Frederic Wertham

>Comics are the source of all juvenile crime

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>inb4 someone says he was somehow right

Ya! Der Komics iz bahd fer der kinder!

Wertham's original research materials for "Seduction of the Innocent" became available in 2010. Carol Tilley, Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois, investigated his research and found his conclusions to be largely baseless.[7]

Wertham manipulated, overstated, compromised, and fabricated evidence—especially that evidence he attributed to personal clinical research with young people—for rhetorical gain.
—Carol Tilley, Seducing the Innocent: Fredric Wertham and the Falsifications That Helped Condemn Comics

Among the criticisms leveled at Seduction of the Innocent are that Wertham used a non-representative sample of young people who were already mentally troubled, that he misrepresented stories from colleagues as being his own, and that Wertham manipulated statements from adolescents by deliberately neglecting some passages while rephrasing others such that they better suited his thesis.

I would say Jews were a mistake but then i releaized they helped comics get big to began with so i guess fuck Wertham.

>A socialist jew lied to push an agenda
I'm shocked. SHOCKED I tell you.

Also this

Wertham always denied that he favored censorship or had anything against comic books in principle, and in the 1970s he focused his interest on the benign aspects of the comic fandom subculture; in his last book, The World of Fanzines (1974), he concluded that fanzines were "a constructive and healthy exercise of creative drives". This led to an invitation for Wertham to address the New York Comic Art Convention. Still infamous to most comics fans of the time, Wertham encountered suspicion and heckling at the convention, and stopped writing about comics thereafter.[9]

Please kill yourself.

A socialist Jew that helped put countless other socialist Jews out of a job. But yes, it's a YOO COONSPIRAZEE

Sort of feel sorry for him. I never looked past the part where he was the boogeyman of comics. Is it odd that I find him being booed rude? I have little tolerance for obnoxious noises even if it's an attempt to shame my enemy.

He got companies closed and people lost their jobs because him and his manufactured lies. Fuck him.

The CCA (which is what was largely responsible for the companies closing) wasn't founded by Wertham, it was founded and managed by Comic Publishers. Wertham was just a convenient scapegoat for their underhanded tactics.

I just remembered the commie witch hunts after I posted that. Although his manipulation of the American populace is rather impressive to say the least. Obviously he gave people a scapegoat for social ills, and they went wild with it. But yeah I agree with you , fuck him.

Pretty wild that he destroyed the American comic industry from ever coming close to Japan and Europe.

Did he create this?

He lit the powder keg. His actions castrated a generation of artists.

Self Regulation was to keep the government out. same bullshit with Videogames.

Piss off commie.

You're wrong and a faggot, but whatever. You can be a wrong faggot if you want.

I stole a copy of marvel swimsuit as a kid

Reminder that Walt Kelly was a fucking Judas who sold out his fellow cartoonists to promote his own brand

How is he wrong? Comics are seen as nothing but dweeby kid shit in America, with pathetic sales numbers, and a market dominated by a single genre to boot. All of this is in part thanks to Wertham and his ilk, who killed every genre but capeshit for decades.

>Comics are seen as nothing but dweeby kid shit

Because it is.

Oh, you're one of those morons. Nevermind.


Is that edited or was it censored later?

Yeah, there's no arguing with simpletons like (You).
Don't be cunt all your life and read a good comic some day.

Nah, edited. Is a comic never finished by an artist called the Wertham Files.

He actually never said that.

If you dumb faggots would read his actual book you know that all he ever said was "there's some fucked up shit in comics and parents should know about it".

He actually testified at the congressional hearings on comics in the 50s that lead to the creation of the CCA... AGAINST censorship. He said that parents should be in charge of what their kids read and that the government had no business censoring anything.

nobody really lost their jobs because of the CCA, even EC's employees all went on to do other stuff, mostly more successful than anything they ever did pre-CCA

this guy gets it