Red pill me on coffee

>I never get drunk
>I don't do drugs or take artificial supplements or roids
>I don't smoke cigs or weed
>I'm doing /nofap/
>I'm exercising my ass off.
>Try to make meat be at least 50% of my diet while cutting down on peasant tier carbs.
>No junkfood, no sweets.
>No juice.

But what about coffee?

I hear it's a stimulant like weed. Of course caffeine addiction is a thing and bad for you, like everything done in excess but is coffee still bad for you in moderation?

I might make you shit real bad.

> I hear it's a stimulant like weed
> stimulant
> weed

lol, no

Try to take your coffee without sugar and try not to take much at once and you'll be fine. You build tolerance, but coffee will make you a productivity machine

A caffeine addiction really isn't that bad for you, at most you get a little agitated.

coffee will work for a while. however it makes you smell bad and your armpits will be stained brown.

It really just robs energy from the end of your day and weekend. You feel like shit without coffee.

>But what about coffee?

coffee is pleb tier

Coffee is actually great for your health and mind, just dont take sugar and have almond milk instead.

Also enjoy, i developed crohns recently and now can barely have one coffee a month, if i could go back i would have one an hour.

You're a latte sipping faggot

This. Caffeine absolutely destroys you if you try to take a break from it. Keep that dosing up and it's great, but you build tolerance and will either get start crashing or take more.

I've been drinking coffee heavily for years, I used to drink at least 4 cups every day and I don't feel any different if I stop drinking it.

Aдeнoзинтpифocфaт (aдeнин+pибoзa+3 фocфopных киcлoты) - ocнoвa пepeдaчи энepгии в opгaнизмe.
Кoгдa pecypc энepгии opгaнизмa иcтoщaeтcя и кoнцeнтpaция aдeнoзинa, избaвившeгocя oт фocфaтных гpyпп pacтeт, aдeнoзинoвыe peцeптopы cooбщaют opгaнизмy oб иcтoщeнии. Кoфeин блoкиpyeт aдeнoзинoвыe peцeптopы.

Doesn't tea have some caffeine in it too? Is it as bad as coffee?

Read from somewhere that coffee affects and peaks almost instantly, but tea affects slowly and kind of builds up during the day.

Have been drinking energy drinks almost daily for 1-2 years meself. I get instant cravings when I miss my caffeine/sugar intake schedule, especially after workout and when hungry. If I stop I'll get a headache for a couple of days.

>he fell for the caffeinated Jew
Try cutting it for two weeks, you'll see how tough it is. That will tell you all you need to know.

By the way, caffeine makes you more tired in the long run. When it's in your system, it's draining you so that you have to take it.

Tried cutting caffiene after drinking about 3 sodajews a day for almost 5 years straight

What a nightmare, I made it 3 days on water and tea but I felt like I was dying

Head was pounding and I was exhausted all day, finally got a hit of that sweet liquid and still felt like shit all day

Don't people do this type of thing to slaves? Get them addicted to something they can supply and use it to control their lives

It eventually no longer has any stimulating effects but you have to continue using. Only the side effects of hand tremors agitation and loss of energy remain.

I feel you bro. I actually quit three times and I'm never going back now, for sure. Same experience, severe headaches and felt like shit for days.

By buying coffee you fund BR
Think about it

>implying the money doesn't just go to corrupted politicians

>>stimulant like weed.
Did you ever smoke weed in your life ?
Damn son.
Anyways i take coffe every day 2 small cups on morning and 2 hours ater lunch. In the morning it helps to wake you up faster, and after lunch it cuts the will to go to sleep. If you take alot of coffe for longs periods of time you might have a problem sleeping at night.


Shit that's unhealthy asf. Glad you're trying to get off it.

you are funding brazilian cartels.