This is genuinely fucking evil

This is genuinely fucking evil.

Just imagine getting electrocuted every time you thought about your waifu. A natural occurence. You'd be fucking fried.

Okay so shitposting aside, isn't this something he said as virtue signalling for bible thumbers or what?

yes. the vice president doesn't get any real power to do anything.

Mike "Homo fap, get the zap" Pence

He's picking Trumps cabinet members, and doing shit behinds the scenes. Think Trump has any idea who the assholes surrounding him are?

>Still doubting trump

Reddits that way kid

hes just trying to help you from being fried for eternity in hell.

>jerk off one night
>suddenly jesus police burst through my door
>drag me to their facility
>spend all night being electrocuted

I stand by the theory that pence is trumps life insurance from the left, and that trumps 5D chess skills won't let him get manipulated by this loon

Would you rather die of lead poisoning, or be turned not gay by a Christian man trying to save your soul? Which is more important to you?

>yfw your fetish is electrocution

That's not the aim of electroconvulsive therapy though. That's would be aversion therapy, making you associate negative experiences with stimuli.

ECT is just kind of zapping your brain to shake it up a little. It's usually a last resort and not really used any more, but it has been shown to work in some cases of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia etc. We're not really sure why it works sometimes, but it does.

Could it be used to make someone straight? Probably not, but if they volunteer for it I don't see an issue. Why liberals act like this shit will be mandatory for fags, I don't know.

wheres the cure for edginess

I've been on twitter trolling SJWs all day long. They're bitching and moaning about "muh fag marriage" and "muh abortion rights"

And I just tell them
>You better keep your legs shut for the next 8 years, because condoms and pills aren't 100% effective
>What's the matter? I think Mike "Alternating current for alternative lifestyles" Pence is a fantastic guy!

I'm literally shaking right now. Shaking with laughter

Regardless how you feel about us gays Pence wanting to take money away from HIV and AIDS research is a problem. It doesn't just effect gays, and science has made real breakthoughs.

>Why liberals act like this shit will be mandatory for fags, I don't know.

Because the media has fearmongered Trump so much that his good qualities are being drowned out in favor of his bad. Honestly Trump probably won't cause issues for the gays. Pence and maybe his supreme court picks will be the problem.

kill yourself retard

I had an uncle that just had this treatment done to him for depression and it was at the Mayo clinic, the thing is that it really worked, the difference is amazing.

I got admitted to a ward 3 times, repeatedly injected in the ass with God knows what, zonked out on meds, because I kept talking to people about my waifu. IDGAF I WILL LOVE HORO TILL THE END

I know Sup Forums likes the meme, but if read the source of this faggotry from a press statement he made in 2000, he literally never advocated gay conversion therapy.

also they tried to diagnose me with schizophrenia because I said I loved her.
>mfw I found government website articles on schizophrenia printed out sitting in my mums room.
Good lord, how retarded are the older generations for not understanding my mildly autistic obsession and devotion to Horo is really just a form of escapism from the crushing void inside me and my emotionally bereft state of being

what the fuck are you talking about?

ahh the human condition:
a strange, wondrous, and often perplexing thing.

He has to power to break ties in the Senate, which is pretty fucking important given its current state.