Will it happen Sup Forums?

Will it happen Sup Forums?
Will Geert become PM?

I already noticed lots of my friends becoming more red-pilled with each passing day. It's become way less subject to ridicule within my friends group to say you want to vote for Geert. Though I still have a couple of actual libtards as friends who don't get politics and don't understand how Trump became president.
Also my mom, who has voted the big liberal party (PvdA) her whole life told me she wouldn't vote for them this election.

If my social environment is any indication, I'd say Geert has a real chance

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I thinks it harder for your Euros to elect a non cuck candidate than here in the US but anyways good luck

We need to pray to Kek to bless us. It's good to hear your friends are becoming more redpilled.

I'm hoping this will sweep Europe.

Austria, Netherlands, France... and then the hardest of them all: Germany.

(((Protests))) against """Islamaphobia""" incoming

This is good though. When muslims protest against racism and islamophobia it only divides more and pushes people to dislike them even more.

Friendly reminder Geert is literally a kike shilling for Israel.


any polls for us ?

Who are you going to vote for?

is vvd redpilled? I cant really be arsed to follow politics apart from memes

Maybe one of the better options. They won't win this time though there are too much parties and the leftists have too much support overall

No, they're as bad as D66 or GL.

They've been horrible ever since Verdonk and her faction was purged.

PVV (Geert) the biggest with 29/150 seats right now.

From what I know we do not have the same structural problems that the UK and US have. I am talking outsourcing of jobs mainly here.

Germany and France seem more likely to have a Sup Forums candidate. Though I do not know enough about the situation in France.

Why the interest locally for the PVV then?

He needs to be more nuanced, sure i agree with what he says but the overwhelming majority thinks what he says is just a step to far.

I think VNL and Boudet may take some seats away from him which could cause him to not be the biggest party and he will have himself to thank for that.
If he would be the biggest party he would probably not be PM because he burned every bridge he had to create a cabinet.

And this is coming from someone who will probably vote for him or VNL in march.
(VNL also cucked themselves by making Jan Roos their leader so i'm really disappointed there aswell)

Foreigners and anti-EU.

He gets voters from both the traditional left and the traditional right, purely because he is socially conservative. Economically he is classically social-democrat.

the party VNL is basically a real right-wing party, without shills and a reputation of being ridiculed for years, because of things like fitna and the polenmeldpunt

>www vnl nu/speerpunten/

>No more Rutte cabinet
I can barely contain my erection.

Wait for full shill mode though.
Although I am hoping that with all of this Denk shit and "Pro Erdogan march, nothing to do with him directly though, just supporting him" nonsense that the pendulum will swing so hard back we end up in another golden age.

I would say it is more about being fed up with EU and maybe even the Dutch establishment.
That and immigration.
But our situation isn't like the United States if you ask me. Perhaps a bit similar to the UK.

Think social issues and anti-EU will be enough to carry him?



>Not voting NVU
>Not wanting a Dutch Hitler doing his best impressions in the tweede kamer
Why even consider voting anything else?


Quick guys, give Geert your energy!


Actually sounds pretty similar to the US. Trump was a lot about trade deals, which the EU falls under. People losing their jobs to poorly negotiated trade deals and out of control immigration, compounded with a disdain for the establishment and desire for change and disruption of a system people feel isn't working.

There is a large chance his party will be the largest. The question is by which margin. Trump's success helped him already, and it's likely to boost people's willingness to vote for him.

But in our electoral system that means he has 25%, 30% tops of the vote, so technically the other parties can ignore him. According to opinion polls the majority of the people believe he should be part of the next government if he wins the election though so we'll see. He said earlier this year that if he wins and is ignored there will be a popular revolt.

Jan Roos is the man who is also responsible for the Referendum regarding the trade deals with Ukraine.

Sup Forums not going for this man

The answer you are seeking is in my digits

Perhaps you are right. I just think that there's a difference between the jobs. Most of our jobs are services, not manufacturing.
But I suppose that maybe it doesn't matter.

One kind of job that is under stress is social care. There is not enough money going towards it. I actually think our health care system in general is going to blow up. There's more being put into it than comes out of it.

I saw you in the Wilders thread the other day, too
what makes you think that?
if it comes down to it, the two parties can form a coalition.


We krijgen een kabinet met d66/vvd/cda of sp

The dutch Sup Forumsacks are just divided just like the dutch politics. Some will vote vvd some will vote pvv and some might vote vnl, there are even some who will go for sp. Nothing will change unless somehow one party will win the majority all by themselves.

>SP en VVD
lol oke

Ik zie nog eerder PVV en D66 in een kabinet.

The VVD is the only major party that doesn't rule out forming a coalition with the PVV. All the others said 'no fucking way'. There's no chance D66, CDA or Groenlinks and SP for that matter will cooperate with the PVV, they detest each other.


Well, we can still do our part by memeing the other actual right-wing party on here, I saw a few other people the other day who were unaware of VNL's stances, and saw it as an actual good option to vote for.

SP en VVD zitten welal in enkele gemeentes samen in de coalitie, landelijke samenwerking wordt inderdaad zeer lastig.

There stances are actually fucking great for right wing people. Don't get me wrong I still think Wilders is the second best option, and realistically VNL won't win huge numbers, but I still think I'm going to vote for them.

I had an interesting discussion about this with a few friends today. I believe firmly that the PVV will win the election with 40-45 seats.

For non-Dutchies, we hold national elections for our 2nd Chamber. It has 150 seats and parties are proportionally represented. There is no elective threshold (except you need to get at least 1 seat) and it's a plurality system. The leader of the largest party is elected prime minister and has to form a cabinet. It is extremely rare for a single party to gain a majority. In fact I'm not sure it ever happened.

Today's political discussion has shifted from a left-right framework to a globalist-antiglobalist framework. Farage understood this, Trump understood this and in NL Geert seems to be the only one who understands. The classical parties (VVD, PvdA etc) will all try to debate one another on the left-right framework while competing only for the globalist portion of the vote. Because there is so much competition here, none of them will be able to grow very large.
The PVV, meanwhile, has almost no competition in the antiglobalist camp. Because he understands the new framework of politics, he will easily secure this part of the vote which imo will lead to 40-45 seats. There are 2 scenarios in which this might not happen.
1) one of the mainstream parties sees the light and profiles itself as antiglobalist (most likely SP)
2) An unexpected strong campaign from e.g. VNL (possible, since their ties to geenstijl.nl through Jan Roos will lead to exposure).

The elites will keep bashing PVV supporters and call them racist, and it will continue to not work, because no person has ever been persuaded by an insult.

Zeg maar compleet onmogelijk. Ze hebben geen enkel gezamelijk standpunt. Bovendien zijn de net zo populistisch als de PVV.

Als het establishment in een kabinet gaat zitten om de populisten buiten de deur te houden gaat het de combinatie VVD/PvdA/D66/CDA worden met gedoogsteun van of GroenLinks of de combinatie ChristenUnie/SGP. Dit heeft ook een ruime meerderheid in de Senaat.

Ron Paul for Treasury!

>Help us save the world!

Ron Paul for Treasury!

>Help us save the world!

Ron Paul for Treasury!

>Help us save the world!

Ron Paul for Treasury!

>Help us save the world!

Ron Paul for Treasury!

>Help us save the world!

Ron Paul for Treasury!

>Help us save the world!

Ron Paul for Treasury!

>Help us save the world!

>Will Geert become PM?
just another liberal coalition for you!

Well bro, keep reminding people there's options, this thread shows kek is with us

The leader of the largest party doesn't become prime minister automatically.

No but he is given the first opportunity to form a coalition and if he succeeds, he is PM.

It is true that everyone could refuse to work with the PVV, but if they truly succeed in getting 40-45 seats I think that's highly unlikely. Most likely VVD or CDA will realize that their differences are workable and more importantly, the alternative would most likely be a 5 or 6 party coalition with some impossible combinations.

I highly doubt CDA to do that. Their participation in Rutte I with the PVV has been traumatic. Buma together with Pechtold has been most vocal in ruling out a coalition between the PVV and CDA and D66 respectively.

Can someone tell me why some of you oppose Geert? He seems based to me

The main problem with Geert are his kike ties. Might end up voting for him for the kebab removal.

Better than voting for a meme party with no hope of electoral success surely?

>Keiharde bestreiding antisemitisme

And dropped

Who's that guy behind him? He's like Robbie Williams' and Justin Trudeau's lovechild. Is he based?

His name is Léon de Jong. He is the leader of the PVV in the city council of The Hague. He has a child with Fleur Agema, a PVV mp, pic related.