desu - but honestly if we cut the funding and force niggers to use a coat hanger = leads to more deaths of mothers = less niggers.

Sometimes I type shit and then think back to how triggered I would be just a year ago lmao - I fucking love it. Keeping power level hidden in public is easy too, sometimes I'll throw out a few subtle signals around to see if any other realists are around.

All I will say is, it's fucking 100% that your brain and beliefs really dont even being to completely form until you are around 26 - as they say.

>execution tax
brilliant way of looking at it lol
got 4 years to go then to reach that point, but thanks to this board I believe I have unlocked hidden knowledge where I now know the secrets of the universe or some shit haha. feels good to be part of the realists

My worldview started to turn about the time Moloch showed up and the Planned Parenthood symbolism is literally Satan trolling about how fucking dumb and wicked we are, in plain sight.
My brother is saved, and I just thought it was a crutch to better himself after 30 years of partying. I was wrong.
He was praying for my salvation for years behind my back, every single day.

On March 19 God revealed to him through the Holy Ghost that I would be saved, and it would come soon. Over the next few months the , Moloch shit came out, and I read chapters in the Bible about the Canaanites and shit, and I eventually seen Satan's fingerprints in every single piece of degeneracy on the planet. All of it.
My brother and I are going to slay that fucking dragon bro, will you join us, user?
Seriously though, he said he has had vision or intuition that him and and would be spreading the Word of The Lord beyond our shores in our lifetimes.

The strangest thing is my entire family seems to be turning to The Lord.

I'm pretty sure it's happening desu senpai.

My dad belived in Trump, he was employed by him. He died in 2010. He also loved the Broncos. Kinda strange odds, right? I don't even like the Broncos, yet
> he was employed by him (painter)
> he was a christian, also Native American
>he wanted to invest in Trump circa 2010
> he does not live any more.
>mfw I'm a living saint on earth vowing for the same things he had believed in as a christian.
>mfw I was an atheiest, and I support Jesus and everything he believed in for God.
Much stranger things have happened, no?

Stranger things have happened indeed, just starting to figure out that the Lord plays a role in a lot of it

Be blessed you are with us, desu. God is really turning things around. And yet even then; we are welcome in His kingdom. Please shitpost with me in Heaven, user, I wouldn't want to live in a world where all anonymous wasn't saved. We are his chosen. It is obvious. Be glad we are together in faith, and I will see you in the afterlife. Not many can attribute the same.

> I'm a living saint on earth

Ive spent a lot of time contemplating the afterlife, death, purpose of life, etc. When I finally came to this point and saw things full circle, my prayers were answered. We and all who know Jesus is our Lord and Savior, truly are always together. I shall see you too in the afterlife user, may God bless you and your family.