What kind of piece of shit computer did the User have if it wiped out data if he won at video games?

What kind of piece of shit computer did the User have if it wiped out data if he won at video games?

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There's that one game where each enemy represents a file on your computer, and when you kill an enemy it deletes the file.

I don't remember that one.

The kind that some dumbass kid has, downloading games with viruses and spyware.


sounds like disk thrashing to me.

Why would anyone play this?

why not?

>when you swear you have these and that porn files saved.

the way i always thought of the games on this show was: they're being loaded into RAM, which is volatile memory, and any Mainframe denizens who are in the block of RAM where the game is loaded end up getting wiped out (turned into nulls) when the game ends and is unloaded from memory

Guardians like Bob have some sort of ability to prevent this, but it requires winning the game, for reasons that are never fully explained but I imagine it has something to do with the fact that even a Guardian is subject to the hard-coded rules and algorithms of a game when inside it

Same thing with Tron, since programs die horrible deaths when you play games, so doea that mean that if you win the AI get's deleted?

This is the only logical explanation

Computer worlds never hold up to even the barest scrutiny. It's one thing if it's simply a simulated environment with a computer aesthetic, but if it's mean to literally be the inner workings of a computer, then it immediately becomes stupid. That's just not how computers work, not even in an allegorical sense.

>all of Reboot took place within 1 hour realtime.

not true, one episode was about how the day starts in mainframe when the computer is turned on.

What kind of piece of shit user can't even win at a small children's carnival game?

Is it possible to delete the trash bin in this game?

Better yet, can it also crash the computer itself if one of the "aliens" is a system file that requires said file to run the OS stably?

What kind of dumbass kid only plays games once and looses almost every time?

I don't think that's true.

Think of how many games the user plays.

yes and yes.

Yes, depending on your permissions

the game would literally cheat

Let's also take into consideration the time scale that binomes live at. What to us is a momentary slow down as a block of RAM is reallocated after a game ends is devastation in a disk sector of Mainframe that must be painstakingly rebuilt. To the user, this 'damage' is nothing, while to binomes, it's a catastrophe.

the cities/citizens were not data but the numbers from high scores and everytime someone won they got "deleted"